Friday, June 11, 2010


Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap nor store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Matt 6-26-27

What is your value in? Some people put their value in what they have or what they can get. For some it’s what they have, money, a great job, their body size or looks….while others place their value in what they can get….a new tattoo, implants, facelifts and so forth. To the child of God, the reason that we struggle with these false values is because we either forget who we are in Christ and continue to want to impress the world by following the world’s example, or we have not yet persuaded ourselves that we are good enough and understand who we are in Christ. I am not saying that it is wrong to posses or to acquire any of the things mentioned above (like the old country preacher said when ask was it a sin to wear makeup…”if the barn needs painting, paint it!). I am saying that accepting what we can not change is simply the best thing that we can do when we find ourselves struggling with inner turmoil and issues that if we allow them to, will dictate our joy and trust in the Lord.

Begin to see your value as the Father sees it. When he created man and woman he smiled because His work was perfection. The winds were a million times more refreshing after they were created; the flowers a thousand times more fragrant. The sweet sounds of the birds singing sounded more melodious, the trees were much more beautiful, and even the fruit of the tree more delicious. The sun was brighter; the moon lovelier and the stars seemed closer... as great and as perfect as it was... creation itself was enriched in every way because man and woman were on the scene. No one dared to challenge His perfection, until sin came upon the scene.

Perhaps you're living under the burden of shame caused by painful incidents from your past mistakes, or some insults from others. Please believe me dear sweet friend, you don't have to let your past dictate your joy for your present and your future.

God treasures you as His valuable child and wants to restore you to the state that you were created to be; you're called to step into an inheritance of love and overcoming power. But if you don't view yourself as God sees you, you can't live the life He wants you to live. His Word tells us that Jesus not only came to bring new life, but to bring it more abundantly. Many never reach the abundant life in it’s fullest because they choose to struggle through life determined to do it their way, and in their struggle to be the boss of their own life without total surrender to God, they become crippled spiritually. Some will choose to spend their entire life spiritually crippled and in constant pain instead of choosing what they really know down deep in their hearts they should be doing yet are unwilling to surrender or obey.

Choosing obedience to God is truly one of the hardest things to do many, many times. It’s kind of like going on a diet. I know to get the weight off I must submit myself to the task of controlling the flesh and obeying what I know is best for me and not what I know my mind is telling me that I want. Yet when I give into the flesh and eat the wrong thing or don’t exercise when I know that I should, I am convicted by the truth in me that is trying to guide me to do the right thing. If I continue to ignore that conviction, I will soon loose the will power that enables me to stick to my commitment to reach the end goal that I am after….and that goal is not really to loose weight, but to be obedient to what I know is the right thing to do. As I am obedient, the weight will come off and that is how God meant it to work. Our focus should not be on what we want to attain or get out of the obedience but to obedience itself.

As a child of God, life really is not that complicated….the Father tells us that “If we love Him, we will obey Him”….plain and simple. If we are obeying Him life may not be a bed of roses that’s for sure….but it sure makes the thorns more bearable and helps us to see our value as he sees it, and when we do, we don’t have to struggle with our worth or why we are the way we are or why we don’t have the things that we don’t have. We find that the satisfaction that we receive from knowing that we are doing what we are ask to do and be what we are ask to be, is simply enough.

When you look in the mirror or inside yourself today, you may feel like the barn needs some paint, and if you do…that’s fine, but remember this….before you start the process of painting you might need to do some prep work in scrapping and sanding or after you apply the paint, you may either still see all the rough places under the paint that you did not remove or take care of first….or you may like the instant change but still not be content longterm…and you’ll know that if you find yourself constantly repainting….

Psalms 34:10b say’s,… but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
It is a daily moment by moment thing where we place our value…let’s make all our efforts profit us and do it His way….

Loving you and praying for you today!

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