I love to tell stories of my childhood experiences and one of my favorite stories to tell, is of the time that my Daddy got the Christmas Spirit, in the summertime.
It was a very hot and dry summer afternoon one Friday when Daddy got home from work. Often times on Fridays after he got paid and cashed his check, he would give us kids a nickel or dime and we would walk barefoot down the gravel road that we lived on to the old country store that our family patronized. I can recall many a time where I would struggle, trying to make up my mind as to what I wanted to buy with my nickel or dime. Sometimes it would be a pack of three white snowball gumballs, or an RC or double cola sometimes it was a moon pie or some gingersnaps, but more often than not, it ended up being one of those huge lemon cookie from the old glass cookie jar that sat by the cash register. Whatever I did end up with, I am sure that it had taken a lot of thinking over before the decision was made because it was not that often that my parents had the money to spare, during those days; so the times we did get some change, believe me, we all put much thought into how we would spend it.
However, on this particular Friday afternoon, it was different. I remember on this day as Daddy got home, he was in somewhat of a hurry to leave and go somewhere else. He did not have the time to hand out our weekly allotted spending money, but was in a hurry to leave again to go some other place. How some of us kids ended up going with him, I can not recall. But I do remember going down that old gravel road with sacks of groceries in the back of our Station Wagon. For that was something that I can assure you seldom ever happened; our car having sacks of groceries in the back of it. I especially remember a ham the size of a tire sticking out of one of the sacks. I can still hear the gravel as the rocks went through the tread on the tires throwing them to the side of the road as they fell to the ground; as my Dad hurried down that old gravel road. If you grew up in the country on gravel roads you know exactly what that sound was like.
There was some discussion going on in the car, but I don’t remember it involving me. I was so intrigued with the groceries in the back, that I couldn't’t recall at the time how my Daddy came to the decision, to give someone else groceries better than what we usually got ourselves. Even though we were poor and did not have much at all, it all seemed very much, as we topped that hill and Daddy pointed to the house in which we would be stopping at.
I don’t know why I was so surprised to see this family, for neither of my parents were ever prejudice towards anyone, especially the poor. For how could anyone be prejudice against their own kind. Growing up poor gave me a great appreciation for having plenty and taught me many things that have added to who I am today. When I was very small I use to think; that people who had lots of material stuff, must be good people. But that day, I came to understand what made people great. I had so much pride in my heart for my Daddy as I saw him reaching out in a tender way, to someone who needed a helping hand. By his goodness, he not only made me feel great, but he made those that we were to visit, feel his love, worth and value as well. He gave to them what I thought we did not have to give; yet, it was not that we had it in excess ourselves, but, it was in the spirit of “forfeiture of self” to meet the needs of someone else that my Daddy gave.
As we pulled up closer to the house, there sat a big black man on the porch, in an old cane chair that once had a back. The man did not have his shirt on and across his chest was a big white bandage. I remember being a little scared at that point. But my Daddy’s reassuring voice soon gave explanation to the man’s dreaded condition. He told us that the man had a hole in his heart. One can only image how that engraved a vivid picture in my mind, as a child. I can not describe the pity in my heart upon finding out that terrible news. For I had never heard of anything like that. I could not imagine what a hole in his heart looked like except to picture a big hole in his chest behind that big white bandage that covered it. I remember praying and hoping that he would not remove the bandage while we were there and expose that huge hole in his heart.
Daddy had told us while turning in their driveway that he was a co-worker and had to have surgery and was unable to work and because he could not work, he was unable to feed his family that week; and that was why we were taking our groceries to them, so that they would have plenty to eat. For they like us, had a large family with many mouths to feed.
The only joy in my lifetime that I can compare to what I experienced and felt that day as I saw the faces of that family, was the joy that I felt when the church brought us food boxes at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can not tell you in full everything that I learned from the benevolence of my Daddy that day, but I can say this: I know for sure that Christmas does not only come in December!
Happy Holidays!
