Friday, July 22, 2022

God has not forgotten you

 Webster's Dictionary defines “remember” as to “bring to mind or think of again,” or to “retain in the memory.”  It doesn’t necessarily imply that someone has forgotten the thing they are mindful of, but rather that it is on their mind. So, for God to “remember” means for God to have it on His mind.

God's Word tells us in many places that He remembers His people. In Genesis 8:1 His tells us that he remembered Noah and even the livestock that was with Noah.  In Genesis 30:22 we are told that God remembered Rachel in her situation.

In Exodus 2:24, God heard the groanings of His people Israel, who were slaves in Egypt, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham,  Isaac and Jacob as He called Moses to lead them out; of the bondage that they had gotten themselves in.

King David cried to the Lord in the Psalms just as much for effect as for affection. He had learned through past experiences and knew where to turn in times of trouble.

 In every instance of God remembering, there is always an action on His part that takes place. 

While God remembers both good and bad, and will repay them both, to those who come to Him seeking forgiveness, He is faithful to forgive and put their sins as far as the east is from the west, never to remember again according to Psalms 103:12. 

God never forgets His promises or His people. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator of the universe. He doesn’t suffer from memory lapses.

But He makes it clear that His people are to continue to cry out to Him with prayer and petition, with praise and thanksgiving.

Just as God remembered, we are to remember Him as well and honor Him. When we ask for forgiveness and talk with God in prayer, we are engaged with Him, and are in essence calling His attention upon us. We can trust that He will act on our behalf as we humble our hearts and seek Him in every situation.

Hold Fast,

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