Tuesday, February 9, 2016


This morning as I went before the Lord, one of the things that was revealed to me concerning sin in my life was the fact that I was harboring criticism in my heart. Criticism that I had been cloaking as petty issues. I find that often times when the Lord has revealed to me an area of sin in my life, if I am not careful, I can easily skip over them as petty and use them as reasons of excusing myself instead of doing the radical invasive surgery on my heart that is needed. My natural tendency is to rationalize which often times leads to excusing myself, which leads to no change and I wonder why nothing changes. Oh how I pray, that the Lord will help me to be different and not pretend that nothing is wrong in my heart. For if I do, the old nature in me will grow stronger and make it harder the next time I want to be real and transparent with the Lord. I pray that He will open my eyes to see the things in my heart, that breaks His heart and keeps His grace from overflowing in mine. I must do the nessacary heart surgery needed to cut out every inkling of pride that keeps me from total surrender. He is so good and merciful to keep lingering over me and because of that, I choose to die to my pride and embrace His life in me. What are you struggling with today my friend? Are you cloaking deeper issues in your life with petty questions and answers? Is your criticism, jealousy, bitterness, envy or resentment only a covering for an unforgiving heart? Things can spill out of us that on a better day, when we are walking with the Lord and focused on what is right, we would never choose to say, think or do. However, when we choose to embrace sin in our lives, we are actually exalting ourselves over others and the Lord. It takes the focus off ourselves and can give us a false impression that we are right and others are wrong. It is not wrong when we notice areas in the lives of others where there is room for growth and their personal dynamics can improve. But if your heart is humble, loving and willing to look past their personal flaws, you will have a decidedly different approach in your dealing with and judging their shortcomings. You will find that through the proper love for them, you will begin to cover them with prayer and aggressively encourage them with the kindness that God offers and shows us. Critical words spring from a critical heart. How’s your heart today?  “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”. Ephesians 4:31-32
Hold Fast,

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