Friday, July 15, 2011


The Word of God tells us to bring our every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, if we are in Him. We, like Samuel must hear His call (not only a call to ministry, but a call to obedience in all matters, a call to do it His way) and then we must say, “Here I am Lord!” God is always telling us to: Come after Me, Follow Me, Seek for Me, Hear Me, Search for Me, Abide in Me, Sit with Me, Be still and know Me, Ask of Me, Boldly say unto Me. He is knocking at our hearts door; but we must open the door so that He will come in…He is a not thief that will come in uninvited. It is that way in every circumstance of our lives, He will not push His way into our situation, He must be ask, and when He is ask, we must move over and make room for what He wants to do…then, once we have moved out of the way, He will in no way fail us, nor will He forsake us even up to the point of death. The words within every page of scripture echo constantly to us, “Know Me”…God is saying to us, just Know Me….for to know Him, is to love Him and to Love Him is to Obey Him. To know Him allows us the understanding that we might not otherwise have in our situtaions, but it is always our choice, we must make the effort to know Him in what we may be asking. God does not “make” us “think like Jesus” we must be willing to train our minds to how Jesus thinks; by knowing Him, and the only way to do that is to know His Word. When we spend time in His Word, we are spending time with Him. We may walk away feeling no immediate change. Yet, if our hearts are as fallow ground to receive His Word, then His Words are nourishment to our spiritual health all the way down to the bones and marrow of our spiritual fiber. Once we know Him, we are to abide in Him. Stay there! Stick to what we know from His Word. We are saved only that the Son of God be manifested in and through us, putting to death the flesh that longs to overtake us and make us impotent towards spiritual things. As God’s children, we must always be willing to rise to the occasion to make it happen.
Ephesians 1:18 tells us, “That we may know what is the hope of His calling….”. When you are searching for the will of God, simply Seek to Know Him, don’t try and rush it, He will appear to you with the answers you need in the time that He knows that you need them….

Discernment will only come through intercession….ask, but then wait for it!
Loving you today sweet Friend!

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