Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We humans spend a lifetime seeking after the things we value the most and often without realizing it, set a pattern of worship for that which we seek. Some seek after the pleasures that fulfill their flesh, while others seek a deeper spiritual fulfillment.  But true worship is setting a priority on seeking God. When Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, He introduced a new kingdom coming and a revolutionary new way to live. Your view of God shapes every other area of your life. Tragically, most people's perception of God is shaped by their  own thoughts, feelings and experiences rather than by God's revelation of Himself in and through His Word. The Word of God is needed in our lives. It is alive, powerful, sharp and yet it is so neglected. While most of us intend to read the Bible, we rarely do. And even then, God wants us to do more than simply read it, for it was written to be obeyed. God’s power is released to us as we obey it, to do that which He requires of us. The true worshiper of God will always be seeking Him crying out to Him to, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life”, like David did in Psalm 139:23-24.
Too often God’s people grow content with the ordinary that they don't even bother asking God for anything more. Revival invites you to imagine what could change if we were to actually experience it. In revival, our priorities get rearranged, relationships are reconciled, people take precedence over job pursuits and recreational hobbies, and God’s people become conscious of what it means to seek His kingdom and His righteousness above everything else, as in Matthew 6:33. In 2015 let us ignite our passion to seek God for His movements of revival in our personal life, our homes, Churches and community. While we cannot organize revival, we can begin to set our sails to catch the fire of it, as it is released to those that desire and seek it. Discovering how we can set the sails for God’s power and activity in our lives is provided in His Word and requires action on our parts. First and foremost, having a heart of repentance. Repentance is a serious word. God commands it. Our sinful condition requires it. And Jesus makes it possible for us to live the life that He died to provide us. As we have this change in our hearts, God leads us to the places that we need to go. Don’t settle sweet friend for a lesser version of who God created you to be. No matter how far from God's standard you have fallen, the power of God's grace can save, transform and restore you, providing you the revival you desperately need and seek or for the salvation through Christ that you have yet to experience but can have even now, as you go to Him and ask. May you have the happiest of new year’s in 2015, as you resolve in your heart to be spiritually revived!

Hold Fast,

Monday, December 22, 2014


Christmas day has finally come and gone. The tree, though still up, lacks its Holiday luster. The loneliness for many will now set in. The left over mixed emotions begin to cloud our vision and seem to collide with the disappointments of the much wanted gifts, that we did not receive or the special someone that did not show up. We tell ourselves that next year will be better, as we stare at the crumpled up bits of Christmas paper on the floor that now resembles confetti. The living room that just a few days before, looked like a festive and elegant Target commercial, now looks like a circus that just finished the last show and pulled out of town, leaving a trail of debris down the halls and into the kid’s bedrooms. We begin that dreaded questioner that we force ourselves every year to take as we review our Holiday. Was it the best day of the year, or did it turn out to be the worst? Did we find the true spirit of Christmas or did we allow the disappointments to over shadow the things that could of brought us the joy that was intended, had our focus been on what it should have been on. Was this how the shepherds felt, after the angels ceased their singing and they returned to their flocks in the fields? Did they experience the same let down? Wonder what the magi felt, when they began the long trip back home as Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt as they were warned to do? Did they wonder, like we do? Did they question like we do, “was this it”? Everything that we had been waiting for and this is it? A baby in a manger? A gift card from a family member along with a food hangover for eating way too much! May I tell you from experience sweet friend that every glory fades, when it is misplaced, in the wrong thought or idea. Disappointment is nothing more that the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of our hopes or expectations. You didn’t get the job you wanted, Someone you love let you down. Your Christmas did not turn out the way you had hoped. Whatever the circumstances, it didn’t turn out how you expected, and now you’re disappointed.

Disappointment can hover over us bringing about a very grey perspective upon our situation and if you don’t know what your core values are, you may not have a framework to support you when you experience negative emotions that cause the dreaded, Eeyore syndrome. If you stop and think about it, the Bible is full of disappointed people. John, Moses, David, Jacob, Hannah, Mary and Martha, just to mention a few. Even Jesus experienced disappointment on many levels during His life as people refused to heed the Good News that He was bringing. His heart panged as His disciples and closet friends didn’t understand or believe. Nor, as He encountered the ritualistic mindsets of the religious Pharisees. The good thing though, was that many of those biblical characters overcame their disappointments and were able to accomplish what the devil meant by using their disappointments against them to bring about good in their lives. We too will face disappointment again and again in our lives, but how we respond to it should change over time. We should find ourselves staying away from the emotional roller coasters every time we don’t get what we want or what we expected in our circumstances. It should become less about what we desire and more about what God desires for us. As Jesus prayed when He asked God to spare Him the suffering that He knew He would face on the cross, "yet not my will, but yours be done" Luke 22:42. This is the great lesson that we must learn from Him. When something bad happens in our life, it’s not a time to blame God, but a time to run to Him and remember that God didn’t disappoint us, but that life’s circumstances and people disappointed us. Always remember to fight your disappointments with truth and not with pity and gloom as you go into your new year!

Happy New Year!