Brenda L. Parsons
It is my deepest hope that you will find something that may encourage you through these devotions and that through them you are encouraged to walk on a higher spiritual ground.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010

As an American, my first thoughts always turn to the Pilgrims during the Thanksgiving Holidays. Those people who came to America and through trial and error and with the help of God in using the native American Indians, learned to fend for themselves in a new land that was unfamiliar, difficult to adjust to and unyielding most of the time. For the most part those hard times became easier to bear because of their vision and commitment for a better way of living; a better life for their families, away from the spiritual oppression that they had suffered in their homeland. They were breaking away from bondage that they felt that they could no longer bear in exchange for a land that promised hope and a sure future for themselves and their children. As Americans, we continue to celebrate that first Thanksgiving for our continued freedoms and the bounty that we continue to strive for and enjoy.
But long before the Pilgrims came to the Americas, there had been another Thanksgiving celebrated on another shore and country. That Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated by the Israelites as they moved into their promised land. A land that promised freedom from bondage and a land that would provide for them a refuge and safe haven to worship their God in the way that He was requiring them to. A land that was abundant in it’s rich resources. Unlike the manna that they had been eating for forty years as they wondered in a complete circle waiting for what God was promising them.
Manna was a substance that God gave them miraculously to keep them alive and while it was abundant, God restricted their use of it by not allowing them to store it. They were only allowed to eat what they needed to survive. At first they did not even know what it was! The very word manna means “What is it?” the Manna sustained them and they received nourishment from it, but it was not a permanent substance.
God’s manna was never intended to satisfy the Children of Israel, but was intended to keep them alive until they reached the place where the good stuff was! While the manna was sweet and wonderful at first…they eventually murmured and complained about it, saying, “our soul loathes this light bread”. You see while it kept them alive, it never satisfied them. They found no lasting joy in it. God used the Land of Canaan or the Promise Land as a place where His promises of spiritual blessings and joy could be experienced and enjoyed, when the time was right.
God had told them as they stepped over into the promised land that it would flow with milk and honey, and to show their gratitude, they were to take the first fruits of the ground, place them in a basket and take it to the priest to give honor to God as a thanksgiving offering for their bounty and blessings.
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 talks about those “First Fruits" The Lord God said, " When you come into the land which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, and have taken possession of it, and live in it, you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the Lord your God gives you, and you shall put it in a basket, and you shall go to the place which the Lord your God will choose, to make his name dwell there."
You see while God longs for the praise and worship of His people, He also wants them to be grateful…and as you know, we must teach our children to be grateful for what they have. For if we fail to do that, they may take it for granted and be ungrateful.
Like the Israelites before them, the Pilgrims also wanted to show their gratitude for the bounty that they had received and from their deliverance from hunger that they would have continued to experience had God not intervened on their behalf and taught them how to survive in the new land. For the Israelites, their thanksgiving was understood and seen as an act of God as He delivered them from their bondage in Egypt as He brought them into their new land that flowed with milk and honey symbolizing the good things that God was offering His people if they would follow Him (for many died in the dessert and were not allowed to enter the promise land because of their complaining).
The Pilgrims gave thanks for a similar deliverance which came to them during those first years on the North American shore. They too were delivered from religious bondage that kept them from worshipping in the way that they felt God was leading them to and from hunger by a good summer’s crop, from war through peacefully living with the Indians, and protection from the cold by building strong sturdy homes. Those deliverance's brought thanksgiving into all their hearts.
I am reminded today that whenever God delivers me from my land of bondage, He delivers me into another land that always flows with milk and honey. A land of deliverance and promise if I will dare to be set apart and be His people. “But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that flows with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which has separated you from other people.” Leviticus 20:24
Earlier this past week, I had made a list of the things that I am most grateful for. But today my thoughts are pondering on being thankful for those things I have been delivered from and even those things that I will not have to experience; because He has or will spare me from them. I too am a blessed Pilgrim, as I think about the land that I myself have traveled from and the new land that I have entered!
Praise Him for it all!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Everyone!
Love you so much,
But long before the Pilgrims came to the Americas, there had been another Thanksgiving celebrated on another shore and country. That Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated by the Israelites as they moved into their promised land. A land that promised freedom from bondage and a land that would provide for them a refuge and safe haven to worship their God in the way that He was requiring them to. A land that was abundant in it’s rich resources. Unlike the manna that they had been eating for forty years as they wondered in a complete circle waiting for what God was promising them.
