Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We humans spend a lifetime seeking after the things we value the most and often without realizing it, set a pattern of worship for that which we seek. Some seek after the pleasures that fulfill their flesh, while others seek a deeper spiritual fulfillment.  But true worship is setting a priority on seeking God. When Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, He introduced a new kingdom coming and a revolutionary new way to live. Your view of God shapes every other area of your life. Tragically, most people's perception of God is shaped by their  own thoughts, feelings and experiences rather than by God's revelation of Himself in and through His Word. The Word of God is needed in our lives. It is alive, powerful, sharp and yet it is so neglected. While most of us intend to read the Bible, we rarely do. And even then, God wants us to do more than simply read it, for it was written to be obeyed. God’s power is released to us as we obey it, to do that which He requires of us. The true worshiper of God will always be seeking Him crying out to Him to, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life”, like David did in Psalm 139:23-24.
Too often God’s people grow content with the ordinary that they don't even bother asking God for anything more. Revival invites you to imagine what could change if we were to actually experience it. In revival, our priorities get rearranged, relationships are reconciled, people take precedence over job pursuits and recreational hobbies, and God’s people become conscious of what it means to seek His kingdom and His righteousness above everything else, as in Matthew 6:33. In 2015 let us ignite our passion to seek God for His movements of revival in our personal life, our homes, Churches and community. While we cannot organize revival, we can begin to set our sails to catch the fire of it, as it is released to those that desire and seek it. Discovering how we can set the sails for God’s power and activity in our lives is provided in His Word and requires action on our parts. First and foremost, having a heart of repentance. Repentance is a serious word. God commands it. Our sinful condition requires it. And Jesus makes it possible for us to live the life that He died to provide us. As we have this change in our hearts, God leads us to the places that we need to go. Don’t settle sweet friend for a lesser version of who God created you to be. No matter how far from God's standard you have fallen, the power of God's grace can save, transform and restore you, providing you the revival you desperately need and seek or for the salvation through Christ that you have yet to experience but can have even now, as you go to Him and ask. May you have the happiest of new year’s in 2015, as you resolve in your heart to be spiritually revived!

Hold Fast,

Monday, December 22, 2014


Christmas day has finally come and gone. The tree, though still up, lacks its Holiday luster. The loneliness for many will now set in. The left over mixed emotions begin to cloud our vision and seem to collide with the disappointments of the much wanted gifts, that we did not receive or the special someone that did not show up. We tell ourselves that next year will be better, as we stare at the crumpled up bits of Christmas paper on the floor that now resembles confetti. The living room that just a few days before, looked like a festive and elegant Target commercial, now looks like a circus that just finished the last show and pulled out of town, leaving a trail of debris down the halls and into the kid’s bedrooms. We begin that dreaded questioner that we force ourselves every year to take as we review our Holiday. Was it the best day of the year, or did it turn out to be the worst? Did we find the true spirit of Christmas or did we allow the disappointments to over shadow the things that could of brought us the joy that was intended, had our focus been on what it should have been on. Was this how the shepherds felt, after the angels ceased their singing and they returned to their flocks in the fields? Did they experience the same let down? Wonder what the magi felt, when they began the long trip back home as Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt as they were warned to do? Did they wonder, like we do? Did they question like we do, “was this it”? Everything that we had been waiting for and this is it? A baby in a manger? A gift card from a family member along with a food hangover for eating way too much! May I tell you from experience sweet friend that every glory fades, when it is misplaced, in the wrong thought or idea. Disappointment is nothing more that the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of our hopes or expectations. You didn’t get the job you wanted, Someone you love let you down. Your Christmas did not turn out the way you had hoped. Whatever the circumstances, it didn’t turn out how you expected, and now you’re disappointed.