This will be the last week that we have to finish up our Christmas purchases before December 25th. Choosing that perfect gift for someone is not always an easy thing to do, especially if you have no idea what they may like or need. While giving gifts is a lovely and appropriate way to show our love and affections towards others; there are other ways of giving gifts that cost us no money, little effort and goes much further than any tangible gift that can be given. They are the gifts that keep on giving. They are the gifts of listening, affection, laughter, a kind word of encouragement and a simple gift of complimentary words. Sometimes we are a blessing to others when we simply listen to them ramble on without trying to give them our words of wisdom or interrupting their sad discord. Often times a good pat on the back to someone, being generous with our hugs and kisses when appropriate are the perfect way to celebrate our affection for someone. Sharing funny stories and clean humorous jokes may just be the very thing that someone needs to forget their troubles for a time. And never forget to be complimentary to people. Simply saying, “You look great today”, no matter how their appearance may be at that moment. People need us to be kind and show them a tender side to counter all the hate and ill will that they may be subjected to on a daily basis. Everyone benefits from showing kindness to others.
Research has consistently shown that humans feel happier when they are performing acts of kindness. By finding ways to be good and kind to others, you are not only making a difference in their lives, but you will also feel better about yourself. We humans have survived as a species because we were created with the capacities to care for those in need and are hurting. Our sympathy for one another is our strongest instinct. This explains why we automatically reach out to help, when someone falls or we are moved to pull over to assist when we witness a car accident. The problem is that society has become very individualistic and believe that life is all about themselves and in doing so, they are constantly repressing that God given instinct to do good. Be aware and notice yourself resisting that urge to ignore and don't let it keep you from doing things such as stopping to help a person pick up something they have dropped or helping to change a flat tire for someone. Maybe even picking up the tab for someone who may need a little assistance. Challenge yourself to do something good for someone during the holidays and even all year long. Who knows cooperative behavior is contagious and we all know that the world could stand for more kindness. Your small gestures are likely to create a chain reaction of kindness and spread. God encourages his people to be kind to one another, even to those who may be their enemies. “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil”.  Luke 6:35  And never ever forget, “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”. Colossians 3:12 The greatest gift that you can give others never changes. It is your love for them! So give it freely!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


From its modest beginnings, Christmas has evolved into the biggest celebration in the world, yet, we can keep it as simple and as fun as the effort we put into it. Nothing evokes Christmas memories quite like the smell of fresh-cut evergreen or seeing the star as it sits atop the tree. Neither can we forget the Christmas miracle as it is captured in the sweet baby Jesus, of the Nativity. Who cannot recall the sound of wrapping paper as it’s being wrapped around the well thought out gifts or a favorite Christmas food, along with all the special Christmas music, and of course all the traditions that we have personally maintained through the years in keeping with the memories that we had growing up, as well as the new ones that we may be beginning with our own family. But when something or someone throws a wet blanket in on any of it, well that can make for some unhappy holiday changes. However, that is life and sometimes, plans just change. This year, no matter what, treasure your traditions, but be open to some possible new ones. Sometimes the holidays don't feel exactly as we remember them or how we think they should look or taste. If you are unable to bend and be flexible, willing to compromise during changes that may sneak in on your holiday plans, you will only become frustrated and your frustration will not only effect you, but will spill out into everyone else’s Holiday. Beside, we all know that Christmas is about more than what we eat and where we eat it, or  the purchase of gifts. Some holiday related stress is to be expected. Turkeys and hams will be burned. Flights will be canceled. People will say that they will come or do this or that and in the end something always comes up that prevents them from doing so. But how you react to it will most assuredly determine how the holiday will be remembered. Keep in mind that Holiday pressure hits some people harder than others. So you would do well to become one of those people who have learned to chuckle at adversity and laugh off what you are unable to change. Romans 8:28 encourages us to do this, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose".
Try to keep your focus on what is realistic and not ideal, or you will risk facing major disappointment when things don't go as planned. Chances are, the holiday invitations are hitting your inbox and mailbox by now. Between church functions, the office party, family commitments, and those one day only sales, you can be stretched too thin. Packing your calendar with obligations means sacrificing time usually spent on other activities. Be sure to get plenty of rest during your busy days for rest is one of the best stress relievers and is very much needed yet often can be the first to go. You're up at the crack of dawn to rush to the best sales and then stay up late, wrapping them. So don’t forget to rest and slow things down a bit or your grumpy spirit from the unwanted stress can damper everyone’s holiday fun. Be ready to say no to some things. Start to prioritize chores, decline some invitations, and schedule time to do holiday activities you enjoy, instead of just those you feel you have to do. The holidays can be particularly trying for people with depression and other mental illnesses. Feeling depressed at this time of year "can be particularly hard because we're expected to be happy," Keep it simple, keep it frugal but most of all remember that your happiness should never be based on getting or giving. But being content with what you are able to give or get and spending time with those you love. Combat those Christmas blues by having a plan and make every effort to find someone to be with this Christmas! For me and my house, Jesus is the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas!


The story behind the story of the Christmas Nativity went something like this; God gave Himself in the human form of His only Son, Jesus. He sent him down to a pauper’s manger, in an infant's form. There, as a tiny baby He made His bed and slept right where the oxen fed. Later in life God’s heir would learn to toil in the trade of a carpenter. He would drive the nail, push the plane and use a saw in his craft. He would live amongst scribes and Pharisees, whose cunning eyes watched His every move and whose lying and cruel tongues scourged Him with many acts of hate and slander. He would come to understand hunger and thirst, and live in such poverty that He had no place to even lay his head. For He would also come to understand the horrific tug of human temptation, yet He never gave into those temptations, nor did He ever sin. God gave His Son to live in exile among men. He sent Him down to the world knowing all the time that His precious Son would have to endure the scourging and mocking by those He came to die for, and have a crown of thorns placed over His brow as a sign of that mockery. He would receive beatings on His back and excreting pain on his cheeks by those that plucked the hair from His beard. In the end, God would give that Son up to death and not just any death, but a felon's death, the death of the crucified.
There He was on the cross, look at Him, ponder a while what it was all about and see the anguish of Him that died there. See, how the Father loved you and I! The pain in the heart of God was so great from the sin that was laid upon Jesus, that God Himself had to hide His face from Him. For God cannot look upon sin. Can you see the story behind the story. For it tells us how fully God gave his Son to ransom the souls of sinful man. God gave Jesus to be made a curse for us. He gave Him that He might die, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God. God the Father sent Himself, as part of the Holy Trinity, in the human person of His Son Jesus, down to earth to be crucified as an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the world. A sinful world, I might add! What was in this world, that God should love it? There was rebellion against his commandments, enmity, disregard and even hatred for God’s laws and His Truths, yet He loved the world any way. He was willing to redeem them, because they were perishing and could not do for themselves that which must be done in order to restore them to Himself. God’s love comes from within Himself and He loves because it is His nature to do so. Nothing we can do will ever merit God’s love for us, He gives it freely.

