Monday, January 17, 2011


When fear hits our lives, we can do nothing but pray….and while God expects His children to be confident in Him in the midst of those storms, He equally desires them to rely on His steadfastness during those times of calm. There will most definitely be, stages in our lives where there are no storms, no crisis: and when there are, we are to still rely on the same staying power of God that is revealed to us during those times of uncertainty and worry.

If we are learning the lessons that God wants us to learn during those hard places, then we will find that it will be harder for the enemy to break our trust and reliance on Him when we are not stuck between those rocks and hard places. As our reliance on Him grows, it gives way to peace and oneness with the Father…and that sweet friend is what we really are seeking….to have Oneness with the Father!

Rest for us will only come as we give God our full and total devotion. He shares us with no one or no one thing, that hinders us from total surrender to Him….we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and all our souls, and all our minds...and when that happens, we become a great Joy to the Father, and there... we will see Him in the Light that He longs to show Himself to us in!

Loving you and praying that you will know His rest in your calm….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is soooo right! It is so easy to forget God when everything is going well! Thanks for sharing.

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