Friday, May 22, 2020


From the time that my youngest daughter was able to clasp something with her tiny hand, she quickly became attached to a beautiful soft pink blanket that had been given to her as a gift. It was the very blanket that I used to swaddle her in as a baby. She loved her "blanky" as it was called, more than any other item that she had. As years went by she lugged that "blanky" all through our house, yard and every vacation spot that we visited. It was her comfort, her toy and even became her security at night while she slept. 

Over time it became ragged, soiled and frayed around the edges. Without her knowing, I would often take scissors to it, to clean off the frayed edges. It became a challenge to even wash it, and that only happened during her nap times. Upon every wash, the blanket became more tattered and worn out. It ended up as pieces of blanket rather than a complete one. Mending it was impossible and it became very evident that it needed to be replaced. Under normal conditions I would have gladly thrown the old tattered blanket away, but for the strong attachment that my young daughter had for it had proven to be an impossible task. So, I sought out to reason with her to get a new blanket to replace the pieces of the blanket that she was toting around. 

For sentimental reasons only, it was agreed that we would place the few pieces that were left, in a small bag at the top of her closet. Strangely enough, I would often find those pieces of blanket in her pockets and in her school back pack. Today looking back, I am not so sure that she was insecure, but that she simply had an attachment to something that she loved touching, smelling and treasured. As I consider the love she had for her blanket, I also think upon the things in life that I love and treasure as I ponder the scripture in Matthew 6:21 that says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.". That is my prayer for myself and sweet friend, today it is my prayer for you as well, that Jesus is your treasure. 

My daughter finally learned to let go of those torn, tattered pieces of her past as she embraced a new blanket that was bigger and more comfortable than the old one. Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us to "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!" God has plans for us, we may not always know them, but we can surely trust Him, in them! Remember that you can never discover new oceans unless you are willing to lose sight of the shore. To attain what the Lord wants you to have, you must let go of what you are trying to keep.

Hold Fast,

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