Friday, March 9, 2012


Jesus, the Suffering Servant who carried the sin of the world on the cross and who now is exalted, as Lord of Lords and reigns forever as King of Kings! He did for me what I could not do for myself spiritually and I gladly accept it as the propitiation for my sin. That is what I believe the truth about Jesus is. Every soul must determine who and what they believe Christ to be for themselves. Was He mere man that just so happened to be a great teacher? Was He a prophet that possessed a vast amount of wisdom and spiritual insight? Was He a liar?  Or, was He whom He said He was. Fully man and fully God. The Way, the Truth and the Life, that no man would be able to go to God unless they go through Him, by accepting the work that He did on  the cross on their behalf John 14:6. We can sugar coat the Truth all day long to make us feel better and not hold ourselves accountable for it when God sends it our way. But in the end, every soul will have to work out their own salvation, not by their own works or merit but, by what they believe to be truth.

For some people it’s not so hard to believe the Truth. They simply accept it, on its own merit, not because they are simple minded, but because they have worked it out for themselves and understand the principle of the cross  and the work that God did there. For others, they must thrust their hand into the holes, in the Son of God’s side and hands in order to believe, as did Thomas. Either way, God allows us to come to Him and reason with Him. He is always willing to prove Himself to us, if we are honest in our searching. However, some will choose not to accept the Truth on God’s terms, because they fear the Truth to be too hard for them to understand and accept or they simply chose not to seek it, because they believe they have no need for it. While still others do not want God no matter how easy He makes it for them, because they desire and love darkness more than they love or desire Light and the Truth.   

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1:1…while He had many claims,  they all pointed in one direction…Jesus told his disciples upon their asking Him to show them the Father that.... if they wanted to see God, then look at Him John 14:6-11….because His whole life’s purpose was to point and direct men to His Father, restoring them spiritually, back to the original state that they were created to be in; allowing them once again to have fellowship with God. What sin’s bitter consequences had ravished upon all mankind, the blood atonement of God's only Son would finally and ultimately pay as a spiritual covering over all mankind’s sin before God, if man would simply accept His work and repent fo their sin. Jesus would do for all mankind what they could not do for themselves. The Bible says that one day every person will bow before God. At that point... it will matter what a person believed while alive. While many people may doubt that and choose to believe differently, the day of reckoning will surly come…for us all.

Where and or Whom do you put your trust and faith in sweet friend….our lives are but vapors, they appear for a while, and then they disappear. You must work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling Philippians 2:12, and in the end, you will know if you made the right choice!
Loving On & Praying For You Today!

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