Manna was a substance that God gave them miraculously to keep them alive and while it was abundant, God restricted their use of it by not allowing them to store it. They were only allowed to eat what they needed to survive. At first they did not even know what it was! The very word manna means “What is it?” the Manna sustained them and they received nourishment from it, but it was not a permanent substance.
God’s manna was never intended to satisfy the Children of Israel, but was intended to keep them alive until they reached the place where the good stuff was! While the manna was sweet and wonderful at first…they eventually murmured and complained about it, saying, “our soul loathes this light bread”. You see while it kept them alive, it never satisfied them. They found no lasting joy in it. God used the Land of Canaan or the Promise Land as a place where His promises of spiritual blessings and joy could be experienced and enjoyed, when the time was right.
God had told them as they stepped over into the promised land that it would flow with milk and honey, and to show their gratitude, they were to take the first fruits of the ground, place them in a basket and take it to the priest to give honor to God as a thanksgiving offering for their bounty and blessings.
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 talks about those “First Fruits" The Lord God said, " When you come into the land which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, and have taken possession of it, and live in it, you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the Lord your God gives you, and you shall put it in a basket, and you shall go to the place which the Lord your God will choose, to make his name dwell there."
You see while God longs for the praise and worship of His people, He also wants them to be grateful…and as you know, we must teach our children to be grateful for what they have. For if we fail to do that, they may take it for granted and be ungrateful.
Like the Israelites before them, the Pilgrims also wanted to show their gratitude for the bounty that they had received and from their deliverance from hunger that they would have continued to experience had God not intervened on their behalf and taught them how to survive in the new land. For the Israelites, their thanksgiving was understood and seen as an act of God as He delivered them from their bondage in Egypt as He brought them into their new land that flowed with milk and honey symbolizing the good things that God was offering His people if they would follow Him (for many died in the dessert and were not allowed to enter the promise land because of their complaining).
The Pilgrims gave thanks for a similar deliverance which came to them during those first years on the North American shore. They too were delivered from religious bondage that kept them from worshipping in the way that they felt God was leading them to and from hunger by a good summer’s crop, from war through peacefully living with the Indians, and protection from the cold by building strong sturdy homes. Those deliverance's brought thanksgiving into all their hearts.
I am reminded today that whenever God delivers me from my land of bondage, He delivers me into another land that always flows with milk and honey. A land of deliverance and promise if I will dare to be set apart and be His people. “But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that flows with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which has separated you from other people.” Leviticus 20:24
Earlier this past week, I had made a list of the things that I am most grateful for. But today my thoughts are pondering on being thankful for those things I have been delivered from and even those things that I will not have to experience; because He has or will spare me from them. I too am a blessed Pilgrim, as I think about the land that I myself have traveled from and the new land that I have entered!
Praise Him for it all!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Everyone!
Love you so much,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

• I am so very grateful for the love of my life, Prince Charles. I love and cherish him, for his never ending tolerance and optimism that keeps me encouraged on a daily basis more than any other person in my life. I am so thankful that he has supported me in my quest, my journey and my desires as I have served the first love of my life Jesus Christ. I am also very thankful and grateful for his enduring love for me and his quite witness for His Savior that is known by all who truly know him. For his ever constant awareness of our daughters, their families and my own needs; and has always been the first one to the front lines to defend, honor and meet our every need. For the many, many times that he put our needs before his own. What greater love than this….that he would lay down his life for us! I am also so very grateful for my two precious daugheters, their husbands, their families and my grandchildren.
• I am grateful and thankful for all my family. The two parents that were given to me though they no longer are living, my brothers and sister and their families.
• I am thankful and grateful for my health, the health of my children, grandchildren and my siblings as well as their families and other relatives.
• My friends, each one special and dear to my heart, some live close and some far away.
• I am thankful for my Church family past and present who has and always will hold special places within my heart.
• I am thankful for the dear brothers and sisters in Christ that have been such godly examples to me teaching me by their own spiritual walk to press on and dare to be sold out for Christ.
• I am thankful for my home and all that is in it for it belongs to the Lord and I am grateful to be a caretaker of it for the time that I am allowed.