Disappointment can hover over us bringing about a very grey perspective upon our situation and if you don’t know what your core values are, you may not have a framework to support you when you experience negative emotions that cause the dreaded, Eeyore syndrome. If you stop and think about it, the Bible is full of disappointed people. John, Moses, David, Jacob, Hannah, Mary and Martha, just to mention a few. Even Jesus experienced disappointment on many levels during His life as people refused to heed the Good News that He was bringing. His heart panged as His disciples and closet friends didn’t understand or believe. Nor, as He encountered the ritualistic mindsets of the religious Pharisees. The good thing though, was that many of those biblical characters overcame their disappointments and were able to accomplish what the devil meant by using their disappointments against them to bring about good in their lives. We too will face disappointment again and again in our lives, but how we respond to it should change over time. We should find ourselves staying away from the emotional roller coasters every time we don’t get what we want or what we expected in our circumstances. It should become less about what we desire and more about what God desires for us. As Jesus prayed when He asked God to spare Him the suffering that He knew He would face on the cross, "yet not my will, but yours be done" Luke 22:42. This is the great lesson that we must learn from Him. When something bad happens in our life, it’s not a time to blame God, but a time to run to Him and remember that God didn’t disappoint us, but that life’s circumstances and people disappointed us. Always remember to fight your disappointments with truth and not with pity and gloom as you go into your new year!

Happy New Year!


This will be the last week that we have to finish up our Christmas purchases before December 25th. Choosing that perfect gift for someone is not always an easy thing to do, especially if you have no idea what they may like or need. While giving gifts is a lovely and appropriate way to show our love and affections towards others; there are other ways of giving gifts that cost us no money, little effort and goes much further than any tangible gift that can be given. They are the gifts that keep on giving. They are the gifts of listening, affection, laughter, a kind word of encouragement and a simple gift of complimentary words. Sometimes we are a blessing to others when we simply listen to them ramble on without trying to give them our words of wisdom or interrupting their sad discord. Often times a good pat on the back to someone, being generous with our hugs and kisses when appropriate are the perfect way to celebrate our affection for someone. Sharing funny stories and clean humorous jokes may just be the very thing that someone needs to forget their troubles for a time. And never forget to be complimentary to people. Simply saying, “You look great today”, no matter how their appearance may be at that moment. People need us to be kind and show them a tender side to counter all the hate and ill will that they may be subjected to on a daily basis. Everyone benefits from showing kindness to others.
Research has consistently shown that humans feel happier when they are performing acts of kindness. By finding ways to be good and kind to others, you are not only making a difference in their lives, but you will also feel better about yourself. We humans have survived as a species because we were created with the capacities to care for those in need and are hurting. Our sympathy for one another is our strongest instinct. This explains why we automatically reach out to help, when someone falls or we are moved to pull over to assist when we witness a car accident. The problem is that society has become very individualistic and believe that life is all about themselves and in doing so, they are constantly repressing that God given instinct to do good. Be aware and notice yourself resisting that urge to ignore and don't let it keep you from doing things such as stopping to help a person pick up something they have dropped or helping to change a flat tire for someone. Maybe even picking up the tab for someone who may need a little assistance. Challenge yourself to do something good for someone during the holidays and even all year long. Who knows cooperative behavior is contagious and we all know that the world could stand for more kindness. Your small gestures are likely to create a chain reaction of kindness and spread. God encourages his people to be kind to one another, even to those who may be their enemies. “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil”.  Luke 6:35  And never ever forget, “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”. Colossians 3:12 The greatest gift that you can give others never changes. It is your love for them! So give it freely!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


