Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is my Thanksgiving list of things that I am most grateful for. There are so many others that would take days to list them all. But I wanted to start the Thanksgiving Holidays out right by first being thankful myself! While these are mine, you too may find yourself grateful for some of the same things….if not make your own list and count them dear to your heart as well!

• I am so very grateful for the love of my life, Prince Charles. I love and cherish him, for his never ending tolerance and optimism that keeps me encouraged on a daily basis more than any other person in my life. I am so thankful that he has supported me in my quest, my journey and my desires as I have served the first love of my life Jesus Christ. I am also very thankful and grateful for his enduring love for me and his quite witness for His Savior that is known by all who truly know him. For his ever constant awareness of our daughters, their families and my own needs; and has always been the first one to the front lines to defend, honor and meet our every need. For the many, many times that he put our needs before his own. What greater love than this….that he would lay down his life for us! I am also so very grateful for my two precious daugheters, their husbands, their families and my grandchildren.
• I am grateful and thankful for all my family. The two parents that were given to me though they no longer are living, my brothers and sister and their families.
• I am thankful and grateful for my health, the health of my children, grandchildren and my siblings as well as their families and other relatives.
• My friends, each one special and dear to my heart, some live close and some far away.
• I am thankful for my Church family past and present who has and always will hold special places within my heart.
• I am thankful for the dear brothers and sisters in Christ that have been such godly examples to me teaching me by their own spiritual walk to press on and dare to be sold out for Christ.
• I am thankful for my home and all that is in it for it belongs to the Lord and I am grateful to be a caretaker of it for the time that I am allowed.
• I am thankful for my neighbors, both old and new.
• I am thankful for the hard places and the difficult times in my life and the relationships that have crossed my path. They have taught me valued lessons in humility and love for which I am more grateful than anyone will ever know.
• I am thankful and grateful for health issues that God has allowed in my life to remind me of His great love for me and the gentle reminder that somtimes they were to confirm that He was serious about my relationship with Him and would go to no extent to prove Himself real and present in my life!
• I am thankful for all the spiritual gifts, talents and abilities that God has given me to use for His glory. For proving Himself… time after time as He equipped me in ways and abilities that I could have never achieved apart from His assistance and generous help.
• I am so very thankful for God’s faithfulness to me by honoring my life’s verse Ps 37:4 and giving me the desires of my heart in those times that I chose to delight in Him.
• I am thankful that I have had the great privilege of being an American Citizen and have experienced the freedoms that I have in my life. I am also thankful for the precious lives given for me to have those freedoms. I have never taken that litely.
• I am thankful and grateful to all my precious friends throughout the years that have supported and encouraged me in my personal ministry in serving God no matter where He may have led me or what He may have ask me to do. I have such wonderful memories of them all.
• I am grateful for the vivid imagination, inquisitive nature and the spiritual drive that God gave me; they have served me well in my life as I learned to yield them to the Lord; And I pray that God would honor my life by passing them on to my daughters and grandsons.
• I am thankful that I have had enough food to eat, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink; that I have never had to beg for bread.
• I am grateful for the sunny days as well as the stormy ones.
• I am thankful for my eyes, my ears, my nose, and the very breath that I have to enjoy the life that God has given me.
• I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to society and feel empathy for others who are hurting.
• I am most grateful for my Savior Jesus, that came and redeemed me. I am glad that He did not leave me alone but left a comforter that relates to me and leads me in all truth, His Holy Spirit….
• I am grateful for the few times that I have been in and experienced Revival fall on God’s people.
• I am thankful for the peace that I have and am assured that this life will pass, but another awaits for me. One more glorious than I can imagine. Eye has not seen nor ear has heard of the things that await for me when I stand before the Father that I love and have longed to see.

Let us learn to take whatever comes into our life, no matter what it may be, and be thankful for the experience and the lessons that it was meant to teach us. Life is so very short…Let us not waste any of it! Seek Him while He may be found!

Thanking God for you today….and loving you dearly,
Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Brenda, You are at the top of my list of people I am thankful for in my life. You have helped me get through some of life challenges.

DeeDee Brinkman said...

Being thankful is a state of mind...I try to stay in that state at all times! Being thankful does your heart and body good :) It is easier to complain, but so worth it when you make the effort to see the positives and thank God for the good and bad! Thanks for the devotional :)

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