Monday, September 24, 2012


If you are longing for an encounter with God today, he will not disappoint you. There is no basic hunger in the human heart that is unmet by His loving touch, if the heart intent is right. For the one whose ambition in life is to know God and makes the effort to take the journey in approaching Him on His terms, will never be disappointed. Disappointment only come as they try to reach Him on their own terms and in their own strength and flesh as did Cain the son of Adam, when he gave the offering of his choice to God and it was rejected. Psalm 84 describes beautifully the correct way to come to the Father. For the Psalmist knew that to be where God is was the better place to be. He confessed that time in God’s presences is better than any other time: Better is one day in God’s courts; than a thousand elsewhere, he said. As a matter of fact he goes on to say that he would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked. You see he had learned and knew firsthand what it was like to encounter the real Jehovah God. If your journey is going to take you to God, then you must be willing to let go and allow your aching senses to be your driving force.  He will guide you to Himself, but be careful; because when He tells you to let go of something, you must let go in order to get there. You see every person will at some point encounter God and when they do, they must make the decision as to what they will do with what he ask of them. When Cain experienced God concerning his offering, he opted to be angry. His anger was an eternal anger, that was never repented of. In return, he lived a cursed life, apart from the better plan that he could have had, if he had repented and turned to God. When it is all said and done, it is really God that wants to encounter us. For some will run to Him in order to encounter Him and they will surely find Him. But for the most part, it is God that comes to us, reaching out His hand to offer us a better way. He is worthy and He will not disappoint those that come to Him on His terms. Our encounters with God can be for different reasons at different times. Sometimes it is to bring people into a personal relationship with God through salvation, for those that know God, it may be to draw their attention to something that He is trying to show or reveal to them. It may be just to enjoy His presence. Whatever the case may be, we should learn from the tenacious Jacob in Genesis 32:24-30, that once we get His attention, hold on to Him until we get His blessing and all that He has for us! Jacob held on to God until God changed his nature, his name and blessed him marking him as belonging to God! What marks your life today sweet friend, that you have encountered God and that you belong to Him?
Loving on you today,

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