Tuesday, August 30, 2011


As with all children, there were times when my daughters were young, that I can recall them pouting, when they did not get their way in a situation. Maybe because they wanted to go somewhere, purchase something or do something that they were not allowed to have or do. While they were not allowed to pout openly over those things, inside I am sure that they burned with frustration and even anger. I can recall a few times that they would go to their room, throw themselves on their beds and simply cry. While it hurt me to see them struggle and be disappointed by saying no to them, I knew that my decision not to give in to them was the best thing for them at the time. I understood their hurt and anger, because I myself had been disappointed many times by not getting something that I really wanted. To my disappointment, there were some times that I did give in; only to regret it’s bitterness as a result from it, later on.  Hind sight always reveals regrets as well as blessings.
Pouting over something may seem to pay off short term, but in the long haul, it can have a terrible, bitter bite! There is a story about a King in the Scriptures who acted like a spoiled child. When he didn’t get his way, he refused to eat, ran to his bedroom, threw himself on his bed, and began to pout. His name was King Ahab. Ahab had one of the wickedest wives throughout the scriptures, Jezebel. 1 Kings 21 talks about how King Ahab wanted a vineyard that belonged to Naboth who was a Jezreelite. Upon asking Naboth to sell him or trade his vineyard for another one, Naboth’s refusal to do so enraged Ahab and the King went home sullen and angry. The vineyard was an inheritance from Naboth’s ancestors and he did not want to part with it. The scripture says that while Ahab was laying on his bed sulking over the situation and refusing to even eat, Jezebel came in and asks him what his problem was. Upon hearing his discourse, Jezebel said to him, “Is this how a king over Israel acts? Get up and eat, and cheer up! I will get you what you want”! Then she arranged for the man who had disappointed the King to be killed so that Ahab could have what he wanted. While he may have gotten what he wanted at the time, he found out later, that the cost was much bitter than the desire to have what he wanted. God sent word and confronted Ahab and told him that because he had sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, that dogs would lick up his own blood in the same place where Nabot had been stoned to death. He was also told that God was going to consume his descendants by cutting them off. You see our sin not only effects us, but those around us are often times caught up in reaping as well. For Jezebel, she was devoured by dogs. Ahab  on the other hand did humble himself before God over his sin and was regretful, but he and his children still reaped from the evil that he and Jezebel had committed against God, others and Israel.
As with Ahab, we too may get what we want if we pout long enough, hard enough or loud enough; but in the end, the pays off is bitter, in one way or another!
It would do us good to remember as well as remind our children, that pouting may or may not get us what we want, but one thing for sure is that the consequences often times cost us more than we ever dreamed.

Hold Fast,

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