Friday, June 11, 2010


"Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance." James 1:2-3

I often wonder why the Lord leads me to write so many devotionals on being overwhelmed, weary or constantly challenged in one way or another. It’s not like I live in constant tribulation, but I do feel the ramifications from the trials and testing of my faith. Often times when I feel inundated or bombarded with testing’s… I have found that I can actually file away my feelings and emotions and deal with them at a later time. Maybe you have found that you are able to do that as well. Sometimes it’s a good thing to be able to file away emotions and deal with them when we are alone and can think clearly as to what needs to be done, or how we should respond to a certain situation. Our prayer life is our best defense against the back-draft that trials can bring. It become a buckler to help shield us as our prayers sift through what we are up against….and many, many times, I have found that the simple release of tears produce an overwhelming and refreshing outlet that can bring a sweet release from the pain or sadness that may come from the emotion that has been filed away. The Lord has many ways of bringing us to deal with the emotions that we have stored away and sometimes it may be through tears along with our prayers; and there have been many times that the Lord brings me to emotion by arousing me to tears through a song that He has brought my way.

One day I was telling the Lord that I sure would like to hear a new song, one that I had not heard before that would minister to my heart. Over the next few days after that, I was sharing with Charles about this new song that I had heard titled “Hold Me While I Cry” and, that upon hearing the song, I just broke down and cried. Every word in that song entered my ears and went straight to my heart and then flowed down to my mouth as I found myself whispering them as a prayer. I simply cried, sang along and prayed. After I went through the song several times doing that… I felt so revived and refreshed….The words in that song were the very words that I needed to say at that point and time to express how I was feeling… as I poured out my heart to the Lord my sadness turn into worship and there I sat at the alter of the Lord praying and singing. I felt a wonderful release to all the sadness that I had been storing in my heart over a situation that I had filed away and not dealt with. It was at that point that I realized that James 1:2-3 was at work in my heart developing perseverance in me, and if allowed… could become pure joy as I reckoned my situation to be to my advantage.

Wow, what a wonderful thing to be in the presence of the Living God, my God…my Father….Romans chapter 8 tells us that God the Holy Spirit takes our feeble and frail prayer requests and brings them before God the Father, translating them into that which is acceptable to God and in harmony with His will. Romans 8:26-27 even says that in the same way the Holy Spirit helps our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we should: but the Holy Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words…and He who searches the hearts, knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Just imagine that…The Holy Spirit intercedes with just the right words that we are feeling but can not express ourselves…..Oh the times I have felt that way and I know that you have felt that way as well….you want to pray over a certain thing and as you begin to pray….the words just do not seem to be there to say….it’s as though you don’t know what to say…and you don’t! The scripture say’s…”with groanings too deep for words”… That’s when the Holy Spirit steps up to the plate and begins intersession for us…on our behalf….God’s Spirit in us His Children… talks to Himself and explains what we need to say…and while some find it hard to understand….the experience of the Holy Spirit’s expression on the behalf of the saints is so wonderfully awesome and is acceptable to God ….

May I encourage you today, to step into His presence real soon and find the comfort and release that you may need from a storm that may be brewing over you right now; or even something that you have filed away to deal with at a later time. Even if He chooses for you to stay in the storm a while, that’s okay…just rekon with yourself that you will not waste the suffering that you are having to endure for this present time and begin to consider it joy. The peace will come as you release it to God and realize that you are not alone….He has not neglected you….but you must go to Him….He is waiting for you now!

I love you dear sweet friend….please know that you have been prayed over today right where you are…. Hang in there….hang in there….and go to the Father, He is waiting for you! …that’s where I’m headed….
Loving you in Christ,



Anonymous said...

exactly what I needed to read..and what I have experienced these past few days. The Holy Spirit has had to utter my prayers for me because my heart was so heavy. thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brenda!

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