Friday, July 26, 2013


If we like the prophet Hosea would experience our pain similar to what God experiences His pain, we would be much quicker to turn back when we sin. Life for the person who turns their back on God is often characterized by guilt and dissatisfaction. But the true born again believer who has been living in a lifestyle of backsliding in sin, knows deep down that their spiritual unfaithfulness will ultimately take its toll and they are simply buying their time, enjoying their sin for a season. The prophet Hosea well understood the pain and heartache of backsliding. But he also knew of the grace and mercy of being restored from such a place for those who would seek it, for he wrote in Hosea 14:4  “I (God) will heal their backsliding.” God’s people had continued to backslide and hurt God. In order for the man that God had choose to mediate His message to his people, his bizarre task would be to take to himself a wayward wife that would be an unfaithful spouse. Which in turn, brought Hosea similar pain to what God was feeling towards an unfaithful Israel. Hosea made it clear in the last chapters of his book that despite the pain that God’s people had caused Him, He still promised healing, forgiveness and fruitfulness if they would return to Him. ”I will heal their backsliding.” He said, “I will love them freely…those who dwell under His shadow shall return”. Hosea 14:4-7.

Restoration waits for us, when we seek it with remorse and brokenness. God did not leave Israel His treasured people, in exile, alone. The prophet Ezekiel tells us that God made Himself to be a sanctuary and refuge for His people as they were suffering from the consequences of their wrong choices. When life is falling apart around you because of wrong choices; realize that sin always cuts you off from the very strength and provision you may need to get your through your troubled times. God’s people were sent into a foreign and wayward country because of their sin. The prodigal son in the New Testament sinned, as he decided in his heart that he was going to leave the presence of his father to seek the wayward life in the foreign country. How deeply the parallel runs between those two. Remember this, that our sin will always lead us to a foreign place away from God. Yet, God is never so far that He will not hear a broken and contrite heart, ready to repent and be restore into His presence; where God Himself removes the old heart of stone that was vile and detestable towards Him and replaces it with a heart of flesh that longs to follow after Him in obedience. Ezekiel 11:16-20 As the God of mercy and grace offered Israel forgiveness and restoration, even so today He offers you and I, and all who truly are repentant if we would be broken and willing to change I John 1:9. Do you feel like you have crossed a line with God? Have you been making spiritually poor choices lately sweet friend that have caused you to slip away from the Lord into the back country far away from God? It’s not too late to make a fresh start! Turn to Jesus the One who died to bring you out!

Loving on you today,

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