Statics tell
us that there were over 33,000 suicides in the United States in the year 2013.
This is so very tragic and such a challenging feat to God’s people in trying to
reach those that have lost their hope, with the hope that those who have found
it possess. Pharmaceuticals often times only mask the real problems of
depression, because the issues that causes the depression remain un-dealt with
and will only surface again once the medication stops working. If
anti-depressants worked as great as they would have us believe…we would all be
on them. But because many of those that have tried different types of
medications to help their depression learn quickly over time that they are not
the answers that they are seeking. I am not recommending that you get off of
any medications that you may be currently taking. If your medication is helping
that is great, and I am not against medical professionals. They are doing all
they can and we are all in this fight together. What I am saying, is that
earthly things can go only so deep. Most of our issues run much deeper. While
pills bring a temporary relief because they only mask the problem. God’s
involvement goes to the heart of the issue. Only the power of God can change us
on the outside and deep down on the inside. God does not want you to just
manage your depression, He wants to free you of it. Depression is the feeling
of “hopelessness”, and the simple cure for hopelessness is “hope”.
The majority
of people who suffer with bouts of depression never go to a doctor. They have
learned that their depression will pass and because of that fact, they simply
deal with it until it does. For someone that has continuous depression, they
may need to visit a therapist to help them walk thru those bouts, as they talk
their way through them. But every person that ever experiences depression must
learn to make the effort and it will take work, determination and honesty! In
my own battle with depression, God himself supervised the repairs in my life
and restored all the misguided intentions to their proper ends. I had learned
that through those dark days, God surely was working for me and on my behalf.
Finally I learned that it was abandonment that I needed. Abandonment not to the
way I was feeling, but to the God who had my best interest in mind. What I want
you to know sweet friend, is that what God did for me, He wants and will do for
you! I have experienced depression 3 times in my life….and all were resolved
when I accepted the fact that I serve a God who forgives and restores and
understand that He has the answers even when I do not. Now, I know better not
to give in to those emotions that depression wants me to surrender to. When you
acknowledge God’s authority over your situation, you are on the road to
victory. Those dark times are the exact times to use your faith. "Now
faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This
is what the ancients were commended for" Hebrews 11:1-2. "We live by
faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7.
The most significant feature of depression, is
the absence of positive emotion. Just a feeling of nothing, of emptiness. I
learned in my own battle with depression that people who help others, stop
focusing on their own pains, problems and worries and will begin to feel good about
themselves once again. Depression is like a live virus that once it takes root
inside your body and is not medicated with God’s Truth and or depending upon
the severity and type of depression with medications can take over a human life
and destroy it, yes even kill it. Depression can come into our lives in many
shapes, sizes and conditions. Sometimes it can come in a lighter form of just
feeling BLUE. Many times our sadness, downswings in our moods, and even being
bored can appear to be depression to us, but is actually, normal reactions to
life’s daily struggles, setbacks, and disappointments and not real depression.
But when emptiness and despair have taken hold
of a life and won’t go away, they are left with feelings of helplessness,
hopelessness, and worthlessness…and those feelings become more intensified and
unrelenting ….and un-normal sadness engulfs their day-to-day life, interfering
with their ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and have normal happiness
interacting with people and life in general. At that point it has become full
blown depression… and will begin a downward spiral to rob them of any joy and
hope. It will cause a person to want to stay away from people who at one time
were fun to be with. It will take away your ability to reason properly and your
mind will even begin to believe lies. I reached a point in my own worst case of
depression that I could not even think a thought, because I had allowed the
darkness in so deep and that I could not even reason or have a complete thought.
Now if you never experienced this, then you may think it to be a little weird
that a child of God could be in such a state. I know I did and that intensified
my depression because I bared the guilt of “I should know better”. Depression
can bring on bouts of unrelenting doubt over someone’s life and even their
Can God’s people experience Depression? YES, a
resounding YES…Christians can battle Depression! You better believe it! Abraham
did in Gen 15, Jonah did in Jonah 4, Job did in his book, Moses and Elijah both
did and even wanted to die, Saul did, Jeremiah did, David suffered brutal bouts
of depression…David felt the pangs of the deepest darkest of depression… David
like the Apostle Paul learned thru their situations that When you acknowledge God
and His authority over your situation you are on the road to victory. You must
acknowledge the fact that while you cannot get yourself out of the state that
you are in….God can... His authority becomes your authority. Again, those dark
times are the exact times that your faith will need to be applied… use your
faith to get out of your depression, it’s your vehicle, get in it and drive
away. The scripture says that, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope
for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients of old were
commended for " Hebrews 11:1-2…… "We live by faith, not by
sight" according to 2 Cor. 5:7. When the Israelites were depressed, God
called them to put their faith into action. It is a proven fact that practicing
random acts of kindness to others, helps by aiding a healthy disposition in our
own life and has scientifically proven therapeutic value in treating mood
disorders like depression. In my own encounter with depression, I learned that
by taking my eyes off the depressed feelings that I was experiencing and
investing in others, my depression diminished and God’s power overcame the deep
dark depression that I was in, from my past guilt and wrong choices, and
restored in me the joy of my salvation. He wants to do that for you as well my
friend! Don’t give up hope find someone who has battled depression and let them
help you walk through yours! "A friend owes kindness to one in despair
..." Job:6:14
Loving on you today!