• I am thankful for my neighbors, both old and new.
• I am thankful for the hard places and the difficult times in my life and the relationships that have crossed my path. They have taught me valued lessons in humility and love for which I am more grateful than anyone will ever know.
• I am thankful and grateful for health issues that God has allowed in my life to remind me of His great love for me and the gentle reminder that somtimes they were to confirm that He was serious about my relationship with Him and would go to no extent to prove Himself real and present in my life!
• I am thankful for all the spiritual gifts, talents and abilities that God has given me to use for His glory. For proving Himself… time after time as He equipped me in ways and abilities that I could have never achieved apart from His assistance and generous help.
• I am so very thankful for God’s faithfulness to me by honoring my life’s verse Ps 37:4 and giving me the desires of my heart in those times that I chose to delight in Him.
• I am thankful that I have had the great privilege of being an American Citizen and have experienced the freedoms that I have in my life. I am also thankful for the precious lives given for me to have those freedoms. I have never taken that litely.
• I am thankful and grateful to all my precious friends throughout the years that have supported and encouraged me in my personal ministry in serving God no matter where He may have led me or what He may have ask me to do. I have such wonderful memories of them all.
• I am grateful for the vivid imagination, inquisitive nature and the spiritual drive that God gave me; they have served me well in my life as I learned to yield them to the Lord; And I pray that God would honor my life by passing them on to my daughters and grandsons.
• I am thankful that I have had enough food to eat, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink; that I have never had to beg for bread.
• I am grateful for the sunny days as well as the stormy ones.
• I am thankful for my eyes, my ears, my nose, and the very breath that I have to enjoy the life that God has given me.
• I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to society and feel empathy for others who are hurting.
• I am most grateful for my Savior Jesus, that came and redeemed me. I am glad that He did not leave me alone but left a comforter that relates to me and leads me in all truth, His Holy Spirit….
• I am grateful for the few times that I have been in and experienced Revival fall on God’s people.
• I am thankful for the peace that I have and am assured that this life will pass, but another awaits for me. One more glorious than I can imagine. Eye has not seen nor ear has heard of the things that await for me when I stand before the Father that I love and have longed to see.
Let us learn to take whatever comes into our life, no matter what it may be, and be thankful for the experience and the lessons that it was meant to teach us. Life is so very short…Let us not waste any of it! Seek Him while He may be found!
Thanking God for you today….and loving you dearly,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Life is such a journey, and looking back, I would not have wanted to go through it without the precious children that God gave Prince Charles and me. Yet, there were many, moments during those years of raising them, that I would often succumb to the daily stresses and the weariness of being consistent in my dealings with unaccepted behavior or attitudes in the process of training them. Also through the years, I have had many encounters with other mothers who would come to me for encouragement and advice who felt that they too were stressed and feeling like they were failing at being a parent. In seeking the Lord as I raised my children, I made many mistakes! Yet, through each mistake I learned to be a little bit better at it and found out some ways to have peace in the midst of those troublesome years.
Today I would like to share some important things that God has taught me in raising children. I do not claim to be an expert but I can tell you that my experience with seeking God during all those years lead to a vast amount of knowledge and information that helped me. For the times that I applied what the Lord showed me brought much gratification as well as satisfaction in seeing the difference that truth or advice made in their lives as well as mine and how it paid off as they got older. That does not mean that they always made perfect choices because of their upbringing, because they did not; but they did learn where to run to and things to avoid the next time.
As parents that is what we really should be training them to do. To teach them how to avoid making mistakes and when they do, where to go and how to make it right. In training them we teach them that life can hit very hard at times, especially when they make wrong choices. But if they learn how to deal with their mistakes and wrong choices when they are small, then they can be spared even more heart ache when they become adults and make fewer mistakes along the way.
Being a parent of a toddler, preschooler, adolescent or youth can have many rewards, but there can be many tough times in between. Striving to be the successful parent that you want to be will come through your willingness to learn, empowerment of discipline when needed and an appreciation for new advice. The early years truly are the years where teaching your children how to deal with and manage their wrong choices, bad attitudes and difficult situations will pay off. What you must keep telling yourself over and over again throughout those years is that their training now is for their warfare later. Just like a boot camp for a solider. There is a time for everything, even formal training from Dad and Mom.