Some of the Old Testament writers had a glimpses of this great truth and often times came pretty near expressing it. Like today, those that have lived in years past, worshiped many false gods and idles, yet there was not one of whom the worshippers could rejoice and say, “My god loves me”. When God says in John 3:16 that, ‘He loved the world,’ that really means, as far as each individual is concerned, He loves us, each one. Love which spares nothing, but spends itself to help and bless the one it loves, is love indeed. Little love forgets to bring water to the feet of them that need to be washed, but great love breaks its box of alabaster and lavishes its precious ointment upon them without regret. God, says He, so loved the world, that is, all men under heaven; even those that despise His love and will for that cause, perish apart from His great love. God’s love flows from its own secret source in the eternal deity, and it owes nothing to any earth born piety, but comes from beneath the everlasting nature and throne of the living God. God loved because He would love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…” John 3:16

Hold Fast,



December, the month of Hope! The month we celebrate the birth of Jesus, that hopeful King that came to take away the sins of the world, for those that would but seek Him. Hope is a very powerful force. It is actually faith in seed form. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. Hebrews 11:1 The scriptures tell us three things concerning the unconditional good news concerning the gift of salvation offered by the Son of God.  In Ephesians 2 we are told that both the Jew and Gentile are dead in their trespasses and sin and that by nature we are all the children of wrath. With this in mind, an unbeliever is not a sick person, but a dead one. All lost sinners are dead and the only difference between one sinner and another is the state of decay which is their natural condition. God’s plan was salvation for all people, right from the very beginning. The anchor of our hope, of our salvation, of our future is not in us, but in the holy history and promise of the Son of God.  He took humanity and it’s sin upon Himself and He gave back His life, death, and resurrection, a new history, a new status, in which mankind no longer stands condemned, but justified, if they are found in Christ.  Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men”. Man’s only hope, no matter who He is, is Jesus Christ and redemption is through Him alone according to John 1. Paul says in Romans 5 that being justified by faith we have peace with God: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. So you see you can have peace. It is possible.
That peace that Paul speaks about comes only through the gift of salvation that Jesus offers, if accepted. For Jesus came to bring peace between sinful man and a holy God and through the gospel and through the acceptance of the gospel, through justification by faith, that great truth that is what gives us peace with God. In Romans 9, Paul explained very clearly that it is not merely being a descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that makes a true Israelite, but it is the qualities of these three men that qualifies one to be an Israelite.  In other words, Abraham stood for faith and, if you have the faith of Abraham, then you are Abraham’s seed.  Isaac stands for being born from above and, as Paul says to the Gentiles in Galatians 4, we who are born from above belong to Isaac.  And, of course, Jacob really refers to those whose faith endures.  In other words, if you have the faith of Abraham, if you have experienced the new birth, the birth from above as Isaac was born from above, and if your faith endures unto the end, then you belong to Israel.  While the Jews were applying the word “Israel” only to those who had the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Paul was saying, now that the true messiah had come, that their way of teaching had been removed through Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because, in the incarnation, He took unto Himself, not only the Jewish nation, but He took the whole human race unto Himself.

The human race is the sum of Adam’s life.  When God breathed into Adam the breath of life, He breathed life into every future life in the human race  God took that corporate life of the human race and joined it to Christ in the incarnation.  Then, by His perfect life and His sacrificial death and His resurrection, He gave us a new hope, a new history, a new status in which we have salvation, full and complete, nothing lacking.  That is the redemption of the gospel and the unconditional good news.  And in that redemption, all distinction between man was removed.  Romans 3:22-23. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

What more, precious gift could we receive, than the offer that comes through the birth of the King of hope!

Hold Fast,

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Pilgrims Of Hope & Thanksgiving

Our nation has a rich and costly heritage. From the first foreign footsteps made on the coastal beaches of the Atlantic, to the far reaching shores of the Pacific, battles have been fought, lives have been lost and freedoms gained. Yet, in all of her discord, American continues to struggle with the same issues and balance among her national laws, local community practices, and individual freedom of beliefs as her original founding forefathers. I recently visited one of our nation’s oldest settlements in Williamsburg, VA. In doing some reading and researching I found some stark similarities between the colonist of the 1600’s to the current citizens of today’s Americans. For instances, although most colonists considered themselves Christians, it did not mean that they lived in a culture of religious unity. Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and faiths provided unique values that needed protection against those who disagreed, driving a need for rules and regulation, so they sought to fight for their religious observances thereby making laws that mandated how they would govern their new colonies. Much of the order of things was brought on through much discord and disagreement. Yet even in the midst of such a great diversity, liberty prevailed giving birth to a new nation and America was destined for greatness because of it. Today, thousands upon thousands try both legally and illegally to enter her borders for much of the same reasons that the first pilgrims and Puritans did, long ago. For most of us, we have an enduring hope that while we may differ with each other on many levels, we share in the same hope that we may be able to live amongst each other in peace as we practice our own beliefs, be them political or religious ones. While there may be a dark horse that always appears in the horizon wherever freedom dwells, if we ban together, we can defeat it and continue to enjoy the fruit of our father’s labor. By autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims had much for which they were thankful for and found reason to celebrate in spite of their own hardships, differences and struggles. The Plymouth Pilgrims were simply celebrating their survival and the hopes they had of good fortune in the years that lay ahead of them. They did not base their hopes and dreams in their past circumstances, but in the future of what they believed they could accomplish together as they shared a common goal of freedom and liberty for all. We can expend so much of our energy complaining, blessing no one, left only with the bitter taste of regret and sorrow. Or, like our fore fathers, we can continue to work hard and make a difference in our homes, families and the world in which we live. The apostle Paul encourages us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, to, “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus”. Yes, even in hardships, disagreements and the dark horses that threaten our peace and way of life. It was hope and thanksgiving that kept the Pilgrims determined to persevere and that same hope remains the determining factor and drive for us today. Never give up! Never give up!

