Thursday, April 30, 2015


Often times people hurt one another because they themselves are hurting. Sweet friend, if you don't like yourself, you will never be able to like anyone else, and consequently, you surely won't be able to help your spouse or your children like themselves either. You will spend all your time trying to prove your own value. You must first accept where you have ended up and work towards your own personal healing. Every one of us must come to the place of knowing that where we are today is not where we will necessarily end up. We need to know that God is continually perfecting us. We all need to accept the unconditional love of God and acknowledge the fact that God doesn't love us because of what we do or what we have done,  but because of who we are, period. Nothing we can do will earn His love and that is how we are to love others. Love is the highest form of spiritual maturity. It often requires some form of sacrificial giving of ourselves to someone else. If love doesn't require some sort of sacrifice on our part, we probably don't love the other person at all. If there is no sacrifice in our actions, we are most likely reacting to something nice they did for us, or simply pretending to be kind to gain some control over them or flatter them in some way. Love is almost always undeserved by the person who receives it.
Our decisions should always have other’s interests in mind. Even a mediocre marriage requires sacrifice. It is important to understand that true love gives of itself. Sacrifice means you are not going to have your way all the time. That means both the husband and wife are called to love each other with unconditional love. There has to be sacrifice of selfish desires, if a couple is going to enjoy a triumphant marriage. As for me, every day when I get up, I choose to have a good marriage. I'm not leaving that one for chance. My mind is made up before my feet hit the floor. Being the godly wife that the Bible talks about can be difficult. It requires time, commitment, change, and a daily choice to work toward God's best in my marriage. But that effort will always bring God's hand into my marriage and it will yours as well. In marriage we can find the most relaxed relationship on earth. We feel a comfortableness with our spouse like no other, an altogether wonderful state. Unless we guard ourselves, though, we can wound the spirit of our mate. As the saying goes, “familiarity breeds contempt.” We must strive to show each other respect. Never take your spouse for granted. Marriage magnifies imperfections. In the intimate space of marriage we must be alert to represent the Lord to each other. Marriage is the most important place to live for Christ. We must do nothing to make each other stumble, but to apply I Timothy 4:7 “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” God blesses obedience pure and simple!
Loving on you today!


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