Monday, November 24, 2014


In my early years of being a Christian, I struggled with my finding approval from God. I had not yet understood that God approved of me because of Christ alone, who now resided inside of me. Nothing that I could do would make me more saved, loved, appreciated or accepted by God more than my simple confession of sins and turning away from my past, accepting the work of what Jesus did for me on the cross, committing my life and future to Him. As I did that, Christ came into my heart and life and made me all that I needed to be in order to be accepted by God the Father. Early on, I found myself looking around at other women whom I had much respect for (spiritually speaking) and trying to duplicate in myself what I saw in them. But what I soon found out in doing that was this: I was trying to duplicate someone else’ ideals and worship of God to define myself and quickly found out that it was just not working. I did not know at first that a personal relationship with God and my worship of and to Him was unique to my personality and where I was in my walk with the Him and His working in me.

I had to learn the importance of listening to what God was telling me to do and not try to duplicate in my life, what I saw in others. And by doing this, my worship became genuine and my duty and inspiration from God was to and from Him alone. I learned early on that I had best abandon anything that even had the faintest hint of a man-made expectation of who I should be in Christ. Philippians 2:13 tells me that it is God, who wills and works in me for His good purpose. I am not left to myself, but I have inside me the Holy Spirt of the Living God that aids me in everything, I now need. God is now working in me and because of that, I have an efficacious working power source, that I can now call on to help, when I am in need.  This is no hopeless task to which He has called me, no more night cries because I feel so hopeless in trying to change myself. No fruitless beatings of the air, nor idle effort in trying to change my ugly spots so to speak of the leopard, or the Ethiopian, to change the color of his skin as in Jeremiah 13:23. The Lord is working in me now, and He is mighty to save and change me. Whatever impulses I may feel, whatever goodwill in my efforts to serving Him. I now look upon it as a token of His presence and His readiness to help me in them. That is God working in me to will it and to do it, for He has no feeling but one  towards me, and that is of goodwill. Oh how that verse assures me that there is nothing lacking in me when I became God’s child and that I can be assured that He will change me through His power as I submit my will to Him and that good purpose.

Hold Fast,

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