Hold Fast,



I am in my mid-fifties and I am already tired of this aging thing. The older I get, the more I relate to what George Burns once said, “At my age, flowers scare me”. A friend urged me the other day to invest in a stock that would triple its value every year. I told her at my age, I don’t even buy green bananas! My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory’s not as sharp as it used to be! Don’t laugh, I bet you repeat yourself too, if, you are in the process of aging as well! I feel like life is passing me by and my check engine light stays on all the time now. They say that there are two signs of aging. The first is, you forget things…and I can’t remember the second! However, I don’t need anyone to remind me of my age these days because, I have a bladder that does that! I’m just too young to be this old and my body and society is making me feel even worst about it. We live in a world that places a premium on being and staying young. We will have tummy tucks, face lifts until our ears meet each other, fitness trainers and fad diets to prove it. We spare no expenses in our desperation to preserve our youth and avoid aging. Yet in spite of all the effort we make to keep our vigor, the reality is that eventually we all slow down. The older I get the more I believe that we would all do better to feed ourselves on a steady diet of the words and promises of God. For they can do in us what no face lift or fad diet could ever do to enable us not only to survive, but even thrive in spite of the aging of our bodies. Even the Apostle Paul, for example, had lost some of the spring in his step, yet the hope he had in Christ still allowed him to write: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day" 2 Corinthians 4:16. When our steps get harder to take, we are encouraged not to grow weary or faint in our efforts and give up. Keep on keeping on. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will run and not be faint" Isaiah 40:30,31. The aging of our bodies accompanied by the slowing down of our strength and vigor have been a fact of life ever since Adam and Eve brought sin into the world by their rebellion against God. Because of their sin, Adam and Eve's bodies became mortal and the consequence of their sin was passed to every generation after them. Because we are mortal, we are subject to deterioration, disease, and finally death and decay. Since the cause of aging is ultimately found in sin, it is foolish to think that some kind of scientific wonder or medical miracle is going to unlock a secret to perpetual youth for us. There is only one remedy for aging, only one way to overcome the destructive effects of sin and that is through, Jesus Christ. Most often it is only during the dismal days of illness that we look back and realize how we had taken for granted the good health that we once had. And yet for some people sickness never subsides. It is always with them. Persistent illness can wear down even the strongest of people. While much of our health is determined and affected by a wide range of contributory factors from our environment, life situations, heredity and how we manage our personal lifestyle, we are still fighting a losing battle as we age. At best, we can enjoy a longer life if we take care of ourselves and the contributing factors are on our side. The worst thing that we can do is begin to compare ourselves to others and struggle with the age old question, “Why me God?”. The Gospel message is a message of hope not only in the hour of death but, it is far more than that. Jesus died in order that we may have life now, more abundantly. In Philippians 3:10 Paul says this, "... that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;" Paul knew about aging and suffering, yet in spite of it all he found comfort in the gentle anticipation of his eternal life, in his own words he said, “My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better," Philippians 1:23

I googled aging with dignity the other day and 50,000 topics pulled up, I thought wow, looks like a lot of other folks are interested in this topic as well. Then I noticed something that they all had in common. They all ended with, “What are your last five wishes”?  I shut my computer down and said, I’m not ready to name them, yet! While I still think of myself as 18, my body, mind and patience have outgrown my way of thinking. Age is a funny thing. It’s funny how much attention you can draw to yourself no matter what your age. Last week our children and grandchildren ate dinner at a local restaurant and we learned real quick that the age of your children is a key factor in how quickly you get served. Our waiter came by our table and said, “Could I get you your check?”, we responded by saying, “How about getting a menu first?”.  Everyone ages over time, and eventually, everyone dies, it is the cycle of life. Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life, “death and taxes”. Jesus had answers to them both. In one of many attempts to plot against Jesus to discredit Him, the Pharisees sent some of their own disciples along with the Herodian’s to confront Jesus in a crowd of people in an effort to try and provoke an uproar over what Jesus would say concerning the taxes that the people were forced to pay to Caesar. Jesus rebuked them for their malice and responded with the most simple and profound answer to them by saying, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Jesus answered the concern over death when He told May and Martha upon the death of Lazarus, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" in John 11. And Martha, unable to rise to the full revelation that he was revealing, said, "Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, he who is coming into the world," That was as far as her faith could go, at that moment. But the moment that Lazarus appeared at the entrance of the tomb, everything changed. She would no longer simply believe that Jesus had come from God, but she would know that Jesus was God, that he had the power to overcome even death. It took the death of her precious brother to increase her reliance on Jesus. Sometimes, we ask God for healing when we may be needing something deeper that what we ask for. If you recall the story in Matthew 9 concerning the paralyzed man that was lowered down  through a thatched roof by his friends in order to get him to Jesus for healing. Once there, Jesus said to him, "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven" Matthew 9:2. How disappointed the paralyzed man may have felt at that moment! He did not come asking forgiveness, but healing. The man knew what he wanted, but he didn't know what he needed. Jesus knew both his needs and his wants. And by granting forgiveness of sins first, Jesus showed the greater need for spiritual health. To prove his ability to meet all of his unseen spiritual needs, Jesus proceeded to then heal his body before all the people that were there. Even as God brought the greatest blessing of forgiveness for us all through the crucifixion of Christ, we can trust him to bring blessings for us from the least likely of places. Even sickness must serve God's purposes. He may use it to strengthen our reliance on him, sharpen our focus on heaven, or produce patience and perseverance in us. When the apostle Paul groaned repeatedly over his "thorn in the flesh," the Lord reassured him, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul learned to rely more and more on the Lord's strength rather than his own, especially when he was at his weakest point. You, too can be confident that the Lord loves you consistently in your sickness and health. When Jesus doesn't grant us our immediate requests, we must humbly trust that he has even better things in mind for us. Isaiah 55:9 tells us, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,’ declares the Lord”. I am learning that eventually, he will answer my prayers by personally wiping every tear from my eyes and making everything new Revelation 21:4-5. No longer will I suffer with my old tiring body any longer,   For even my body will finally be made whole without the effects of sickness or sin. Like the song says, “That day is coming, when wrong will be made right   Meanwhile trust His promise that, "I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11. May His will be done in your life and mine and may we stay as young as we can no matter how old we become.

