Friday, January 28, 2011


Whether dealing with the individual or the nation, the prophet Amos always called for a steadfast pattern for right living and he refused to accept any substitution which might be offered in God’s name by men. His prophecies never compartmentalized life into the secular and the sacred... because, he viewed religion and righteousness in daily living as inseparable from one another....and this is how we should view our lives if we are God's Children.

While there is a special sense in which we are accounted righteous through Christ now for those that belong to Him, seeking God’s righteousness must be our ultimate goal as a Christian. That was what Jesus meant when He said “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect…” Matt 5:48.

Every moral judgment that we make must be made in the light of God’s moral character.
God demands righteousness in every area of our personal and corporate life, not in the areas that we choose to be or allow Him to work.  His Word tells us to be Holy even as He is Holy!

God never ask more of us than we are able to give, He has made us overcomers; and that is why we need His power to overcome the things in our lives that seperate us from His best for us. Sin always seperates us from God. While we may no longer be seperated spiritaully from Him, if we belong to Him, we can break fellowship with Him by our sin. So, we must always be ready to confess the moment we realize that we have sinned and make every opportunity to correct, stop, and prevent those sins from happeing again.

If we love Him....we will obey Him!
We are mighty in His Power and in His Strength! Put on His full Armour....and be strong to endure and withstand whatever may come your way!

Loving you today!

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