Tuesday, August 9, 2011



I long to be loved.  Yes, my husband loves me.  My parents love me.  My children love me.  And even my grandchildren love me.  But it’s not enough.  It’s not enough to fill that way deep down longing to be loved just for me.  It’s just not enough to fill that gaping heart hole that aches to be filled.

The only place I can find that kind of love is from God Himself.  I’ve found it in coming into a loving relationship with my Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ.  When I’m longing for that love, I must go to Him first.  His love has seen me through my most empty and excruciating times – a friendship betrayal, an unfaithful spouse, a divorce, a job loss and even the death of a newborn baby grandson.  When I find myself in that place where my heart is broken and wounded so deeply that I almost despair of life, there is only limited solace in the care and concern from my loved ones.  I need something more.  That’s when I find and remember the depths of God’s love.  He gives a love that is always available and reaches those depths that no one else knows.

It’s these times that I turn to scripture to remind me of His love.  One verse reads like this, “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zeph 3:17).  Now, there’s a love I can inhale and breathe in deeply.  He lavishes me with His love, delights in me, rejoices over me and quiets me. It’s that love that gives me a reason to face each day and look for ways to know Him better and help others know Him. 

My empty heart hole has been filled! I am loved! He can do the same for you.  Are you searching for that kind of love?  If so, allow Him to meet you where you are today.  He will not fail you. He is faithful and can be trusted. 

“God is love” (1 John 4:8b).


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