Hold Fast,


When Desperation Calls


 Often times you will find that it is through mere drive and determination, not talent or pedigree that you have been able to find success and answers in your life. I heard a quote once that I will never forget, "Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he encountered and the courage he maintained in his struggle against it". Sometimes it seem like everything, is working against, our trying to find success and the help that we need in things. But not even a hint of failure can overtake us if our being determined to succeed, is strong enough and is found to be in the will of God. That reminds me of a woman in the Bible, whose faith was rewarded by her determination to have what she longed for, her health! In Mark chapter 5 her thoughts are revealed, "If I could just touch His clothes, I would be healed", that is what she told herself, this nameless bleeding woman who had traveled many miles, fueled by nothing but her faith. She had a bold plan. According to the Mosaic Law, a woman who was ceremonially unclean wasn't allowed to touch anyone, let alone the Son of God, yet desperation calls for desperate things. For 12 long years she had had this problem with loosing blood and it was causing her to be physically sick and even socially unacceptable. The Bibles says that the physicians of her time were unable to relieve her suffering. She spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she only grew worse. It was a daring plan but never the less, she was determined to make her way to the One that she believed could do for her what no other could. Her faith was born out of her desperation. Instead of making a show, our bleeding sister quietly "came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak" Mark 5:27. By law, her touch would have made Him unclean. By grace, just the opposite happened. "Immediately her bleeding stopped" Mark 5:29 says. Without a word, a look, or a touch from Jesus, she was made whole simply by believing He could heal her...and daring to act on that belief. As her faith was rewarded her, she wasn't the only one who noticed. Jesus turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" Mark 5:30. At that point she and Jesus both knew that it had happened, her faith had healed her. Wow, how that scripture illustrates how sensitive Jesus is to our needs, that just a touch in faith to His garment will get His attention for us! How her heart must have pounded as she heard Him say, "Who touched me?". When the disciples pointed out to Jesus that there were many in the crowded street and everyone was touching and grabbing Him, Jesus kept looking around to see who it was that had touched Him with that kind of faith! He wasn't looking to accuse but to affirm. The same faith that empowered her to stretch out her hand now, gave her the strength to step forward. She "fell at his feet and trembling with fear, told him the whole truth" Mark 5:33. She risked everything, public humiliation, and maybe even possible punishment for her actions to explain her confession of faith to Jesus. The true miracle in this story is about the faith she had, not what she did. Her determination was fueled by her faith. Her willingness to believe she could be well again, despite all evidence to the contrary, and do whatever it would take to get it. When she heard about the man Jesus, who'd healed many who had various diseases in Mark 1:34, she made a beeline for Capernaum to see Him. What is it, that you want from Jesus today? When was the last time that you longed to touch the hem of His garment because you knew that only He has what you must have to be better, to be whole, to be free ....whether it be physically, or spiritually? He will not disappoint you dear friend, but your faith will determine your answer. If you struggle with your faith; simply ask Him to help your weak faith and show you where your answer lies. And do everything in your power to trust Him!

Hold Fast,




In my early years of being a Christian, I struggled with my finding approval from God. I had not yet understood that God approved of me because of Christ alone, who now resided inside of me. Nothing that I could do would make me more saved, loved, appreciated or accepted by God more than my simple confession of sins and turning away from my past, accepting the work of what Jesus did for me on the cross, committing my life and future to Him. As I did that, Christ came into my heart and life and made me all that I needed to be in order to be accepted by God the Father. Early on, I found myself looking around at other women whom I had much respect for (spiritually speaking) and trying to duplicate in myself what I saw in them. But what I soon found out in doing that was this: I was trying to duplicate someone else’ ideals and worship of God to define myself and quickly found out that it was just not working. I did not know at first that a personal relationship with God and my worship of and to Him was unique to my personality and where I was in my walk with the Him and His working in me.

I had to learn the importance of listening to what God was telling me to do and not try to duplicate in my life, what I saw in others. And by doing this, my worship became genuine and my duty and inspiration from God was to and from Him alone. I learned early on that I had best abandon anything that even had the faintest hint of a man-made expectation of who I should be in Christ. Philippians 2:13 tells me that it is God, who wills and works in me for His good purpose. I am not left to myself, but I have inside me the Holy Spirt of the Living God that aids me in everything, I now need. God is now working in me and because of that, I have an efficacious working power source, that I can now call on to help, when I am in need.  This is no hopeless task to which He has called me, no more night cries because I feel so hopeless in trying to change myself. No fruitless beatings of the air, nor idle effort in trying to change my ugly spots so to speak of the leopard, or the Ethiopian, to change the color of his skin as in Jeremiah 13:23. The Lord is working in me now, and He is mighty to save and change me. Whatever impulses I may feel, whatever goodwill in my efforts to serving Him. I now look upon it as a token of His presence and His readiness to help me in them. That is God working in me to will it and to do it, for He has no feeling but one  towards me, and that is of goodwill. Oh how that verse assures me that there is nothing lacking in me when I became God’s child and that I can be assured that He will change me through His power as I submit my will to Him and that good purpose.

Hold Fast,

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Sometimes God may seem to be so far off and unconcerned that it is hard to think of Him on a personal level. But He is not! God is pursuing you today sweet friend. Though you may not realize it nor feel it, nor even believe it, He is surely pursuing you. He longs for you to know and love Him, as He already knows and loves you. You see God always takes the first step in seeking a relationship with you. He has always taken the initiative to meet us in His perfect timing as he strives to draw us to Himself. Even the scriptures teach that no one comes to the Father unless He draws them according to John 6:44-45 and verse 65. The entire Bible is a witness of this great truth. He came to Adam and Eve in the garden when they were at their worst. He came to Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets, the disciples and He is still actively pursuing people today.

