Monday, April 18, 2016


I am in no way an expert on dealing with death bed salvations, but it has been my experience, that very few folks seek God when they are dying. While you may think they do, they don’t! What they do seek however, is a temporary peace in the process of their dying.  They want to let go of their fear and embrace their death no matter how they have lived or what they have believed up to that point. As a Christian, I am bound by Scripture to lead them to the One that offers not only temporary, but eternal peace. The peace that surpasses all their worries and understanding. But for so many, by the point of dying, they have passed God up so many times in their lives, they no longer realize that it is still the craving for God that they are seeking, even though it is peace that they are wanting. I have however, dealt with people who struggle with finding that peace and when I have shared with them that asking Christ to come into their hearts will satisfy and bring them peace, many have said that it is too late for them or have some other sad discourse to share. It is heart breaking! While some may think that it's best and most important to respect that person’s wishes, I find myself wanting to and have at times, beg them to invite Christ into their hearts. But you know, even with death knocking at the door, some people refuse God’s offer for salvation. For some, like the thief on the cross who slandered Jesus, instead of asking for mercy, like the other thief that begged Jesus to remember him; some people will still refuse the grace of God even upon their death. While we cannot change that, we can offer God’s love to them, His compassion and encourage them with what we do know. For what we do not know is if they have passed the opportunity to open the door that had once been knocked at by the Son of God to come in and sup with them. But they will know. We must always be willing to offer to them the bread of life and allow them to make that decision.  Before Christ came in to my heart, I had hope that was based on wishful thinking. When Christ came in to my life, my hope was changed to peaceful satisfaction and is now steady. My hope now provides me with the eternal peace that my heart longed for before I came to Christ. Before Christ, my hope was based out of fear. You see, fear always replaces Hope. Fear from the unknown, fear from things that scare us. By asking someone what they are afraid of, may bring about an honest discussion of their fears and can help you know better how to comfort them.
From a biblical perspective the moment you are born, you are simultaneously dying and will eventually do so. Life only exists because of death, and death exists because of life, they are polar opposites of the same thing, one can’t exist without the other. The problem is that when we cling to life, we then become afraid of death. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness can be very traumatic. But sometimes, the comments that we try and offer in an effort to offer comfort, can be equally distressing. The truth is, many of us just don't know what to say to a loved one or friend who may be facing their mortality. But in trying to find the right things to say, it is essential to understand the seeker, the person seeking comfort, before you try to find out what it is they are seeking. Is that person seeking peace with God or are they simply seeking peace to die? Are they struggling over leaving loved ones that they are concerned for, knowing that they will no longer be alive to take care of or be of help to? Find out what exactly it is their fear stems from and go from there. But remember,  the best thing to do for someone who may be facing death, is to allow them to guide your conversations and actions responding to them with honest answers. God did not make every person a counselor, but He did give every human being a heart that can show tenderness and compassion if they so choose to show it. They may just need a friend to walk with them through the dying process. It is not your responsibility to give them peace, only God can do that. But they must be willing to receive His peace on His terms and accept the things they have no control over. Some people live their whole life fighting against God and they are never able to get rest apart from letting whatever it is that they are angry about go. The reality is that, whatever fulfillment we are searching for, is available to us in the very moments that God convicts the heart to receive Him in. It is the first and last freedom that God gives us as humans. We have the choice to choose Him and have eternal peace or to choose eternity without Him. That is the free choice God has given to every man and woman. Yet, the scriptures are clear in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that, “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” While we may not know what that time or hour is for others, it is always our job to offer and ask. A person will respond to God in times that we may not understand. If we can help to bring peace to those who hurt and are far away from God, then I say we make great effort to do so. For who is to say that that dear one may be allowed to enter eternity with nothing to show, but their death bed testimony. Keep offering hope as long as you can. When someone quits clinging to life as their eternal hope and accepts the way God is speaking to them, they go beyond their fear and realize the scripture is right when Jesus said in the book of John,  that He is the life and no man comes to the Father but by and through Him.

Loving on you today,

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