Friday, May 22, 2020


 Abiding is not simply a matter of coming to Christ or being still…but it is a way of life. As the fruit is connected to the branch for its nourishment and life…we are to be connected to Christ for our life support, every breath, thought, motive we have is to become captive to the captor which is Christ the Lord. His Word tells us that He is molding us and making us into His likeness. Now if we do not like this, then we had better reconsider if we are even a part of the vine or not. What I mean is that while we may not like the pain of the change, if we belong to Him we are glad that He is making that difference in our lives and we crave with the strongest of desires to be more like Him and that is the glue that holds us to the vine…the simple fact that we want to be.

While at times when Christ is slaying us, we must understand that He is only molding us into His image; which is a pretty good image if you ask me! God wants us to endure the race, and we cannot unless we learn to abide in Him and His Word in us. Abiding is a choice, it is a verb that shows action; something we do. Abiding is not being idle, it’s making a direct decision to do something and that something is obedience to Christ and what He is asking us to do; trust Him, obey Him, for there is no other way to be happy and at peace. Yes, peace will be there if we are abiding properly. It only leaves us when we allow doubt or disobedience to step in and replace it!

When we are abiding in Christ, we have His best! Even when life does throw those curve balls at us and the weight on us seems momentarily more than we can bear; in Christ we are not swayed by that weight….neither hopeless or even helpless…others may look at us and wonder how we manage it with such difficulties all around us…yet if we stay connected to the vine He promises to hold up our branches that yes even others may be witnessed to by and even encouraged!  Abiding is simply staying the course, not breaking away from our spiritual source but staying connected in His Word and obeying what He tells us to do. I tell you, there is no Peace like the peace that God gives to His children! So, don't you dare give up! Simply learn to abide!

Hold Fast,

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