From its modest beginnings, Christmas has evolved into the biggest celebration in the world, yet, we can keep it as simple and as fun as the effort we put into it. Nothing evokes Christmas memories quite like the smell of fresh-cut evergreen or seeing the star as it sits atop the tree. Neither can we forget the Christmas miracle as it is captured in the sweet baby Jesus, of the Nativity. Who cannot recall the sound of wrapping paper as it’s being wrapped around the well thought out gifts or a favorite Christmas food, along with all the special Christmas music, and of course all the traditions that we have personally maintained through the years in keeping with the memories that we had growing up, as well as the new ones that we may be beginning with our own family. But when something or someone throws a wet blanket in on any of it, well that can make for some unhappy holiday changes. However, that is life and sometimes, plans just change. This year, no matter what, treasure your traditions, but be open to some possible new ones. Sometimes the holidays don't feel exactly as we remember them or how we think they should look or taste. If you are unable to bend and be flexible, willing to compromise during changes that may sneak in on your holiday plans, you will only become frustrated and your frustration will not only effect you, but will spill out into everyone else’s Holiday. Beside, we all know that Christmas is about more than what we eat and where we eat it, or  the purchase of gifts. Some holiday related stress is to be expected. Turkeys and hams will be burned. Flights will be canceled. People will say that they will come or do this or that and in the end something always comes up that prevents them from doing so. But how you react to it will most assuredly determine how the holiday will be remembered. Keep in mind that Holiday pressure hits some people harder than others. So you would do well to become one of those people who have learned to chuckle at adversity and laugh off what you are unable to change. Romans 8:28 encourages us to do this, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose".
Try to keep your focus on what is realistic and not ideal, or you will risk facing major disappointment when things don't go as planned. Chances are, the holiday invitations are hitting your inbox and mailbox by now. Between church functions, the office party, family commitments, and those one day only sales, you can be stretched too thin. Packing your calendar with obligations means sacrificing time usually spent on other activities. Be sure to get plenty of rest during your busy days for rest is one of the best stress relievers and is very much needed yet often can be the first to go. You're up at the crack of dawn to rush to the best sales and then stay up late, wrapping them. So don’t forget to rest and slow things down a bit or your grumpy spirit from the unwanted stress can damper everyone’s holiday fun. Be ready to say no to some things. Start to prioritize chores, decline some invitations, and schedule time to do holiday activities you enjoy, instead of just those you feel you have to do. The holidays can be particularly trying for people with depression and other mental illnesses. Feeling depressed at this time of year "can be particularly hard because we're expected to be happy," Keep it simple, keep it frugal but most of all remember that your happiness should never be based on getting or giving. But being content with what you are able to give or get and spending time with those you love. Combat those Christmas blues by having a plan and make every effort to find someone to be with this Christmas! For me and my house, Jesus is the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas!


The story behind the story of the Christmas Nativity went something like this; God gave Himself in the human form of His only Son, Jesus. He sent him down to a pauper’s manger, in an infant's form. There, as a tiny baby He made His bed and slept right where the oxen fed. Later in life God’s heir would learn to toil in the trade of a carpenter. He would drive the nail, push the plane and use a saw in his craft. He would live amongst scribes and Pharisees, whose cunning eyes watched His every move and whose lying and cruel tongues scourged Him with many acts of hate and slander. He would come to understand hunger and thirst, and live in such poverty that He had no place to even lay his head. For He would also come to understand the horrific tug of human temptation, yet He never gave into those temptations, nor did He ever sin. God gave His Son to live in exile among men. He sent Him down to the world knowing all the time that His precious Son would have to endure the scourging and mocking by those He came to die for, and have a crown of thorns placed over His brow as a sign of that mockery. He would receive beatings on His back and excreting pain on his cheeks by those that plucked the hair from His beard. In the end, God would give that Son up to death and not just any death, but a felon's death, the death of the crucified.
There He was on the cross, look at Him, ponder a while what it was all about and see the anguish of Him that died there. See, how the Father loved you and I! The pain in the heart of God was so great from the sin that was laid upon Jesus, that God Himself had to hide His face from Him. For God cannot look upon sin. Can you see the story behind the story. For it tells us how fully God gave his Son to ransom the souls of sinful man. God gave Jesus to be made a curse for us. He gave Him that He might die, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God. God the Father sent Himself, as part of the Holy Trinity, in the human person of His Son Jesus, down to earth to be crucified as an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the world. A sinful world, I might add! What was in this world, that God should love it? There was rebellion against his commandments, enmity, disregard and even hatred for God’s laws and His Truths, yet He loved the world any way. He was willing to redeem them, because they were perishing and could not do for themselves that which must be done in order to restore them to Himself. God’s love comes from within Himself and He loves because it is His nature to do so. Nothing we can do will ever merit God’s love for us, He gives it freely.

