Friday, May 22, 2020


Do you ever find yourself struggling over what you feel like is unanswered prayer? Most of us have gone through discouraging and perhaps puzzling episodes of unanswered prayer. Typically we begin the Christian life very optimistic about the possibilities of prayer; then we have some disappointing experiences with prayer and skepticism sets in. Few experiences pose a greater challenge to our faith. Maybe you had committed yourself to pray frequently and earnestly that God would do a certain thing for you, and because by what seemed to be unanswered prayer, you felt like He never answered it at all or that He answered it in a way that you were not happy with.
My own confidence or conviction that God answers prayer springs not only from biblical teaching but from personal experience as well. But it has taken time for that conviction to grow into a strong and abiding one; and while I still stumble around in the waiting room of my prayers, I am confident that God will answer them according to what is best for everyone and every situation involved.
It’s not that God refuses to grant His children their request, nor does He not hear them, but that He simply understands the outcome better than we do. Appreciating this can do wonders in keeping us from losing heart when our prayers seem to go unheeded. While it is very clear in the scripture that if we ask it will be given to us if, we are asking it in His will, then we will not struggle over the answers to our prayers. God’s Word also tells us to seek and we will find. What that means is that we are to seek and search for God in our situation while we are waiting on Him in our prayer request. "...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much." James 5:16b tells us. This verse has zeal in it, or feet you might say; because it's the kind of faith that is going places and seeing things happen!
I agree with Andrew Murray when he said, “the thrust of the biblical promises is that God limits much of what He does on earth to what His people are bold enough to request through prayer.” We are to pray and to keep on praying. It is through continuing prayer that our desires become clarified. Some grow stronger. Others fade away and we’re grateful that God refrained from granting them! Jesus told the parable that we might “always pray and not lose heart” Luke 18:1. Clearly, He meant that we shouldn’t give up praying about specific personal concerns, no matter how long it takes to receive an answer or what that answer may be. If we hang in there, we’ll discover that God is more abundantly willing to grant our petitions than we’ve imagined. But we must do it His way and by doing it His way, we are granted the peace to endure the answer, whatever it may be! Hebrews 11:6b says,"… that He is a re-warder of them that diligently seek Him." Lord, help us to be diligent!

Hold Fast,

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