Friday, May 22, 2020


One reason that we don't like hard times, is because they tend to bring to surfice and expose things about ourselves that we don't like. Things that are down deep in us that otherwise we may not be aware of. Like weaknesses, blindness to our little know what I'm saying....let us get in a hard place and watch how our sweet loving spirits turn ugly. 
May we not resist the work in us that God wants to do during these days ahead. May we say: reveal to me Lord that which is in my life that breaks your me be broken and repent...then restore me to what I know I can be through You!

I am reminded of Hebrews 12:3, As we struggle in our lives, we always ought to "consider Him who endured." And because He did, we can too....and in knowing this truth, not grow weary or fainthearted along our way.
Hard times are to be teachable moments that God will use to grow us, to restore us back and to love on us that belong to Him!

Real living is made up of trials and hardships, occasionally interupted by wonderful relief.
At times we may even feel like God is no where around. But I assure you sweet friend, that God is not absent during His silence.

God uses our hard times to refine us as gold. To be refined, gold must be melted so that the impurtities in it can rise to the surface and be removed. God uses a similar process to purify believers who submit to His refining work in their lives. And it all starts in the crucible of their suffering.

If you are a child of God, you can be sure that trials are coming your way. But remember that your hardships are the raw materials that God will use to work in your life to refine you in order to reflect more of Him and less if yourself. You can trust Him to burn, (yes it burns) away those impurties and to bring you forth as gold. That is why they are called Hard Times! 

Hold Fast,

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