Monday, September 10, 2012


Once there was a spider who built a beautiful web. He kept it clean and shiny so that the local flies would patronize it. The minute he got a customer, he would quickly consume it and clean up the mess so that his future customers would not get suspicious. One day a fairly intelligent fly came buzzing by the enticingly clean spider web. “Come in and sit a while”. the spider called out to the fly, “no”, the fly said, “I don’t see any other flies around your house and I will not come in alone”. So he flew off. Not long after the fly had passed by the spider’s beautiful web, he saw a clan of his old friends dancing around and having fun on what looked like some shiny brown paper. He was so delighted and was not afraid at all, after all if all the other flies were doing it, it must be okay for him as well. Just before he made his landing he heard a bee zoom by and holler out, “don’t do it, it’s not safe, that’s flypaper”. But the fairly intelligent fly shouted back, “don’t be silly, there’s a big crowd down there and some of those flies are my friends, they are dancing and having fun! Everybody’s doing it! That many flies can’t be wrong!”, so he joined them. I think you can figure out the rest of the story.

Friend, some folks want to be like that fly. As a matter of fact, they want to be with the crowd so badly that they do and in the end, they find themselves in a mess and can’t get out. What does it profit a fly if he escapes a spider’s web only to end up stuck in glue. We live in a society that beckons our allegiance to another system other than God’s, for our lives. We must always be on the alert, and take heed to those warnings that God will send us if we will be sharp and on your spiritual toes to see and hear them. The world constantly lures us to come over and join in the fun. However, it is crucial that we understand the wiles of the devil and how he lives to lure us away from truth and will stop at nothing to do so. He spares no expense on our behalf to lead us as far away from God’s will and ways for our life as possible. For some, it may be an effort to keep them from hearing the gospel message of salvation, while others may be to hinder their walk in Christ and yet still others to keep them stuck in the darkness and lies that he has created for them and they have believed. Whatever it is for, it is always to steal truth from us and distract us from God’s perfect will for our lives; and if he has to, he will even use the very word of God by whispering in our ear the misrepresentation of what God means about a thing, to lead us astray.  Just as he did Eve, he can and will cause us to question that very thing that we know to be truth and before we know it, we have compromised God’s truth and when this happens, there is always folly that follows.
We will adopt the world’s system or we will reject it. Jesus Himself said in the gospel of Matthew that no one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will hold to one and despise the other, you cannot serve God and mammon. We are told not to love the world nor the things of the world. Yet, the pull for us to love the world is strong and unrelenting. To fight it requires more that an occasional shot in the dark. It requires embracing the truth as God give it to us moment by moment. The Bible tells us that God has overcome the world and if we are in Him we too will be able to overcome it through His power. However, God’s power is only released through our obedience to Him. No matter what rut we get in, if we belong to Him, we have the power through God, to get out! But we must choose to do it God’s way. A rut is only a hole with the ends kicked out of it.  So, if the grave will not hold those that are in Christ, then friend what makes us think a dirty old rut will! If you find that you are in a rut, maybe one that you have allowed yourself to be in, then start kicking friend and don’t stop until you no longer feel the dirt flying back in your face. God is able, but are your willing?

Let us learn the lesson from the fly, don’t do it just because your friends are doing it, for those friends may be headed in a different direction than you ultimately will want to go!

Loving on you today!

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