God’s Word tells children to obey their parents Eph. 6:1-4. And while they may not feel like they hold a very prestigious position in the family, the scriptures tell us that they are a
heritage and gift from God. They assist in helping parents in their own chain of accountability and responsibilities as leaders in the home. Satan’s goal in the family is to divide it; for he knows that if he can break down the family unit he stands a stronger chance of control over those children. Children will learn more from their parents by their deeds than their creeds.
The best example a parent can give their children is a godly example of how they should live by their own deeds and lifestyle. Not tell them one thing and do another. Parenting is never about "do as I say and not as I do", that is the root to so very many problems in our homes today. Parents telling their children what they expect from them but not holding themselves responsible for those same standards. God uses our children daily to teach us about our own relationships to Him. He is the Father, we are the children. His Word is simple....if we love Him, we will obey him. If your children love you, they will obey you. If they are not obeying you, then your focus needs to be on how to restore that love. Sometimes even good children stray from what they know. But even in that, we still have His word to remind us that, if we will train our children by our own examples in a godly manner in the way that they
are to go...that while they are growing older, they will not depart from it.


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