Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We humans spend a lifetime seeking after the things we value the most and often without realizing it, set a pattern of worship for that which we seek. Some seek after the pleasures that fulfill their flesh, while others seek a deeper spiritual fulfillment.  But true worship is setting a priority on seeking God. When Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, He introduced a new kingdom coming and a revolutionary new way to live. Your view of God shapes every other area of your life. Tragically, most people's perception of God is shaped by their  own thoughts, feelings and experiences rather than by God's revelation of Himself in and through His Word. The Word of God is needed in our lives. It is alive, powerful, sharp and yet it is so neglected. While most of us intend to read the Bible, we rarely do. And even then, God wants us to do more than simply read it, for it was written to be obeyed. God’s power is released to us as we obey it, to do that which He requires of us. The true worshiper of God will always be seeking Him crying out to Him to, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life”, like David did in Psalm 139:23-24.
Too often God’s people grow content with the ordinary that they don't even bother asking God for anything more. Revival invites you to imagine what could change if we were to actually experience it. In revival, our priorities get rearranged, relationships are reconciled, people take precedence over job pursuits and recreational hobbies, and God’s people become conscious of what it means to seek His kingdom and His righteousness above everything else, as in Matthew 6:33. In 2015 let us ignite our passion to seek God for His movements of revival in our personal life, our homes, Churches and community. While we cannot organize revival, we can begin to set our sails to catch the fire of it, as it is released to those that desire and seek it. Discovering how we can set the sails for God’s power and activity in our lives is provided in His Word and requires action on our parts. First and foremost, having a heart of repentance. Repentance is a serious word. God commands it. Our sinful condition requires it. And Jesus makes it possible for us to live the life that He died to provide us. As we have this change in our hearts, God leads us to the places that we need to go. Don’t settle sweet friend for a lesser version of who God created you to be. No matter how far from God's standard you have fallen, the power of God's grace can save, transform and restore you, providing you the revival you desperately need and seek or for the salvation through Christ that you have yet to experience but can have even now, as you go to Him and ask. May you have the happiest of new year’s in 2015, as you resolve in your heart to be spiritually revived!

Hold Fast,

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