Remember back and see if you can relate with me when your baby was born. It was a huge change in your life and even stressful during those days. You didn't always know why your child was crying at first, because you were inexperienced and you did not yet know the personality of that new child. But you quickly discovered that their temperature, hunger, gas, a soiled diaper, tiredness and fatigue could set off flashing yellow lights of distress. Those were rather easy problems to solve, and you didn't need any special skills, but at the time you were going through them,they were as stressful as dealing with an adolescence or a rebellious youth. You didn't have to ask your baby what was wrong. You just learned to figure it out based on reading their behavior.
Then sometime between 12-24 months your baby became a toddler. Their crawling turned into walking, and gaga googoo turned into real words. They began to point at things, ask for things, and would even start to throw a fit if they did not get what they wanted.
As your child became a preschooler they had to learn to sit with the others, play with the other children and interact with adult authorities as well as get along with other children and share. Again, there was stress. Each stage that they would go through you would say to yourself, “I will be so glad when they get out of this stage!” only to find out that they were entering a new one with new problems. Are you relating yet?
Each new stage brought a whole new set of problems. For me, I began to see that God was teaching me to accept my child in the age range that they were in, not expecting them to behave or reason like an older sibling or older child at church that I had wanted them to emulate. I learned early on that between the ages of two to four years of age, children have little to no reasoning skills. Trying to use logic was many times a bad way to approach a problem during those first few years. If more mothers were able to get a hold of this and understand how that child may be feeling or comprehending things and think at their age level, they would increase their ability to prevent many a tantrum.
Many people give advice about what not to do, but they neglect many times to give us useful suggestions on how to replace the old habit or attitude. By this I mean, let’s pretend that your toddler or preschooler is playing in the kitchen, dragging pots and pans out of the cabinet, and your thinking that you'll be the one to have to clean up the mess they leave, so you want the behavior to stop. You might normally just tell your child to stop doing that and send them to watch TV. If so, then you just tried to solve the problem by using the wrong logic, or by assuming your child will understand that this behavior is not allowed. Guess what, sometimes your child is going to need a better answer than just “do it because I said to do it”, otherwise it will more than likely result in a tantrum because you are taking something from them they are enjoying doing and they can no understand why it's happening. Logic does not always work in every situation and when it does not, move on to something else. Don’t try and cram your logic into them at that point creating an atmosphere of stress and tears. Life will provide that child with many opportunities to learn to obey simply because they should, but to avoid the stress of a child that is just not ready to accept a black or white answer like yes, no, do it, don’t do it….learn to manage the situation, by changing the way your handling it to work for you both.
If telling them to stop and go watch the TV does not work….You might try saying something like Wow, that is making lots of noise…leaving the impression that the game they are playing is making unwanted noise….. And then start to distract your child with something simple such as a tickle and some laughing. This places you in positive manner, not as the mother who is about to take away their fun but shifting them over to other fun. (Remember there are other times to teach them to obey simply because you say to do it, this is a suggestion for times when your saying no becomes conflict because they do not understand the logic in what you say and don’t forget to tell them as you’re changing the situation as to why you are changing it).
Finally, change the scenery by carrying your child over to the window and pointing out something interesting. Maybe it's the squirrel climbing in the tree. The wind blowing the leaves, or an airplane flying overhead. Young children have short attention spans and you will find that you can move away from those stressful moments with a simple choice to take the time and make the change. All you need to do is be a bit sneaky and creative in changing your child's focus while maintaining a positive state of mind. Then, following the distraction, give them something new to do.
Learn to manage the toddler's state of mind. Change the focus of their attention. Use distraction techniques to create an opportunity to shift the child to a new activity. There are plenty of ways to deal with toddlers that don't involve rational explanations or logic. You must be willing to find the one that works best for that child. Keeping in mind that the way the way you train children is different, because children themselves are different, They are created uniquely different with a certain purpose and plan in mind. God’s plan for their lives! Many times parents give in and give up in their discipline because they feel like it’s not working for them. But they should not give up or in, but try something different until they find something that will work for them…if not, in the long run the child is the one who suffers, because they are not being taught to manage their problems or conflicts as young children. Your love and patience will go a long, long way in your training them. Never give up! Never give up!
