Thursday, January 29, 2015


For the Shepherd, summer time is known as “fly time”. Those who raise livestock understands this best and the serious problems that insects bring during the warm summer weather. Sheep are especially troubled by an insect called, “the nose fly”. These little flies buzz around the sheep's head, attempting to deposit their eggs on the damp, mucous membranes in the sheep's nose. If they are successful, the eggs will hatch in a few days to form small larvae. They work their way up the nasal passages into the sheep's head and burrow themselves into the flesh; and there set up an intense inflammation and irritation to the sheep. While the sheep cannot see them, they are very much aware of their presence. For relief from their agonizing annoyance, they will deliberately beat their heads against fence post, brush, rocks and trees. They will rub their nose in the dirt and thrash their bodies around in an effort to escape the torment of their irritation and in extreme cases of intense infestation, a sheep will even kill itself. These irritating flies reek all sorts of torments on sheep and if not treated properly, the infection from the flies will even lead to blindness. Some of the sheep become frantic with fear and panic in their attempt to escape their tormentors. They stamp their feet erratically and run from place to place in the pasture trying desperately to escape the flies. Some will run so much, that they will drop from sheer exhaustion. Others may toss their heads up and down for hours in agony. All this excitement and distraction has a devastating effect on the entire flock.
The only hope that the sheep has is from the attention to the behavior of the sheep by the shepherd. At the very first sign of flies among the flock, a good Shepherd will apply an oil to their heads. A homemade remedy that he has made which is smeared over the sheep's nose and head as a protection against nose flies. Once the oil had been applied to the sheep's heads, there is an incredible transformation and immediate change in their behavior. The sheep begins to feed quietly again and will soon lie down in peaceful contentment.
We too can be tormented by an unseen enemy and though we cannot see him, we can certainly feel his presence in our lives. We can easily be tormented by thoughts that burrow their way into our flesh, lay their repulsive eggs and hatch into destructive larva that will eventually work their way into our minds causing us all kinds of torment. Thoughts of fear, rejection, hatred, failure, bitterness, greed, jealousy, lust and many, many other harmful thoughts and lies. These thoughts if not dealt with quickly and correctly can plague even the people of God. But this should not be our fate! Just as there is an oil that the Shepherd uses on his sheep, God has prepared an oil for us. Ps 23 reminds us of this very thing. In those verses the shepherd David relates to us what the Father did for Him and we can trust that He will do them for us. He makes us lie down in green pastures, He restores us and guides us even in the darkest of valleys. We don’t have to fear evil, for He has a spiritual rod and staff of protection. Knowing that, gives us comfort. He anoints our head with oil to serve Him and as a spiritual protection for us. Jesus said in John 10:11 that He was the good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. What is the oil that He offers to His sheep? It is His very word. I can testify myself to it’s amazing power when I apply it to my life. Time after time, even this week God has come through in pouring His oil of truth in an area of my life that has been troubling me. His word is true and sharper than anything that the enemy uses in combat with the children of the Most High. Is something tormenting you today, sweet friend? If so, run to the Good Shepherd and allow the oil of His word to spill over you and don’t give up! He is trustworthy and able. But you must be willing to receive His help, His way, not yours!

Hold Fast,

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