There comes a time in every life that the heart seeks after God, but only because God stirs that heart and begins to draw it to Him. That hole in every heart that nothing else can fill, but God, serves only as a means to seek Him. A person may seek Him in the wrong places because of the condition and will of their own hearts, but never the less, they will at some point seek Him. Because sin has effected man so deeply, we cannot seek God on our own initiative. So God comes to us, even when we are His enemy (because of our sin and the hardness of our hearts) just as He did Adam and Eve. He came to Saul in Acts 9 while Saul was actually opposing and working against God’s will. Through God’s pursuing Saul and causing Him to be blind, Saul was able to see the truth. He accepted what God was doing in his life as God revealing to him that in fact, Jesus truly was the Son of God and the act of the cross had paid the penalty for Saul’s sin. At one point in Jesus’ ministry, He ask His disciples, who did the people say that He was. Then He ask them, who they believed He was. You see it does not matter what the world is saying about the Son of God, what matters is what are you saying about Him and better yet, what are you doing about it. Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Romans 10:9-10 tells us this, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. Simply having an intellectual or head knowledge about Christ is not enough. satan himself believes in the Son of God, yet he will spend eternity in hell. We don’t have to have all the answers in life to know God, but we do have to believe the things that He makes us aware of about Himself. For those are the things that He will hold us accountable for, as to what we did with the truth that was revealed to us.

When God calls us to salvation, He begins to open our understanding about Himself and His Son as He did with Simon in Matthew 16:17. We are moved under His conviction over our personal sin and have a deep compulsion to be forgiven. The result of our choices to resist or ignore God, results in spiritual death  and eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ came to do what we could not do for ourselves. He came into the world to bring us to His Father. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ ” John 14:6. He died in our place to pay the penalty for our sin. “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.” 1 Peter 3:18. He rose from the dead to show that his claims were true. “For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep.” 1 Corinthians 15:3-6.

Our own efforts to earn God’s acceptance are inadequate according to Titus 3:5. We must realize and admit our need for forgiveness according to Romans 3:23 and receive Christ and His offer and gift of salvation to become His children, not by our own merit but because of the grace of God through personal faith Eph 2:8-9. Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. God’s commitment to you is that He assures you that if you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, He has given you eternal life. “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.” 1 John 5:13. God promises to never leave you. ” I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5. God has forgiven all of your sins, past, present, and future. “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14.

When someone is born again as Jesus told Nicodemus he must be in John 3, God places His Spirit in them in Ephesians 1:13 that enables them to live in a way that pleases Him. “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25. By placing His Holy Spirit in them, He seals them as His own, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit allows that person to experience a more personal relationship with Him that they could not otherwise experience. Without the assurance and comfort of the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to truly embrace a personal relationship with God. It was and always has been in His plan to restore man’s relationship back to the way it was before Adam and Eve sinned and broke fellowship with God. Through His Son, He accomplished that and invites you to participate, by coming to Him on His terms and only then can you enjoy that deep and personal relationship with Him.  
May I tell you that I would not trade my worst day as a Christian for my best day without Christ! When He calls you out, do not hesitate, run to Him! There is only one way to God and that is through His Son. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

Loving on you today!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014



In the beginning God created a perfect world in every way. Once sin entered the human world through Adam and Eve’s first sin, everything changed, from the original state that God had intended it to be. It has never been the will of God for mankind to suffer. God had given Adam and Eve clear direction and warning. But because of the inclinations of their own personal free will, Eve was beguiled by satan and Adam followed his human instinct for his wife which led them both to fall into the trap that was laid out for them by the evil serpent. Since then, mankind has been in war with sin, tragedy and horrors.
Today, tragedy still befalls us and leaves us confused. The plans that we had made, did not turn out the way that we had dreamed. The conditions in the world, brings us unspeakable horrors. When the most unimaginable things happen to innocent people, we are left with one question, “Why?”. Even Job pondered this dilemma as He asked God concerning his own tragedies.  If you’ve never asked why this world is infected with pain and suffering, you will when they strike you with full force or they come to a loved one that is so dear to you. Jesus Himself said they were coming in John 16:33.  It can seem to us at times, that God is malicious rather than merciful, inconstant rather than constant. Because sin’s evil nature itself always places blame on God. Yet, He is not! Nothing that man thinks about God changes Him, in any way. He is the one thing in all existence, that is constant and true. While human folly and man’s sin can delay or prevent God’s intentional will often times, they never catch Him of guard.
We so often will misuse the term,  “the will of God” and speak of it so loosely because we in most part, do not understand it, or understand how God rules in our lives, and the world in which we live. Sometimes there are circumstances created by evil or simple neglect on our parts that creates an environment of having a will within the will of God. That means that God will make provisions for us to help us overcome our current circumstances by bringing good even out of our bad. Sometimes, like Jesus in Mark 14, we may ask something of God out of our fleshly nature, but in our hearts, we know that regardless to the consequences we know that God’s will is the best road to travel. The things that cause us to question God and often times cause us to feel, “let down”, by Him during those stormy conditions, is because of our lack of wisdom about Him in those situation. I myself have learned too well, that by the time the storm is raging it can be too late to drop the anchor; when it should have been put down before the storm came. I am saying that it is so important to us in life, that we think clearly and be prepared for any disasters that will come our way through doubt and suffering before they hit us. If we do this, then in spite of our grief and confusion we have a clearer understanding that helps to steady us, as an anchor steadies a ship.
I love the song that says, “I know Whom I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able, to keep that which I’ve committed to Him against that day….meaning I don’t think; I know who He is personally, and that is why I can trust Him in all things. We cannot stand in the shoes of God and provide simple answers to the questions that are often asked concerning Him or His will. 1Cor. 13:12 tells us that, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.” But we can understand better the overall  reason that evil is taking place around us. For a time, we may not understand, but like a parent that tells their small child, “one day, you will understand” and then you will have the answers that you were looking for.
Our thinking is always wrong about God when we allow our thoughts and questions to clamor within our hearts, doubting Him in any way, at all. You see, until we understand that God’s will is related to His character and both involved His intentions for us, we will never understand why things happen the way that they do. We may not be able to see His wisdom in things but we can trust His will as Jesus did in Mark 14. Your life is never about, “knowing about God”, but, it is all about “knowing God”. Knowing Him in a personal way, just like you would a family member or a close friend.

