Monday, September 23, 2019


Are you spiritually thirsty today? If so, how would you rate your thirst?  Would you say you are desperate or slightly thirsty? Are you in need of a cup of Spiritual moisture or are you holding out a bucket for a downpour? O to have the most intense craving after the Most High! David cried in Psalm 63:1, "O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Friend, the dirty wells of this world can never satisfy the deepest need of your soul, Jesus only, is able to quench that desperate thirst that you have and nothing else will or can, satisfy. That is part of God's eternal plan. You and I thirst after Him because He created a spiritual well within our heart that nothing outside God Himself, can fill. Christ departed so that God's Holy Spirit could be imparted to those who will allow Him to come in and sup with them. Living, moving currents of spiritual water never become stagnant, but is always on the move seeking out human souls that need God's nourishment. Not only does living water come inside, it flows outwardly from the vessel that it inhabits to refresh others as well.

Casually wanting a drink of water is not thirsting. We know nothing of real thirst, when tap water is at our fingertips. But when every pore cries, "water"; when our lips swell, when every thought, hope and desire is solely concentrated on nothing but one cooling drink; that is thirst. If not by now, at some point in your life, you too will seek this living water. You may not realize that "living water" is what you seek as the woman at the well in John 4 was seeking and may very well try to fill that seeking with other means and may even find for a while to be satisfied. But eventually, the thirst will return only to beckon you to the well that never runs dry. In the physical realm, water quenches a person's thirst. In the spiritual realm, however, once you have tasted God's living water, while you are satisfied with finding what your soul searches for, you will find that your spiritual taste buds have changed and nothing else can ever satisfy your thirst like He does. In fact, your thirst for fellowship with God is directly connected to how much living water you drink on a daily basis.

Once you have tasted God's water, no other type of drink will satisfy. Our thirst for God is a wonderful tool that God uses to cause us to keep coming back, returning to Him again and again and as we do, we find that His well runs deeper than we could have ever imagined. The deeper we go, the sweeter the water becomes. This is the purpose and the plan for our spiritual thirst. It will draw us to it and as we come to God in the study of His Word and through our praise and prayer life, we find ourselves growing into His likeness being properly nourished and as we do, we walk with the Living God Himself; that is what He desire of His creation; to walk with Him, to Know Him personally and enjoy being in His presence. The more frequent you drink, the deeper and sweeter your relationship becomes and this supernatural experience is incredibly refreshing. Jesus said to the woman at the well, "If you knew the gift of God…" “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14. Jesus was telling her that if she is constantly seeking to satisfy her body, her spiritual self will languish. “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” according to Romans 8:6. Are you perishing today from spiritual dehydration and cannot get satisfied? If so, the problem is never with God's supply, but rather, with our going to Him in humility and brokenness, knowing that He is the giver of what we are searching for. He longs for you to come sweet friend, will you today?
Hold Fast,

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