Thursday, July 28, 2011


Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples was a fisherman all his life. I wonder, before he ever walked on water or had seen Jesus do it, had he even given thought to it. On that day, that seemed like, just another fishing day, Jesus was about to teach Peter one of the most important lessons about his faith. He faced an impossible task. One that Peter chose possible instead of settling for what his mind told him was rational. The only thing that could stop Jesus from working a miracle for Peter, was his unbelief.

It is our unbelief that prevents us from ever seeing the things that were possible to us, had we believed God for them. Matt.13:58 tells us that there were many things/works that Jesus did not do for people because of their unbelief. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God ….we are also told that the “Just” shall live by their faith.

George Muller, an English evangelist who founded orphanages in Bristol was a man that learned to trust God for his daily needs to feed the many orphans that were in his care. He once told the story “giving an example of his strong faith” that one foggy day, on board a ferryboat, he prayed that God would lift the fog so that he could get to the Church that he was to be speaking at on time. He prayed and as soon as he said amen and lifted his head, the fog was gone. George was the kind of man that instead of asking God to do something, his request were always in the form of a thank you. Now, that is how we should apply our faith; in the form or a prayer request, saying, “Thank you Father for what you are going to do, if it be in your will”….The Lord answered George’s many prayers in the same way that he answered Peter, when he cried out to Jesus as he was sinking….it was Peter’s faith that pulled him up and allowed him to do the unthinkable….walk on water!

How can you walk on water? By seeing Christ in your storm, by responding to what He tells you to do….and by refusing to be intimidated by your surroundings, maybe even doing what others in the boat are afraid to do, by choosing the impossible, instead of settling for the rational! Step out of your boat today, for to reach the other side you must let go of your shore….if it is walking on water that you need to do, your faith can take you there!

Loving you today!

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