The saying “romance begins in the kitchen” may seem odd to someone unmarried or to newlyweds; however, it makes sense to people who have been married for a while. In the beginning of a marriage, romance may mean flowers, candlelit dinners and lots of love making whenever the mood strikes. But, as time passes, romance takes on a different look.

It more often looks like helping with dinner, the dishes and the kids, rather than going to dinner; planting flowers in your flowerbeds and garden rather than bringing home flowers; maybe learning to listen instead of doing the talking as soon as he walks in the door from work.

Keeping the romance in a marriage has to do with spending time together, making sure you communicate often and showing your appreciation for each other. When these things happen, the feelings you had at the beginning of your relationship grow with the changes that are bound to take place in both your lives as you grow older. But with any takes work!

Here are some ideas that you can use to inhance your relationship if you are not already doing them. Always remember that communication can be felt by doing as well as heard by talking to each other.

*Make a snack and take it to your spouse while he is working at something around the house.

*Instant message, email or text message your spouse with a simple simple message stating that you love and appreciate them.

*Buy your spouse a CD of their favorite artist.

*Spend time in God's Word together.

*Listen to Praise music instead of what you would normally listen to in the car.

*Leave an unexpected, no special reason card somewhere they will find it when you are not around.

*Do one of your spouse’s regular chores.

*Don’t stop dating – go out at least once a month on an actual date.

*Go to a special event, worship service or concert together and talk about it afterwards.

*Take a walk, hold hands and talk.

*Call your spouse in the middle of the afternoon just to say you love him.

*Give your spouse genuine praise in front of other people. I love doing this one!

*Always give your spouse a kiss before you leave the house and say I love you everyday.

*Pray for him every day, asking God to meet your needs through him as well as you meeting his needs.

*Be the best example of Christ to your husband, in the bad times and the good!

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 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...