Some of the Old Testament writers had a glimpses of this great truth and often times came pretty near expressing it. Like today, those that have lived in years past, worshiped many false gods and idles, yet there was not one of whom the worshippers could rejoice and say, “My god loves me”. When God says in John 3:16 that, ‘He loved the world,’ that really means, as far as each individual is concerned, He loves us, each one. Love which spares nothing, but spends itself to help and bless the one it loves, is love indeed. Little love forgets to bring water to the feet of them that need to be washed, but great love breaks its box of alabaster and lavishes its precious ointment upon them without regret. God, says He, so loved the world, that is, all men under heaven; even those that despise His love and will for that cause, perish apart from His great love. God’s love flows from its own secret source in the eternal deity, and it owes nothing to any earth born piety, but comes from beneath the everlasting nature and throne of the living God. God loved because He would love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…” John 3:16

Hold Fast,



December, the month of Hope! The month we celebrate the birth of Jesus, that hopeful King that came to take away the sins of the world, for those that would but seek Him. Hope is a very powerful force. It is actually faith in seed form. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. Hebrews 11:1 The scriptures tell us three things concerning the unconditional good news concerning the gift of salvation offered by the Son of God.  In Ephesians 2 we are told that both the Jew and Gentile are dead in their trespasses and sin and that by nature we are all the children of wrath. With this in mind, an unbeliever is not a sick person, but a dead one. All lost sinners are dead and the only difference between one sinner and another is the state of decay which is their natural condition. God’s plan was salvation for all people, right from the very beginning. The anchor of our hope, of our salvation, of our future is not in us, but in the holy history and promise of the Son of God.  He took humanity and it’s sin upon Himself and He gave back His life, death, and resurrection, a new history, a new status, in which mankind no longer stands condemned, but justified, if they are found in Christ.  Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men”. Man’s only hope, no matter who He is, is Jesus Christ and redemption is through Him alone according to John 1. Paul says in Romans 5 that being justified by faith we have peace with God: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. So you see you can have peace. It is possible.
That peace that Paul speaks about comes only through the gift of salvation that Jesus offers, if accepted. For Jesus came to bring peace between sinful man and a holy God and through the gospel and through the acceptance of the gospel, through justification by faith, that great truth that is what gives us peace with God. In Romans 9, Paul explained very clearly that it is not merely being a descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that makes a true Israelite, but it is the qualities of these three men that qualifies one to be an Israelite.  In other words, Abraham stood for faith and, if you have the faith of Abraham, then you are Abraham’s seed.  Isaac stands for being born from above and, as Paul says to the Gentiles in Galatians 4, we who are born from above belong to Isaac.  And, of course, Jacob really refers to those whose faith endures.  In other words, if you have the faith of Abraham, if you have experienced the new birth, the birth from above as Isaac was born from above, and if your faith endures unto the end, then you belong to Israel.  While the Jews were applying the word “Israel” only to those who had the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Paul was saying, now that the true messiah had come, that their way of teaching had been removed through Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because, in the incarnation, He took unto Himself, not only the Jewish nation, but He took the whole human race unto Himself.

The human race is the sum of Adam’s life.  When God breathed into Adam the breath of life, He breathed life into every future life in the human race  God took that corporate life of the human race and joined it to Christ in the incarnation.  Then, by His perfect life and His sacrificial death and His resurrection, He gave us a new hope, a new history, a new status in which we have salvation, full and complete, nothing lacking.  That is the redemption of the gospel and the unconditional good news.  And in that redemption, all distinction between man was removed.  Romans 3:22-23. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

What more, precious gift could we receive, than the offer that comes through the birth of the King of hope!

Hold Fast,

Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...