Often times you can predict the outcome of someone that you are close to by the character that you know they possess, the person you know them to be, thereby discerning their intent, because you know them so well. To understand and know God is to know and understand His character and intent. As we know more about His character and His will, we then, can better assess and accept His intentions and what His desires are for us and the way that He is at work in our lives and in the world that He created.  God’s word clearly tells us that we cannot discern His will by the worlds standards, but rather we are to transform our way of thinking into His way of thinking and then, we may know and understand with clarity, in truth, His will concerning matters. Romans 12:2, says this, “And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. This verse has taught me more about knowing and understanding the will of God than any other verse in scripture and has radically set me free to understand with a clearer and better understanding as to why things happen the way they do. You and I will have to make the effort to transform our minds, by being faithful to renew them, by allowing God’s word to regenerate our very life. Then the cloudy confusion of the world’s thinking, changes to the clear reality of God’s truth.

Every moment of every day you and I have the freedom to think about whatever we want. Our minds may fill with worries, hopes, disappointments, hobbies, anything. Those thoughts may cultivate anger, lust, compulsive working, people-pleasing, or depression. Or, we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds like Romans 12:2 tells us by letting the very Word of God diagnose us as it states in Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The thoughts that you choose to dwell on will be the most important factor in how you feel and what you say and do throughout your life. Ultimately, you’re thinking determines the kind of person that you become. Proverbs 23:7 reminds us of this very truth, “that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”.

Some people are reluctant to trust God completely with their lives, fearing that He may want to make a change in their plans. Yes, He will change our plans. But His plans are infinitely better than the very best we could ever conceive. satan is the enemy of our soul. His mission is to keep us from receiving Christ by repenting and turning from our sin and being effective and fruitful for the kingdom of God. You want to know what God’s will is for you. Surrender your life to Him, make Him Lord and keep Him as your first love.

Loving on you today,

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Statics tell us that there were over 33,000 suicides in the United States in the year 2013. This is so very tragic and such a challenging feat to God’s people in trying to reach those that have lost their hope, with the hope that those who have found it possess. Pharmaceuticals often times only mask the real problems of depression, because the issues that causes the depression remain un-dealt with and will only surface again once the medication stops working. If anti-depressants worked as great as they would have us believe…we would all be on them. But because many of those that have tried different types of medications to help their depression learn quickly over time that they are not the answers that they are seeking. I am not recommending that you get off of any medications that you may be currently taking. If your medication is helping that is great, and I am not against medical professionals. They are doing all they can and we are all in this fight together. What I am saying, is that earthly things can go only so deep. Most of our issues run much deeper. While pills bring a temporary relief because they only mask the problem. God’s involvement goes to the heart of the issue. Only the power of God can change us on the outside and deep down on the inside. God does not want you to just manage your depression, He wants to free you of it. Depression is the feeling of “hopelessness”, and the simple cure for hopelessness is “hope”.

The majority of people who suffer with bouts of depression never go to a doctor. They have learned that their depression will pass and because of that fact, they simply deal with it until it does. For someone that has continuous depression, they may need to visit a therapist to help them walk thru those bouts, as they talk their way through them. But every person that ever experiences depression must learn to make the effort and it will take work, determination and honesty! In my own battle with depression, God himself supervised the repairs in my life and restored all the misguided intentions to their proper ends. I had learned that through those dark days, God surely was working for me and on my behalf. Finally I learned that it was abandonment that I needed. Abandonment not to the way I was feeling, but to the God who had my best interest in mind. What I want you to know sweet friend, is that what God did for me, He wants and will do for you! I have experienced depression 3 times in my life….and all were resolved when I accepted the fact that I serve a God who forgives and restores and understand that He has the answers even when I do not. Now, I know better not to give in to those emotions that depression wants me to surrender to. When you acknowledge God’s authority over your situation, you are on the road to victory. Those dark times are the exact times to use your faith. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for" Hebrews 11:1-2. "We live by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7.

 The most significant feature of depression, is the absence of positive emotion. Just a feeling of nothing, of emptiness. I learned in my own battle with depression that people who help others, stop focusing on their own pains, problems and worries and will begin to feel good about themselves once again. Depression is like a live virus that once it takes root inside your body and is not medicated with God’s Truth and or depending upon the severity and type of depression with medications can take over a human life and destroy it, yes even kill it. Depression can come into our lives in many shapes, sizes and conditions. Sometimes it can come in a lighter form of just feeling BLUE. Many times our sadness, downswings in our moods, and even being bored can appear to be depression to us, but is actually, normal reactions to life’s daily struggles, setbacks, and disappointments and not real depression.

 But when emptiness and despair have taken hold of a life and won’t go away, they are left with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness…and those feelings become more intensified and unrelenting ….and un-normal sadness engulfs their day-to-day life, interfering with their ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and have normal happiness interacting with people and life in general. At that point it has become full blown depression… and will begin a downward spiral to rob them of any joy and hope. It will cause a person to want to stay away from people who at one time were fun to be with. It will take away your ability to reason properly and your mind will even begin to believe lies. I reached a point in my own worst case of depression that I could not even think a thought, because I had allowed the darkness in so deep and that I could not even reason or have a complete thought. Now if you never experienced this, then you may think it to be a little weird that a child of God could be in such a state. I know I did and that intensified my depression because I bared the guilt of “I should know better”. Depression can bring on bouts of unrelenting doubt over someone’s life and even their salvation.

 Can God’s people experience Depression? YES, a resounding YES…Christians can battle Depression! You better believe it! Abraham did in Gen 15, Jonah did in Jonah 4, Job did in his book, Moses and Elijah both did and even wanted to die, Saul did, Jeremiah did, David suffered brutal bouts of depression…David felt the pangs of the deepest darkest of depression… David like the Apostle Paul learned thru their situations that When you acknowledge God and His authority over your situation you are on the road to victory. You must acknowledge the fact that while you cannot get yourself out of the state that you are in….God can... His authority becomes your authority. Again, those dark times are the exact times that your faith will need to be applied… use your faith to get out of your depression, it’s your vehicle, get in it and drive away. The scripture says that, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients of old were commended for " Hebrews 11:1-2…… "We live by faith, not by sight" according to 2 Cor. 5:7. When the Israelites were depressed, God called them to put their faith into action. It is a proven fact that practicing random acts of kindness to others, helps by aiding a healthy disposition in our own life and has scientifically proven therapeutic value in treating mood disorders like depression. In my own encounter with depression, I learned that by taking my eyes off the depressed feelings that I was experiencing and investing in others, my depression diminished and God’s power overcame the deep dark depression that I was in, from my past guilt and wrong choices, and restored in me the joy of my salvation. He wants to do that for you as well my friend! Don’t give up hope find someone who has battled depression and let them help you walk through yours! "A friend owes kindness to one in despair ..." Job:6:14

