Wednesday, September 5, 2012


"She was adorned with all of heaven and earth that they could bestow upon her to make her amiable." Grace was in her steps. Heaven was in her eye, and every gesture possessed dignity, poise and love. Perfection was stamped on her. The sons of God shouted for joy, the morning stars sang together, and Eden was Transformed. Now Adam has what he needed.

All that God had made before Eve, was made for man. It was called the Garden of Eden. God had made it and the entire universe for one person and that was Adam. He had everything he would need; though it seemed, in this idealists bliss something was missing! Adam found his first need and it was for companionship. Though he did not realize it at first, his heart longed for someone to share with him the beauty that his eyes embraced at every sunrise and sunset.  Adam needed someone to whom he could say, "Look at those blinking lights, I call them stars!  He longed for communion with a kindred soul, one whose wants and joys were like his own. The new virgin world was beautiful in almost every way, yet his soul longed for something else.  In Gen 2:21-24, God met Adam’s first need, He put Adam to sleep and from his side produced the first woman.
When Adam awoke, the winds were a thousand times more refreshing now that she was there. The flowers were a thousand times more fragrant. The trees were more beautiful and it’s fruits even more delicious. The sun seemed brighter and the moon more lovely. Even the animals felt the difference because she was there. She was created because all of the perfection that the Garden of Eden had to offer, did not give to Adam what he needed. Nothing is happy, until it fulfills its purpose for existence. God has made everything with its own purpose. He makes nothing by accident. He was still working on His plan for Adam. Now that Eve was on the scene, Adam would have someone to cheer for him as he gave names to all of God’s creation. He finally had someone to say, “yes, Adam you are so right about those blinking lights, and yes sweetheart, I did know that you named them”.
You see God has a plan for your life and mine. We were created for a purpose. We were created for each other. Often times people will talk about their rights, when they should be talking about their purpose. We have only one right in this life and that is to find God's will and purpose for our life. Then sit securely and work actively right in the center of God's purpose and place for us. As a woman I am convinced that I was created to complete someone else. Someone like my husband, who longed for someone just like me. In watching my little grand boys riding their bicycles one day, I noticed they were competing for my attention and praises as they often will naturally do. One of them would stick a leg out and say, “Hey Granna, take a look at this” while the other one was saying at the same time I might add, “Hey Granna, have you ever seen anybody do this as good as me?” I am sure that you can guess the answers that I gave them. You see, that is why I believe God made women. He made us to cheer on the sidelines while our fella’s strive through life to make touchdowns; and when they don’t, we are their private cheerleaders that will always give them audience as we see them doing things that others will oftentimes fail to see. We were made to finish in them what God stared, I like that, it makes me feel good inside!
Loving on you today!

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