Friday, April 10, 2015



Loving others may not be easy, but for the child of God, it is possible and it is expected. Years ago as I was reading  the love verses in I Corinthians 13, I made the choice to make those precious words my own by saying a little pledge to them. It went something like this. Lord, I will strive to be patient with others and always be kind. I want no desire to be envious of anyone, or anything that they have now or in the future, but will covet to be happy for all that You choose to bless them with.
I also choose Lord, to make every effort to never boast in what I have or what I have done, nor will I purposely choose to be prideful, for pride comes from satan and I want no part of him in my life. I will work hard to not be arrogant and will trust You for what others may perceive of me and my own happiness. I will encourage and build people up every chance and opportunity I get and will not dishonor them with unkind or untrue words. I will always seek to put them and their feelings first and when I realize that I have hurt them, I will ask them for forgiveness and not wait for them to come to me.
Though others may do things that attack any part of my emotions and feelings, I will be slow to have anger against them and make all efforts to keep no records of when someone has wronged, hurt or offended me. I will not delight in the evil things of this world but will rejoice with truth, knowing that it is in my best interest. I will never, ever give up, never loses faith, and will always be hopeful, as You Yourself, helps me to endure through every circumstance and situation in my life. I want what pleases You to please me, all the days of my life.
For everything on this earth will pass away, but love; it will endure forever! I have chosen Galatians 2:20 as my life’s verse,” I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I will strive to die daily and  choose love in every situation that calls me to. It is my choice and I choose this way! What about you sweet friend, what will you choose?
Loving on you today,

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