 Loving on you today!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


In my own trials and tribulations, I’ve about come to understand that a lot of my struggling in them, is not so much about them coming, but about when they will be leaving. I have through the years learned that, it is best to embrace them and learn from them the truth that they are trying to teach me as it comes to me directly from the hand of God, be it trail or test; least I make myself more miserable in trying to fight against them. Now days, I am more apt to ask “When Lord”, when will this thing end and what will the outcome be and not be so fretful that it has come. Walking by faith and resting in the promises of God is never easy but it is a must for the Believer! If we know what the Word of God has to say to us about our trials, we really should not have a lot of questions concerning them. We should know what God has promised to do in us though them and that His intentions are to bring good out of any trial that touches our life and rest in that truth. Still so often, we hold on to or become burdened with the “when” part. We ask, “When will we be on the other side of this or that trial, Lord?” and wonder, “when will God be finished?”. While we know this thing will pass, we still question and wonder when will it pass, that’s what our hearts are longing to know. Job 23:10-12 says this…But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food. Job found out for himself that there are seasons of trials. They come and they will go and he assures that there will be an afterwards to the things that we will go through as well, so hold on there’s going to be an end to this trouble, he encourages.
God is watching your life and at some point in your trial, He will say enough. That moment may be crystal clear to you or you may realize it one day as you are looking back over it and realize that it is gone and you are even unaware of its passing. You now can only see it in the rearview mirror of your mind, a passing memory of it. Whether for weeks or months or years, every trial lasts for its appointed time. When you are undergoing a trial sweet friend, it may seem unending, but remember this, there is a limit, an expiration date already stamped on it. You have only to find its purpose and make the changes that need to be made in order to bring it to its end as quickly as possible. Your trials can even be in the nature of being be caught up in someone else’s storm and you may need simply to endure it, by riding it out. Trials come for various reasons. Not always out of discipline, because of some sin. Often times trials may and do come from a wrong choice that is made. But we must pray over and determine for ourselves the purpose of them.
Psalm 30:5 reminds us, “For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” And know that Hebrews 12:11 tell us that “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant…” Job’s assurance can be ours today. So, do as he did, get under it and don’t waste any of it. The sooner we learn what we need to learn from it, the sooner the Lord will bring us out of it. Your painful season is going to come to an end, but until it does, endure, endure, till you get there and remember this, God’s timing is always perfect. When we are in the middle of a trial we must realize that we have to accept God’s time frames by our faith and trust in Him, because our human tendency is to bail out at the first opportunity of it coming on. Stay there friend and don’t move, until His purpose is accomplished in your trial! Look and see His purpose in it! Let’s pray, “continue to teach us Lord, and help us to stay still under the weight of this thing! Yes Lord, slap dab in the middle, until You have accomplished your purpose in us, through them”.

Loving on you today! -Bren

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The cross. What is it really? Today it is depicted as something common. Department stores are full of merchandise that has been plastered with its symbol across it , from T-shirts to car tags. Jewelers have pounded it into all sorts of finery for us to adorn ourselves and wear. It has become big business and brought much profit to those who have reaped from its economic benefits. But it was never intended to be a lucky trinket or some type of decorative decor. The cross of Christ is not to be profaned by being used as some form of good luck. Wearing it or hanging it in our homes does not bring us good luck, nor does it make us more spiritual in the eyes of God, because we proudly display or advertise to others by our demonstrating some form spirituality with it. Before Jesus died on the cross, it represented one thing to humanity, a monstrous repulsive instrument of death. When Jesus accomplished salvation’s plan by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave, that old rugged, nasty cross now represents the Grace of God to all mankind. Jesus’ victory over death removed the shame of the cross and made it beautiful and glorious. Everything God wants man to know about Him comes together in those cross beams of His only Son’s suffering.

What was Jesus doing on the cross those six hours, stretched out against the sky? He was thinking about you and me. He had made His mind up in the garden the night before to go through with it, knowing that only He and the Father truly fathomed what was about to transpire over the next few days. There is much more to the death of Jesus on the cross than the visible suffering, terrible pain and private unseen suffering, and the incredible public shame and disgrace of such a horrible death for the Son of God and One who was completely innocent and underserving of what He was to endure.

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul tells us about some invisible events taking place outside of this physical realm that we see and outside of our ordinary space and time during the time that Jesus was dying on the cross, he says, …in Jesus all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him. Col. 1:19-22 He also met fully the broadside of the demonic world, fallen angels, and all the power of evil forces as well, disarming them all completely and guarantying satan’s final destruction in Revelation 5:1-7.

After the cross, the next event in eternity for humanity was Jesus’ return to reenter His body in the tomb just before dawn on Easter morning. When contemplating what the cross really represents in the divine transaction between God the Father and God the Son, in an eternal perspective, Jesus who had known no sin had to suffer the revulsion and destruction of being changed from a perfect man into a loathsome, repulsive creature loaded down with mine and your and yes, the sin of the world, so that even God could not look upon Him. Yes, that was the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for me and you. He was willing to go through Psalm 22 as predicted earlier in scripture to restore what satan and man had destroyed through sin. God must and had to punish that sin and the only way, was that Christ suffer our punishment as a substitute and bear the full weight of the eternal separation from God, that Divine Justice demands and we deserve. God’s kindness on the cross is meant to lead us to repentance and how great is that kindness, never to be mocked, misunderstood nor taken for granted, but it is however; all the time. Yet, John 3:16 reminds us that, For God so loved us, that He gave us His only Son.  Yes, God demonstrated his love for us that while we were yet sinners, God sent Jesus to the cross to die for us and that those who accept and receive what He did, may reap the benefits of that great sacrifice; even to those that parade its image but have no understanding or idea as to its real purpose. I hope today that the next time you see a cross, it will have a deeper meaning than it ever did before.

Loving on you,

Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...