Friday, January 10, 2014


Woe is me in even trying to describe to anyone the Holiness of God! In thinking about His Holiness, you almost have to think on another realm of understanding. God’s Word in John 4:24 teaches us that God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. The more truth that we have of Him the better our worship becomes. If you have already encountered Him yourself, you need no description, because you know there are hardly words to describe Him; and yet there are so many feeble words that we could use in making the effort to do so, that you could fill a book with them. One thing is for sure, once you do encounter God, you will most certainly encounter His holiness and when that happens, your life will never be the same. In the times that I have encountered the Lord in worship, personal Bible study or hearing a certain word from God through a sermon, I get a sudden and innate awareness that I have come into the presence of the indescribable, consuming, holy, infinite, one and only, God. I am also very mindful that my relationship to Him is not a cheap one, nor is it to be taken for granted. When Ezekiel saw God in Ezekiel chapter 1, he fell on his face. What he was saying by his actions was that he suddenly encountered the holiness of God like never before and felt that he had to get as far away from His presence as he could. Because of who God was, the only way that Ezekiel could bare such a presences was, to bow down as low as he could go, making himself humble as God was exalted over him. When Ezekiel encountered God’s presence, God’s Holiness shouted separation to him, revealing the truest part of God’s nature; Holiness.

Many today that claim to be a child of God, have lost or never understood that transcendent holiness of His perfect Character, but preferring a cheaper grace and more shallow sanctification because they have departed from or never come to  the biblical picture of God’s holy and exalted nature. Instead He has become to them  by the same manner that the world perceives Him to be, “The man upstairs” or some other form of human description and believe that they have their own individual thing going on with God. Their conscience and imaginations are sired with what they want Him to be, in order to fit in with their lifestyles and current plans. At the core of every unregenerate human heart, is the desire to reduce the holiness of God so that there’s seemingly no separation between them and God and when God is humanized and man deified, holiness is lost. But when we embrace God for who He truly is and we understand who we truly are, then everything is put in its rightful place. That’s what God’s holiness does for us. It puts everything in its right place.

Before I became a Christian in 1979, I had always had a form of reverence for God. Yet it was only after I invited Christ into my heart and life and began to grow as a child of God, did I really understand the importance of knowing the truths about God and developing my personal relationship with Him. The Bible teaches us in 2 Cor. 5:21 that, if we are in Christ we are the righteousness of God. That means that He has allotted to those that has been redeemed through the shed blood of His Son Jesus,  His own righteousness which adopts those who come to Him in repentance to become the children of the living God.

In Ezekiel’s encounter with God, he quickly understood that holiness demands immediate caution and a consuming carefulness when around God’s presence. Even the Seraphim angels that serve God on His throne hide their face and cover themselves from God’s consuming presence. God’s holiness is not something to be taken lightly. There is a difference between God’s Omni prescience, verses being in the very throne room of God. God’s word tells the child of God in Hebrews 4:16,  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. God makes a way for us when we cannot make a way for ourselves to come boldly to Him as His child and it should never be taken for granted, but unfortunately it is taken for granted, by us all at times! I have no idea how many throne rooms represent God’s Sovereignty, but I do know this; in John’s encounter and vision of God’s Throne room, there are many, both great and small who stand outside Christ before God at the Great and final judgment in Rev.20:11. This will not be a place that you will want to be.

When Adam and Eve sinned the first thing that was effected by their sin was there awareness of holiness. When God found them in the garden, they were hiding, why? Because when God is understood as the Holy infinite Being that He is, you cannot stand around questioning Him, you simply try to run and get away from Him or you turn to Him, get as low (humble yourself) as you can and start confessing. You will either do it while you are alive and His Holy Spirit is persuading you to come, or you will stand before Him at the Great white Throne Judgment where you will be on trial for rejecting God as He was calling you to salvation and you continued to reject Him. God is serious about our lifestyles and the influence that we are having and projecting to others in His name. Should we be concerned? You better bet we should! Read Matthew 7:23, Mark 9:43-48 and Revelation 20:11-15 and find out for yourselves.

 If we are in Christ, we are made new creatures and we know that something different has taken place in our lives that sets us apart from what and we once were. The old us is gone and God has given us a new life, to start over. Have you been set apart today sweet friend? Can you say that you have a new life in Christ? If you can, are you striving to be more like Him? Or are you simply rationalizing your life by saying things like, “God understand that I am not perfect”? Did you know that God tells His children in 1 Peter 1:16 “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy”. Or has your spiritual life been cheapened because you have had no change? He is calling….waste no time, run to Him, He has the answers that you are seeking and the power you need to overcome!

Loving on you today!

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