Tuesday, February 9, 2016


The scripture tells us that a person inherits God’s Divine nature at the moment they choose to come to Christ and repent of their sins. That is what being born again is all about. It is about the old life that was lived to please the carnal nature going away and inheriting the new nature that God gives them the moment they come to Him with a repented heart. This new nature causes the new believer to seek and strive to be more like God. They begin to look at their choices and decisions with a greater magnification of the consequences to their actions as to how they will reap from their choices, as well as how their decisions will bring honor or dishonor to the One who now lives within them. The effort that must take place, in the life of the Christian from that point on is, an effort of diligence, as they concentrate more on forming godly habits and working on a deeper, personal relationship with God, in their lives. 

None of us are naturally born or even supernaturally born with character; so we must work towards forming our character by how we choose to live. Nor, are we born with habits. We have to form them as well. Our expectations and love for God, is something that should lead us to a greater walk and commitment to His calling and choices for us. But, those expectations should never replace, the common stuff of ordinary life that exhibits the marvel of His grace and mercy.  One of the great hindrances in our spiritual life is when we look to the big things to do for God and forget to serve Him in the small things.  Remember that, "Jesus…took a towel,…and began to wash the disciples’ feet.” And this is how we are to serve and live as well.     

There are times when there will be no illuminations, no great vision or thrill, but just the daily ins and outs around our common task. Routine is often times God’s way of saving us, between our times of inspiration. We should not expect God to always give us His thrilling moments, but learn to live in the domain of drudgery by and through His power in us. The smallest details in which we obey, has all the omnipotent power of God’s grace behind it. If I do my duty, not for duty’s sake, but because I believe God is engineering my circumstances, then at the very point of my obedience and trusting Him is the whole superb grace of God in me. Nothing thrills me more than to hear that God is speaking to precious souls through the efforts of my encouragement. 

The thing about encouragement, is that it works both ways and works its best, when God gets the glory! Thank you sweet friends for taking the time to visit with me each week through the written word. I love each one of you and want nothing more than for you to experience and make contact with the Lord, in any moment that you may be experiencing discouragement. Keep running the race, no matter how hard it becomes and remember; though we are constantly being sleighed, yet will we serve Him. He is cleaning out in us that which keeps us from knowing and walking with Him on a Higher level. He is worthy, look to Him!
Loving on you today,

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