Friday, December 27, 2013


It’s that time again, when we resolve to accomplish a list of goals in the coming year.  The verb tense of the word resolve means to settle or find a solution to a matter. To change or overcome it. Which reminds me of a verse in Romans 12:2, “Don not conform any longer to the patter of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.  For many of us, our focus on the coming new year will be to simply resolve in our hearts to do better than we did last year in certain areas of our lives, as we should. While, some of us will continue working on the same resolutions that we made last year but failed to complete, be it unhealthy habits, managing our time better, or simply resolving to overcome things that we know we need to overcome, in order to wipe the slate clean, others will make brand new ones.

With the lifestyle that most of us live today, resolving to do fewer things it pretty much at the top of most of our list. I have found that being too busy can and will lead to many of the other things that are on my list as well.  Often times getting busier can lead to neglecting or giving our best in some goals or even ignoring those goals that were once as important as all the others and we end up with cluttered lives filled with wrong things, and in the end  we are left with a vicious cycle of falling further and further behind. Amid all our disorders, a lot of bad decisions get made and the best means of escape from this cycle may very well require us to rethink our goals and narrow down our list. Sometimes having or doing a little less, can mean having much more!

If you are like me, I often feel my most productive when my work has piled up and I have deadlines to meet, so I busy myself to get them done. But that is only a feeling that I have and the reality is that something will have to be sacrificed as I am rushing to accomplish my demands. By adding something new to my list always means removing something that’s already been placed on it. Struggling over how we can rearrange our priorities can take our time and energy and can often times lead to more stress and sleepless nights. Not getting our rest from our pondering over them all night may very well be the cause for some of our bad decision that are made and in turn, will only make the problem worse. Spending too much time on things that we worry over is what causes us to stress over them. It is never that they are not important or real, but too much time worrying over them and accomplishing nothing is a problem. Fix what you can and move on. Make a plan to cut back on what you can and follow through. The smaller your list, the less you have to focus on in making changes. Once you accomplish them, then add another to your list. Don’t make decision making any harder than it has to be, even if your goals are limited to one thing that you will work on in the upcoming new year!

Happy New Year and May God Bless It!

Loving on you today,

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