I always found that in most every instance, that a tantrum or bad behavior was present, that it was almost often the result of a certain negative emotional state that they were in. If you want to change the behavior, you need to change the emotional state first. Language in many forms is a powerful tool that we can use to steer our children into manageable and happier states of mind. After all, kids don't tend to misbehave or throw tantrums when they are laughing and smiling. Always keep that in mind!
In hind site we all can look back on the experience that we gained and say a thing or two about raising children…yet, loving that child never changes, nor does the amount of children you have or the personality of that child matter to the degree of our love for them. But, it is our job as a parent to find out what their personality and logic levels are at each level or stage in their life and meet them where they are. As they grow, then more should be expected from them. But be sure not to ask more of them than they are able to give, for if you do, you will find your self with a very emotional and frustrated child. Seek the Lord in every area of their raising and be sure to do it the way He leads you to, not how the world tells you….and trust God for the outcome!
So please don’t be discourged ….and know that you are not alone….and when you meet a mother that says she can’t relate to your stress and troubled days … then move on sista friend, because that is not the real world we live and love in….this too will pass, so make the very best of it and strive….strive to raise that child exactly the way Lord leads you to….
Understanding where you are and loving you in the middle of it!
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Parents become brokenhearted and completely baffled when their child becomes rebellious and turns to a lifestyle that leads them down a road of destruction. They struggle because they have no clue as to why “the child they raised” is now making such awful, destructive decisions when they should know better.
Often times that rebellious child’s real problem is not the drugs, sex, cigarettes, cussing, pornography, laziness, crime or a wrong destructive relationship. The real problem is that they don’t see Jesus clearly. As a matter of fact that is the problem for many a folk, not just the wayward child. If we would seek to see Jesus in the light that He is in, we would all be better for it. Our roads would not be so dark nor our choices be so costly.
As a parent, we must be very careful and realize how truly powerless we are over others; and no matter how hard we try, even to the point of deceiving ourselves into thinking that we are helping them, in the end, we find out that instead of helping them, we have become their enablers. At that point we are helping them to stay in their current condition by blanketing their wrong with our wrong in hopes that it will cover or shelter them somehow from the pain and embarrassment from it all. However, the only people that are being deceived by this are the ones doing the covering. Sadly, the very people that we are trying to hide from see the sad despair that is really taking place. And that losing ourselves in order to try to save someone else who is lost means that two people are then lost.
The best thing that anyone can do for their child is to show them Christ; and that the life that He offers can and will surpass anything that they are searching for in that wrong lifestyle. It is not a simple or immediate process, but the sins in their life that distress you and destroy them will only begin to fade away when they see Jesus and realize their real purpose in life and how they are wasting that precious time by sewing to the wind in their wrong decisions and unhealthy life choices. Only God can change them, and sweet friend He can really change them, but you can help them find God, if you go about it in the right way.
The deepest concern that you should have for your child is not over their actions, but their heart! What really should concern you is that your child is destroying themselves, not because they are breaking rules but because they are wasting time wanting the wrong things. You need to treat them in a way that makes this clear to them. Oh they probably know, especially if they was raised in a Christian home that what they are doing is wrong and I bet that they definitely know how you feel about it! But they will always challenge you, because they have an inerrant need to see how you are going to react to their evil. Your gentle forbearance with them and sorrowful hope over their situation will show them that you are going to trust Jesus to help them; and that you are going to trust them to get to that place where they will change.
Sometimes, the more you beg, the more they rebel. You must learn to step away and even out of their space for a time if needed. Giving them space does not mean that you are withdrawing out of their life. What it means is that you are stepping back and allowing them go in the direction that they are choosing to take; and allowing God the opportunity to do whatever He must do to get their attention. Detach yourself in love!
This is where so many parents struggle. They refuse to get out of God’s way. They think that if they love enough, give enough, befriend enough, then their child will turn around and see all of that and surrender to what’s right. But what they don’t realize is that the abuser will take advantage of that help and kindness and continue to run to them for support because they know that they will get it.
