Monday, April 16, 2012


In the quietness of my studding God's Word this morning, I was reminded of how it is my sole responsibility to become a mirror for others to see Christ in my life. The only way that I can do that of course is to allow God to have His way in my life, holding back nothing for myself, and in doing so, I will begin to reflect the proper image to others of the Lord's own character. 
In passing conversations over the past few weeks, I have noticed a number of people who are hurting and oddly enough, each one of them feels in some way or another betrayed and hurt by a close friend or loved one. Sadly there is a big chance that some of these relationships will never be restored. God's Word plainly teaches us to be at peace with all men whenever it is possible. That verse however, does not give us an outlet to be irresponsible to our own actions and accountability in reaching out to them to be reconciled in love. But, it means that when we have done everything that we know to do to correct the hurt and someone still chooses to be upset with us, we are relieved of our obligation to them as a loving brother or sister. However, we are still responsible for keeping the door of restoration open at all times for them, in case they desire reconciliation to us at some point. I fear sometimes though, we say that we have done our part when in reality what we mean is that we have done all that (we) want to do, so the rest is up to them.
As hard as it is to do so, we are obligated to love one another regardless of disagreements. Disagreeing with someone is easy, loving them the way Christ does only comes through our willingness to put aside how they have hurt us and be willing to cut every cord of bitterness and hurt.  If we are doing this, we are living in obedience to God's Word in John 13:35 ... By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” the world will know us by our love for one another...and mock us if we do not reflect it. If we are truly in Christ, our effort to love will not be a burden to us, but simply an outlet of God's love for them, in which will be an attraction, for them to see in us God's reflection. Never allow bitterness to hide in your heart sweet friend....but always choose to love others, no matter the cost to yourself.
Loving on you today!

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