Tuesday, July 22, 2014



In the beginning God created a perfect world in every way. Once sin entered the human world through Adam and Eve’s first sin, everything changed, from the original state that God had intended it to be. It has never been the will of God for mankind to suffer. God had given Adam and Eve clear direction and warning. But because of the inclinations of their own personal free will, Eve was beguiled by satan and Adam followed his human instinct for his wife which led them both to fall into the trap that was laid out for them by the evil serpent. Since then, mankind has been in war with sin, tragedy and horrors.
Today, tragedy still befalls us and leaves us confused. The plans that we had made, did not turn out the way that we had dreamed. The conditions in the world, brings us unspeakable horrors. When the most unimaginable things happen to innocent people, we are left with one question, “Why?”. Even Job pondered this dilemma as He asked God concerning his own tragedies.  If you’ve never asked why this world is infected with pain and suffering, you will when they strike you with full force or they come to a loved one that is so dear to you. Jesus Himself said they were coming in John 16:33.  It can seem to us at times, that God is malicious rather than merciful, inconstant rather than constant. Because sin’s evil nature itself always places blame on God. Yet, He is not! Nothing that man thinks about God changes Him, in any way. He is the one thing in all existence, that is constant and true. While human folly and man’s sin can delay or prevent God’s intentional will often times, they never catch Him of guard.
We so often will misuse the term,  “the will of God” and speak of it so loosely because we in most part, do not understand it, or understand how God rules in our lives, and the world in which we live. Sometimes there are circumstances created by evil or simple neglect on our parts that creates an environment of having a will within the will of God. That means that God will make provisions for us to help us overcome our current circumstances by bringing good even out of our bad. Sometimes, like Jesus in Mark 14, we may ask something of God out of our fleshly nature, but in our hearts, we know that regardless to the consequences we know that God’s will is the best road to travel. The things that cause us to question God and often times cause us to feel, “let down”, by Him during those stormy conditions, is because of our lack of wisdom about Him in those situation. I myself have learned too well, that by the time the storm is raging it can be too late to drop the anchor; when it should have been put down before the storm came. I am saying that it is so important to us in life, that we think clearly and be prepared for any disasters that will come our way through doubt and suffering before they hit us. If we do this, then in spite of our grief and confusion we have a clearer understanding that helps to steady us, as an anchor steadies a ship.
I love the song that says, “I know Whom I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able, to keep that which I’ve committed to Him against that day….meaning I don’t think; I know who He is personally, and that is why I can trust Him in all things. We cannot stand in the shoes of God and provide simple answers to the questions that are often asked concerning Him or His will. 1Cor. 13:12 tells us that, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.” But we can understand better the overall  reason that evil is taking place around us. For a time, we may not understand, but like a parent that tells their small child, “one day, you will understand” and then you will have the answers that you were looking for.
Our thinking is always wrong about God when we allow our thoughts and questions to clamor within our hearts, doubting Him in any way, at all. You see, until we understand that God’s will is related to His character and both involved His intentions for us, we will never understand why things happen the way that they do. We may not be able to see His wisdom in things but we can trust His will as Jesus did in Mark 14. Your life is never about, “knowing about God”, but, it is all about “knowing God”. Knowing Him in a personal way, just like you would a family member or a close friend.

Often times you can predict the outcome of someone that you are close to by the character that you know they possess, the person you know them to be, thereby discerning their intent, because you know them so well. To understand and know God is to know and understand His character and intent. As we know more about His character and His will, we then, can better assess and accept His intentions and what His desires are for us and the way that He is at work in our lives and in the world that He created.  God’s word clearly tells us that we cannot discern His will by the worlds standards, but rather we are to transform our way of thinking into His way of thinking and then, we may know and understand with clarity, in truth, His will concerning matters. Romans 12:2, says this, “And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. This verse has taught me more about knowing and understanding the will of God than any other verse in scripture and has radically set me free to understand with a clearer and better understanding as to why things happen the way they do. You and I will have to make the effort to transform our minds, by being faithful to renew them, by allowing God’s word to regenerate our very life. Then the cloudy confusion of the world’s thinking, changes to the clear reality of God’s truth.

Every moment of every day you and I have the freedom to think about whatever we want. Our minds may fill with worries, hopes, disappointments, hobbies, anything. Those thoughts may cultivate anger, lust, compulsive working, people-pleasing, or depression. Or, we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds like Romans 12:2 tells us by letting the very Word of God diagnose us as it states in Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The thoughts that you choose to dwell on will be the most important factor in how you feel and what you say and do throughout your life. Ultimately, you’re thinking determines the kind of person that you become. Proverbs 23:7 reminds us of this very truth, “that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”.

Some people are reluctant to trust God completely with their lives, fearing that He may want to make a change in their plans. Yes, He will change our plans. But His plans are infinitely better than the very best we could ever conceive. satan is the enemy of our soul. His mission is to keep us from receiving Christ by repenting and turning from our sin and being effective and fruitful for the kingdom of God. You want to know what God’s will is for you. Surrender your life to Him, make Him Lord and keep Him as your first love.

Loving on you today,

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