Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Speaking To Teens & Young Adults - If You Will Listen


If you will listen to me, I have something very important to say to you, that will spare you a lot of heart ache! That is every parents dream, that their teenager or young adult child would take their advice before making a choice that will end in heart ache that often times brings pain both to their child and themselves. With so many pressures to fit in and do what society says is normal, it can be easy for a young person to think that while their parents may mean well they are keeping their children from a lot of fun and experiences that they could be having. This can be hard to handle, even when they may believe that God exists, and want to live the way that God desires them to. However, because of the strings that are pulling them in different directions to be a “pop culture” zombie following mindlessly the superficial people that they are around daily, deep down inside they struggle just like you and me with what is right, what is wrong and what is accepted and not accepted and that what today’s society considers “normal” is not necessarily right with God nor is right for you and I.

But, still, the temptations are there and each person struggles with the decision to sow their own wild oats at some point in their life. Most people think that, that is part of what being a normal teenager is. However, that is wrong thinking! It does not have to be that way. In fact, it should not be. Consider a parable related by Jesus who, by the way, knew what it was like to be a teenager Himself. He told of a father who had two sons. One  of his sons sowed his wild oats by wanting to seek and experience all the extremes life had to offer, living his life abandon from his upbringing and far from his family and home. But when the fun came to an end, this prodigal son came to feel himself, abandon from those that he had sacrificed his future to party with and enjoy his sin for a season.  At one point he had reached such a lowly state that upon his getting the only work that he could find, in tending pigs, he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, if only he were allowed to do so. You see, the party was over for him, and his life was miserable according to Luke 15:11-32.

No matter how attractive the idea of, “experiencing real life” may seem for a while, those experiences bring permanent consequences in our lives. They are the unproductive, fruitless and barren crops, that spring up from what we have sown. The Bible puts it very simply: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” Galatians 6:7.  The reality is that there is no free pass when it comes to the cause and effect of sin that we have purposely sown in our lives. King Solomon had a great understanding of this truth and knew from his own experience with sin as he wrote, “Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these God will bring you into judgment” Ecclesiastes 11:9. Even in our youth, the actions we choose will affect us for the rest of our lives. Teens and young adult years alike, are filled with potentially life changing decisions, so even while we are young, we should be wise as serpents and gentle as a dove in how we respond to them according to Matthew 10:16.

A great example of this is when young people become involved in having sex or drinking alcohol which many may consider a normal rite of passage for them; they are taking a closer step toward injury or even death that would not have occurred if they had not opted to take that first drink or put themselves into a situation where they would be forced to decide whether to have sex or not. Motor vehicle crashes are often caused or worsened by alcohol consumption and are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States. But even if they forgo injury to themselves physically, they should consider the impact and witness that their misconduct or drinking will have on their friends, family and their own children as when the times comes for them to marry and establish their own families. Sexual encounters may seem to be harmless especially as it is plastered all over the television and magazines  as it is presented as every human’s right and is certainly common among today’s teens as well as unmarried adults. However, it does not make it right. Millions of cases of sexually transmitted diseases is contracted each year and is a direct result of unprotected sex between two people that did not give any thought to the repercussions of what they were doing. One report states that, nearly half of the 19 million new STDs each year are among young people aged 15–24 years. Other statistics point out that, each year, one in four U.S. teens contracts an STD or other sexually transmitted infection, and that by 2025 as many as 40 percent of all men and half of all women could be carrying one or more STDs. 

How did our culture come to this point? It happened because society now accepts intimate sexual contact between guys and girls no matter the age or the consequences that having sex may bring them. By removing standards that define appropriate contact and what is right and what is wrong no longer matters to many people. By winking at the sowing wild oats attitude, while it may appear or seem to be fun at the time, always brings some form of heartache and regret that can last a lifetime.  God’s Word may appear to be a book of rules and guidelines for some people and while they may overlook them and not care much for them, they will answer for them either in this life or the next.  The wisest of all men King Solomon wrote, “My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother, for they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck” Proverbs 1:8 -9.

As Solomon wrote, “Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right” Proverbs 20:11. Make sure that the seeds you sow are godly ones that will produce good crops of fruit in your life without regrets. Even if you have sown a few wild oats in your past, you can turn your life around at any point. It is never too late to start doing the right thing and remember that the devil means to use your wrong choices to destroy your happiness and bring you to ruin. But God can restore those wrong choices over time as you surrender your life to Him. Please listen sweet friend and accept wise council!

Loving on you today sweet friend,

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