Friday, September 21, 2012


Growing up, we use to burn our garbage outside in a big metal drum. Sometimes the smells that came from the burning garbage would be so bad that you would have to walk off and get away from it in order to breathe. There were many times that I would stand and watch the garbage as it burn. The odor would seem to attach itself to my clothes, flesh and hair. Upon returning to the house I would have to change my clothes and bathe because the odor would become trapped deep in the fibers of my clothes and in my hair and on my flesh and only a good washing would eliminate it. Had I continued to wear those clothes and not make the effort to change them nor bathe, I am quite sure that over a period of time I could have gotten used to it, even to the point that it no longer bothered me. It’s kind of like going to someone’s house and you notice a foul odor and wonder how the people who live there are able to stand it. Yet they can and if you ask them about it, they will say that they do not smell it.
You see they have chosen to live with the odor so long that they are unable to even notice it anymore. Often times our choices and decisions in life can be like those odors. Both right and wrong decisions can attach themselves to us and we feel helpless or even worse, our laziness keeps us from doing anything about it. The result is, that others around us will notice as well.  We can make wrong choices so long, without doing anything about it until we reach a point that we will not even see them as wrong anymore. The reason for that goes as far back as the Garden of Eden. Since the fall of man, every human is born with a sin nature.  The Bible refers to our human or sin natures as the flesh. The flesh is our natural desires to obey that sinful nature. Upon salvation a person is regenerated and receives a new nature whereby God begins the process of refining and changing their desires to become His desires. As they respond to their new nature and no longer listen to their fleshly nature, they begin to take on the characteristics of God. They begin to act more like Him and less of their sinful natures.  
Many people do not understand this concept of the new birth or nature because they have never received that new nature through salvation. For those that have received salvation and yet choose to live in their fleshly nature God will discipline them until they, understand that which He is trying to teach them and they will not grow much spiritually until they have learn how to feed their spirit and starve their flesh. The reason that many are unable to discern properly the things of God is because most of the things of God are only understood within the new nature, not the flesh. Some live in the flesh because they have never been regenerated or ever received a new nature. They have only one nature and that is their flesh. While they may be able reason between good and evil, the difference is that they have no spiritual power to overcome what the child of God is able to overcome and understand about God through their new natures. This is why it is so very important to study the Bible and obey the things therein. For the child of God, Galatians 5:15-18 talks about whichever nature you feed or gratify will grow and whichever nature you starve will die. Our fleshly nature puts out an ungodly odor to the world, while they may not can see it in themselves, they can sure see it in the child of God. We must bathe ourselves in God’s Word and strive to obey what it says in order to wash off that which our flesh produces in us as foul.
Loving on you today sweet friend,

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