Friday, July 22, 2022


Communication is always taking place between people, through making requests, stating facts, offering apologies, asking questions or giving thanks for something. It is essential if we are to have strong and healthy relationships with one another. The same is true with our prayer life. In prayer we are communicating to God in adoration to Him, giving thanksgiving, making confession and supplication. That very act of communication is what cultivates and builds the strong relationships that we desire and need with each other and with God.

As long as we are in constant communication with others, we need not feel the isolation and loneliness that's found in being loners on an Island that we oftentimes can create and live on, for ourselves. While we may need the stimulating interaction with others to keep away the blues, we don't necessarily have to have them. 

Our prayer life on the other hand is essential in the life of every believer. Without it a person cannot even become a Christan. For the repented sinner must call on the name of the Lord for their salvation according to Romans 10:9-13. Prayer, however, is not necessarily made with the mouth only, but with the heart. For it is with the heart's attitude that God judges us all. For example, a person that cannot speak can still pray. For their prayers are heard through their heart's intent.

Jesus himself says in Mark 14:38 that prayer was essential in having victory over satan. You see, prayer appropriates the power we need to overcome the things that we need to overcome and live the life that He asks us to live obediently. 

As you read through the scriptures concerning the life and ministry of Christ, you will always see where He begins with prayer. He demonstrated that importance and the priority of prayer by His own example. When He began His ministry He prayed Mark 1:35. Before selecting His disciples, He prayed Luke 6:12. In the book of John He prayed before performing  miracles, before He ate, before He left His disciples, in preparation for His crucifixion, when He was in anguish, and while He hung on the cross in Luke and Mark. His entire life serves as an example of prayer.

Moved by Jesus' example of prayer in Luke 11, the disciples ask Him to teach them to pray. Jesus gave them a model prayer to go by; as He showed them how to pray. Jesus knew that God's power is released to every believer when by their faith, knowing and trusting, God's will as they make their request known to Him, that God would hear their prayer and answer them according to His will. 

So many times you will hear Jesus softly add to His prayers, :not my will Father, but thou will be done!". Jesus knew that He could ask what He would in faith, but it should always be tempered by the will of God.

The problem with many of our prayers is not that we ask too much or too often, but with wrong motives. James 4:3 reminds us of that. Effective prayer is always based upon a sincere desire for God's will to be done in and through a situation. When James and John wanted to call down fire on Samaria, it was not in God's superior wisdom to do so. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy path." When we trust in His will, we lean on and acknowledge His judgements, and then He shows us the way, or the reasons that He does what He does; and if He still does not give us exacts, then He gives us a peace to accept what we do not understand and it no longer matters!

Your prayer life is only a breath away from the fellowship and power that you need on a day to day basis, if you are a believer. For the believer that desires a deep fellowship with God, they must stay in and maintain regular communication with him. Seek Him while He may be found!

Hold Fast,

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