Tuesday, August 6, 2013


satan will offer your ego the world. he will tell you and tempt you to desire the things of this world that is sure to have no eternal value or importance. He will even lead you to neglect friends and family in order to get them; and when you do, he will be there to whisper in your ear after you have been forsaken by them, that you are worthless and unloved and assure you that you will never achieve your heart’s desire unless you do things the way that he will deceive you to do them. he is great at telling you on a day that you need encouragement the most, that you are not good enough, nor perfect or beautiful enough, and he loves to cuddle with you in the lap of leisure, leading you away from hearing the truth, by saying things like "oh you owe it to yourself", "look how hard you work and all that you do", "you can worship God anywhere, any place", you don't have to spend your off time in some church somewhere, with a bunch of hypocrites, God understands", "Besides, you’re not half as bad as most of them are!" “Forget them, you and God have your own thing going” he will say to you. You see satan does most of his speaking to you through your low self-esteem or through your ego. That is why you cannot trust it!  Because no matter what you may think of yourself, your ego is not your amigo. Your ego is simply a false image of who you really are. It is a mask that thrives on approval wanting control and sustained by some type of power source, but it lives in fear of, reality. It is happing to folks all around us. We all experience it and that is why we can see it in others. People trying to project an image of someone that they want others to think they are, in hopes to win their friendship and give them the respect that they long to have.

Sweet friend, can I tell you something from my own experience about God? You can try everything and every wrong way, of fulfilling your desires by getting more of what you believe the abundant life is and offers you. You can subscribe to every notable magazine, website, blogs and even Facebook, where there are plenty of so called friends that will stroke your ego and say what you want to hear, and for a while, it will alleviate your guilt, only to return with a God-given purpose to stir you away from those wrong choices in your ungodly lifestyle. There is an abundance of information and friends that will help satan to build your fleshly ego and for a while, tell you how awesome you are. But, I can promise you this, that your peace and happiness will be short lived if those are the places that you are getting your ego stroked and seeking your guidance from.  For eventually, in the desert of your soul, surrounded by all the abundance of the world, at some point you will discover, that the things that you are seeking are things that are rooted in your flesh; and there is no good thing that comes from your flesh. When you downsize your life to where you can see clearly that your desires are misplaced and need to be divine desires and not worldly desires, you will find a spiritual shift that reveals a great truth to you; and that truth is knowing that Jesus is sufficient because He alone is enough. That in Him, is all that your heart seeks. satan tempted Eve in the garden by saying to her the same thing that he is saying to you, “surely God does not mean that you will surely die if you disobey and not listen to Him”. You, like Eve must decide what voice you will listen to, what source you will rely on as you seek God in your life. Even though you may not know it; it is God that you are seeking in everything that you are doing to find and have happiness in your life. It is God that you seek, ultimately!
Not everyone will head godly advice. However, they will be forced in eternity and confronted with what they did with the Truth that God had sent their way, to lead them to Him. But because of their own inclinations they chose to see God or even ignore God in their own way, on their own terms, they will find sooner or later, that their sin or what they call “a fun lifestyle” will only last for a season, then they will be held accountable for it. Romans 12:2  tell us "… do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." The only way that you will ever be able to see things God way and understand why He ask the things that He ask of you, is to renew your mind by knowing what God has to say about something in His word. He is not so far that He cannot redeem you out of what you are in right now, nor is His Son not eager to forgive and restore you to a place that you were created to be. They are waiting, your sin debts have been paid, go!                            
Loving on you today,


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