Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I am thankful today that God does not give me what I actually deserve, but shows me grace and mercy in spite of my sinful nature according to Psalm 103:10 and if not careful, I can succumb to that nature at any given time. His word tell us in Ps. 103:14 that, He does not deal with us according to our sins in the way that we deserved but, He knows our frame and remembers that we are but dust. A song comes to mind that makes me think about how loving God really is.  The song is basically a story about how God through the life and death of His only Son, showed mercy and love to three men in the New Testament. The song begins with a man named Barabbas who says, “I am Barabbas, a rebel, a prisoner, death was the sentence for me. Led before Pilot, I stood there beside Him, this man some were calling a King. And as the crowd shouted, “crucify Him”, the soldiers let me go free! What kind of man, guilty of nothing would suffer the shame and disgrace. Hang on the cross, despised and rejected and willing to die in my place; at Calvary, for someone like me?” Then Thomas spoke; “My name is Thomas, for 3 years I followed, I saw every wonder and sign. They say He is risen, that His grave is empty, but I just can’t believe He’s alive. Now standing before me, Jesus showed me the scars on His hands and His side. What Kind of man, embraces a doubter, lovingly drawing me near? I don’t have to wonder if I’ve been excepted, He settled the worry and fear, at Calvary, for someone like me!” Peter states; “My name is Peter, I knew Him and loved Him, but oh how I failed Him that night! I promised Jesus that I’d never leave Him, I’d willing lay down my life. But, there at His trial, I stood by the fire, and denied Him 3 times! What kind of man pours out His mercy on someone who stumbles and falls. There’s no way to earn it, no way to deserve it. Forgiveness still came after all. At Calvary, for someone like me!”

I’ve been Barabbas, was guilty yet, set free, and I’ve been Thomas a doubter redeemed, and I have been Peter who in shame have denied Him. Yes, I’ve been all three! What kind of man, bleeds for the worthless and saves him whatever it takes? What kind of man will rescue the sinner and offer such amazing grace? I tell you Jesus, the One and Only Son of the Most High! He died once, for all, according to Romans 6:10. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Romans 10:9 says this, “If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Today sweet friend, if you have never made the decision to receive Jesus into your heart, ask Him now! Are you like one of these men? Have you believed with your head, but not yet in your heart. God has made salvation very simple to understand. The only thing that is left for each of us to do, is to make that personal decision to accept what He says that we must do. If, today you have ask Christ in to your life, then make sure that you are a part of a Bible believing church and follow Christ in believer’s baptism. By your baptism, you are showing others that you are not ashamed and that you have committed to die of that old sinful nature and live for Jesus in the newness that He will now work out in your life. God loves you today sweet friend and so do I!


Hold Fast,


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