Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We ask ourselves, should Christians drink? Is it okay to spank our children when needed? Should we provide them with private education, public schools or maybe homeschool them? Should we go to a church that tickles our ears by what we want to hear and supports our way of thinking or should we seek out a church that will challenge our own wisdom. As individuals we ponder the pros and cons of our decisions. We scratch our heads, read some books and look to whom we deem experts for definitive answers. We do this because it is much easier for us to let someone else do our thinking for us. Who is doing your thinking for you today? Who are listing to? Are you challenging what they are saying by weighing it against the Word of God?  
It is common place in our society to have the dependency of following and letting TV evangelist, the church house preacher, the latest author who has written a best seller, or a person that may have a degree after their name. While this is not all bad, it can be bad if we are being led astray by false teaching or some truth, mixed with lies.  The thinking and studying that discernment requires of us is hard work, even though God’s Word (for example in Philippians 1:9-11 and Job 34-:1-4) tells us that it is worth the effort to seek it out for ourselves. We are told in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study to show ourselves approved, workmen that needeth not to be ashamed…. because we ourselves have made the effort to divide the Word of God by studying it and researching it for ourselves.
Ignorance creates fear and uncertainty, while truth liberates us with the assurance of what we should do or think; and the only way to achieve that is through personal seeking, studying and comparing it to the Word of God from a personal standpoint. Don’t follow after someone other than God, don’t let them manage your mind. Pray for God’s wisdom, but remember not only should you pray for wisdom from God, you must earnestly desire and seek truth, no matter of the personal cost that may be required of you.
Don’t give up and say God did not answer you because He did not answer you the way you wanted Him to. If God shuts a door, stop banging on it….like the saying goes! In faith, trust that whatever is or was behind your request, is not meant for you, and move on. So many times we put too much effort in trying to make our wills, God’s will for our lives and then when things do not turn out like we wanted, we blame God for it! It is so easy to praise God in the good times when things are going well. But the real test of your faith always comes in the dark clouds that form over you to shield you from the light of God’s truth about a thing. So, put your trust in God, not yourself, nor in others for the answers that you need and are seeking, but wholly in God alone! 
Loving on you today,

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

EXACTLY what we needed today. Mike and I were just talking about this last night. Absolute truth. Love you!

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