Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Disappointments can creep into our lives robbing us of our peace. The peace that sustains us emotionally and gives us balance between where we are and where we want to be. Disappointments are dissatisfaction's that arise when our expectations are not met by our outcomes. Depending on the size of our disappointments and how we choose to deal with them, our feelings of disappointments may dissipate after a short while or hang over us for extended periods of time. If we do not handle them properly, they can lead us into bouts of depression and even apathy, where we just give up. The reason that we even have disappointments are because we can have a certain passion towards the outcome of something. And with everything in our life there is a cause and effect. As I shared with the ladies in my Bible Study last night for our disappointments, our passion is our cause and our disappointments are the effect. If we did not care about something we would not be disappointed when things go opposite of what our expectations for them are; and while they can be quite painful, regardless of their magnitude, in the end they can take their toll on us.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see….Hebrews 11. When our disappointments cloud our peace and visions of hope we are to be reminded that God Sovereign wisdom and knowledge goes beyond what we can only imagine to be possible. Always battle and replace doubts, worries and fears with Truth….and Truth is what God says about a thing….when the weight of disappointment presses on you with a crushing force, remind yourself that your hope is in the God of miracles, and though you may not can see for while the fulfillment of your prayers answered, remember that He is faithful to bring it to pass.

My husband is a Trouble Shooter for an Electric Company. His job is to seek out the area where a problem is, determine through his years of experience what the problem is and give the proper instructions as to what to do, to get it fixed. As Christians, we are to take on a similar role....the role of a Spiritual Troubleshooter for our souls. Our tool belt is our willpower to go to God and our knowledge of what His Word has to say  about whatever it is that we are disappointment about.   
When your hopes of deep satisfaction are tarnished, and your dreams appear to be broken remember: God says, ... that He knows the plans that He has for you, and they are to prosper you and not destroy you. Your values, having meaning and clinging to hope will always act as a catalysts, in mobilizing you with the energy and will power that you will need to endure and have victory in spite of your disappointments. While setting your goals, always be mindful that unless our plans are in the will of God, then our plans can become misplaced. King Solomon said in Ecc 2:11 “As I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless…like chasing the wind”. The scriptures teach us that our disappointments can and will build the proper character and patience in us , when allowed to do so. Romans 5:3-4 says that we can rejoice…when we run onto problems and trials because we know they work for our good….they help us to endure, and that endurance is what builds in us the very character of God. Romans 8:28 tells us that God works all things for our good for those that love Him. May I say to you sweet friend, that the more we stake our security in Him and what we know about Him, the less power our disappointments will have on us to rob and undermine our hope. The stronger our relationship is with the Father, the greater hope we will have that will empower us to face any disappointment. Let your disappointments lead you to Jesus, who will enable you to endure all things, refresh your attitude and renew a right spirit in you, giving you peace and encourage the hope in your heart that brought you to Him.
Don't you give up sweet to Jesus!
Loving you today,

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