The only way for you to cope with your child’s drug problem or rebellion is for you to put the problem where it belongs, with them; the addict, with the lost son that appears not to want to change, not you. I have seen parents actually become part of the problem with the child because they refuse to step back and allow God to break that child in order to bring change.
Perhaps all that we can do for them at a certain point is to love them and want them to get help. To tell them that when they are ready to make those changes and get help, we are there for them with support, love and an entire cheering section to cheer them on during their recovery. We then take care of ourselves so that we don’t lose our health, our spirituality and our minds. If that child is an adult, there isn’t much else that can be done. But be willing to step away and give God the time He needs to work in and through the situations that He will bring into their lives to get their attention, and be very still and wise not to step in when we see them hurting. Let them know that you love them but will no longer be a part of their self destruction and refuse any longer to accept the emotional grief from being so attached to their sins and rebellion.
1Corinthians 10: 21 talks about the fact that you cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of demons….and sweet friend, the devil is lying to folks and telling them that they can….and many are believing that lie. They are living for the moment and their moment has turned into a lifetime and they don't even see that there is a problem any longer. But there is hope!
I had this verse III John 1:4 in my house all the years that my children were growing up. It was placed on the wall in our bathroom directly in front of them when they sat on the toilet for them to see. It says, I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children walk in the truth. I did this to remind them that their Mom knew what the answer to all their needs, desires and wants in life was and that they would all be found in truth; and that truth would set them free from all the stronghold that life wanted to place on them. But they would have to seek for it as a precious treasure and in their journey of seeking for it, they would find it... every time (God is faithful but are we) and it would be marow to their bones and health to their bodies.
Dear friend…pray for and encourage godly people to encounter your sons and your daughters. Pray that every where they turn they will be encountered with Truth…because that is the only thing that will set them free and bring change to their world….love them and pray for them yes….but, be a godly example to them by your own lifestyle….
Never give up! Never give up!
Love you so much,
Friday, November 5, 2010

You see, little Bobby was not struggling with the fact that he needed more than one toy that day, he was struggling with the fact that he wanted what he wanted when he wanted it. He was experiencing the “GOT TO HAVE IT NOW” syndrome. He wanted that extra toy so bad that he was overheard telling his mother upon her saying, “Bobby why do you need that other toy when you already have more at home?” and he replied, “I want it, just because… and if I don’t get it, I’m going to die!”.
Have you ever experienced that feeling on the level that poor little Bobby was experiencing? Yep, me too! I believe if we were all honest, we would have to say that we have all wanted something so bad that we might not want to die….but we could taste it!
King David in the Scriptures asks God to allow him to build Him a temple to dwell in. The apostle Paul wanted God to remove a thorn that he had in the flesh. Yet they were both told no! Everybody experiences no’s in their lives by someone or some circumstance that prevents their receiving something that they may have wanted.
Sometimes God says yes, sometimes He says wait, but there are other times that He simply tells us no. Upon Paul receiving his no from God in his request found in II Cor. 12:7-9, Paul says, “And to keep me from being puffed up and too much elated by the exceedingly greatness of these revelations, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to rack and buffet and harass me, to keep me from being excessively exalted. Three times I called upon the Lord and besought Him about this and begged that it might depart from me; But He said to me… My grace is enough for you, for My strength and power are made perfect and show themselves most effective in your weakness.”
Paul, had a hard time accepting God’s no….I mean he kept going back three different times, yet God simply told Him, …no Paul, I will give you the strength to bear my no….because, my strength and power is made known in your weakness….God was saying, Paul you can do this thing….you can make it….you must give over what you want and know that what I want for you is going to be better…and so you must bear it and trust me on this thing! I don’t think for a moment that God could not have removed Paul’s anguish….but I believe that God was teaching Paul on a higher level to trust Him….so that through Paul’s witness to others, that they too could make it when God said no to them as well!
