God was so good by giving Adam a help mate, equal in every way. Yet, after they fell into sin, they both lost their original positions as they knew it. He would have to work the rest of his life by the sweat of his brow to feed his family and her husband would rule over her because of her sin. In Gen. 3 they suffered many other things because of their wrong decision, but learning to live within the chain of command that they found themselves in after the fall, would prove to be a hard lesson for not only them, but for all generations to come. While God punished them both for their wrongdoing, He also gave them a plan of survival to enjoy some comfort and have as much peace as possible in their home and lives if they would follow it. Through the ages men and women have struggled with their positions and their responsibilities within the framework of the family and home. The reason that there is a struggle to begin with is because sin entered the world and touched Adam and Eve’s life and changed their natural state from what it was meant to be to what it had to be after the fall. Men and women are still struggling over God’s decision because they were not
created to hold the position that they now hold. So in having happiness in their lives as well as their home, each person must understand their new role and learn to live in it. Peace will only come to the individual that struggles with their role when they understand it better, seeing it as God does and submit to it as God’s authority and not mans, setting their mind and heart to be the best that they can be in their role, doing their part in the family chain.

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