Monday, August 27, 2012



What must you do when darkness comes into your life? Keep walking! Don’t stop! Haul yourself up and do your duty to keep going in the same direction you were going when the darkness came. What did God say to you before you went into the darkness? What was your call when the voice of God was clear? Then do it still. Keep on walking. Nothing has changed on the path except your perception of it. Do your duty nevertheless, and keep walking even when the lights go out. Your darkness may very well be a divine darkness that stops you in your tack with no warning, nor any word from God concerning it. You are not the first one to walk in divine darkness nor will you be the last. Isa. 50:10 says this, “Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of His Servant? Let him who walks in the darkness who has no light trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God. There is divine darkness that comes to those who walk with God and for some, it can nearly wipe them out. If you are experiencing this kind of darkness you will search your heart and find nothing, you rebuke the devil, you ask for prayers, you listen to great preaching, you consume the Word of God, yet still nothing, no answers from God; just darkness. Tozer called it, “the ministry of the night” while Spurgeon preached about “the child of light walking in darkness.” The experience is common among God’s children. It is not the kind of darkness of wrong or guilt or demonic oppression. Nor is it sin. It is instead, an inexplicable sense of loss and uncertainty. It is above all, a withdrawn sense of the presence of God. Notice I said, withdrawn sense, underscoring the word “sense”, of God’s presence. While He has not nor, will He ever leave you because of the divine darkness that you are sensing, it will appear to you that He has. What you are going through is not new. It came to every man and woman of God in Scripture that ever sought to live in obedience to God.  It came to Abraham as he stood waiting for God to accept his sacrifice. Moses experienced it on the mountain as he waited to receive the word of God for His people in the thick darkness the scripture says, where God was. Job felt the divine darkness as he looked for good and yet evil came upon him. David experienced bouts of divine darkness as he tried to serve God. The prophets of God wept as they walked through their own divine darkness. It came to the godly kings and they humbled themselves and were broken even greater than before. It even came to the Son of God Himself as He hang on the cross. So be assured that if you set your heart to seek God, this darkness will also come to you. You will not escape it nor be exempt . It is an essential factor if you are to walk and have a deeper relationship to God. It will only come through the divine darkness of Christian experience. May I encouraging you today sweet friend to simply hold on, and be not dismayed, for there is nothing new under the sun! You are not alone in what you are going through. Though you may feel as though God is sleighing you for a time, keep serving Him! Don’t you dare give up. God will release in you the light and answers that you are looking for, when the time of your darkness is to pass!

Loving on you today,

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