Upon the end of King David’s life, he chose to focus on what God had allowed him to do instead of what God would not allow him to do. He chose to focus on how God allowed him to reign as king over Israel, and the fact that God was going to establish his son Solomon over that kingdom, passing David’s dream to build God a temple to Solomon. Through David’s prayer in I Chronicles 28 we find that David chose to bless and worship God even though God had said no to him in his most heart felt desire that he had ever had….to build a temple for God to reside in.
Even Jesus in the garden, pleaded with His Father to take the bitter cup that He was about to bear….yet, being God’s Son, He knew that request was one of a …..”if it were only possible” request. In the end, Jesus bared it and accepted God’s no, because Jesus knew that God’s no’s are His way of pointing us in the direction that our life’s ministry is taking us…. and we will be the victors because of it.
Oh, teach us to rejoice in Your no’s Lord God, because those no’s are just your way of clarifying to us and pointing us in a new direction. We simply need to walk forward in faith… listening to You and doing what You think is best. Help us Lord, when we come face to face with Your no’s….to simply accept it and find the direction that You are leading us in and moreover, to be thankful….thankful for everything that we have already received a yes in!
Rom. 8:28 says… “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Sweet Friend, God’s no’s are His way of showing us favor and kindness….we just need to believe it!
Loving you today!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I know what it is like to walk on dry land that only moments before were wet with water... if I would keep my eyes on Jesus. But for some days, I must tell you that, why I feel like saying “depart from me Lord, for I am a sinner and don’t deserve your constant pardon”, I continue to be shocked at my attitude and reaction in those times and circumstances where I doubt and grumble and I sink when I see the waves coming at me and feel my sandals getting wet from the water at my feet. I know of someone else that struggled like that, his name was Peter; and through his own life’s testimony I can see how and why I sink in my walk with trusting Christ sometimes.
One night, in Matthew 14:27-31 the disciples were out in a boat after Jesus sent them ahead while He went to pray by Himself. Later that night, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the lake. They thought He was a ghost and became terrified. Jesus said to them, “Take courage! It is I, don’t be afraid.”. Peter replied to the Lord, “If it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” Jesus told him to come. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. Then Peter saw the wind and the waves and became afraid. Starting to sink, Peter cried out, Lord! Save me!” Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt me?”.
That is a verse that has repeated itself many times in my mind over the years when I doubt God and He still comes through for me….”O Bren why did you doubt Me?”, I hear Him say. If I had a penny for every time that the Lord proved Himself real to me, I would be a wealthy woman. Yet, even though I know what I know, I still doubt at times. Paul himself said in Romans 7:22-25 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Paul struggled too….as did every person in the scriptures. Yet, Paul ended up saying what we all must say as believers…. Thanks be to God, who delivers us through Jesus Christ our Lord!
You see as Jesus reached out His hand to Peter to pull him back up to where he had been (already walking on the water), so He reaches out to us as our faith folds under our storms. What matters the most is that we grow our faith. Jesus Himself said to Peter….”you of little faith, why do you doubt me?”. Peter began to sink because he doubted Jesus by taking his eyes off Jesus and looking at the waves.
Peter was a fisherman, he was experienced in storms and he knew that those waves given the right one, could take him out and that was what broke his concentration. But, the best part about this story is that Peter did a most significant thing that saved him, or brought him back up as soon as he realized he was sinking and that was, he cried out to Jesus… And that showed that little bit of faith that Jesus was talking about. Remember, he was walking on the water at first….he only began to sink when he took his eyes off His destination at that point. Jesus had said, o ye of little faith not "no" faith.
Remember the scripture that talks about …if you have the faith, the size of a mustard seed, you could say to the mountain be removed and it would be removed….that is so reflected here….Peter had faith, that is how he began the walk on water, he just succumbed to his circumstances and took his eyes off his help. That is why Jesus said…ye of little faith. But I can assure you that every time (and it happened many times where Peter had weak or little faith) that Jesus rebuked Peter, he became a little stronger…. for the next time.
Don’t beat yourself up when your faith is weak at some points…because there are more than likely going to be times when your faith is tempted as you step out and walk on water towards Jesus….and if you begin to sink….just realize that you need to refocus on your destination…and take His hand, because He is reaching out to you, to lift you back up to where He is. The water is dry there, and the waves can not touch you!
Walk to finish....love you so much!
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