Tuesday, October 1, 2019


 Do you remember the story of the  "Three Princes of Serendipity? It is an old classic about three rulers who set out to find treasure and while they were looking, found something even better than what they had expected. The word serendipity means to, “live expecting surprises”. As a child of God that is exactly what we should be doing; living, expecting God to work on our behalf far beyond our expectations!
  One day, God surprised a young shepherd boy named David, by calling him to be one of the greatest kings the world has ever known. From a burning bush God also called a forgiven murderer to lead His people into the Promise Land and free them from their burdens and bondages that they themselves had gotten into. As one door shut and other doors slammed, Paul, a man that once struck fear in the hearts of early Christians, thinking that He was doing God good by killing the very ones that believed in God's Son, became a humbled, broken Christian himself, a man of great faith; a vessel that God would use to bring a non-Jewish world the gospel message for the first time.
   Many times we’re the very ones who shut the doors to our own God-given opportunities that God places in our lives. Life is a strange carousel where good and bad visits us in equal measure. But it’s us, with our attitudes and thoughts, who should push the wheel of expectation of what God may want to do in and through us, that keeps the prayer wheel turning, with optimism and renewed hope so that in the end, what we desire and pray for may very will arrive, in God's time. More often than not,  it would be better for us to be like ears of corn in a field and adapt to the coming winds, to be flexible, light and patient on what God is working on our behalf about. Imagine that you have a friend that has just undergone a disappointment. You try to help that person, but they approach what happened, with disappointment, hurt, anger and resentment. You see at that point they stop believing that God is working on their behalf as well as others and refuse to love. They stop trusting people and see themselves as the sole recipient in their situation. This type of attitude closes doors of what would be blessings. They block themselves from seeing any break through that God may want to provide them, if only they would trust Him. God appears not to show up for them because, they no longer have the faith to see Him in their situations.
   All through the ages God keeps showing up in the lives of people. He is showing in your life and in the life of others even today. He is showing up unexpectedly and He is changing things! He is still the God of surprise and says to you and I, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isa 43:19  Perhaps you may be saying, "if you only knew my situation, you'd understand that nothing is ever going to change. Yet, the scriptures tell us that, "Therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you..." Isa. 30:18 Oh sweet friend, did you hear that? I said, the scriptures tell us that, "Therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you...". He is just waiting to show what He can do for you! Talk to Him, find out what His plans may be for you. If He doesn't tell you right away, be still and wait, but trust Him and start looking for His handprints on your life.
   God longs to be good to us, but He does require obedience from us, and if He tells us to Look, See, Do, then we need to listen and obey! Real life isn’t defined by our mistakes or failures necessarily. We are what we learn to overcome and what we allow ourselves to be once we clear the storm clouds away from the horizon that reflects the promises that God has made to us; if we will obey and trust Him. When we do this, we will find the happiness that our hearts are seeking.

Hold Fast,

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