Friday, May 17, 2013


God can redeem even the most sinful life as well as restore the one who has turned away and left the Father’s house only to realize the error of their way as they return home expecting slavery; but is greeted by an elated, gracious and generous father who welcomes them home with favor and open arms. Most of us know Christ's parable in the scriptures of the Prodigal Son. Maybe this is a story that you can relate to in one way or another, for most of us can.  While you might not have given your child an inheritance to be squandered, still, you see them squandering their life in wrong choices and thoughtless behavior. In Luke 15, we find another parent facing that same dilemma. Though I wouldn't have chosen the pain of the prodigal son’s father to be a teacher to me. I can tell you that it has been at times a university of chastisement where I have majored in purging and pruning as God continues to work His character into my life as I learn the greatest of all lessons, to love unconditionally. The most valuable possession a human being can have is their own personal testimony as to what God has done for them. Hurting people are always on the lookout for folks that are willing to bear their souls and join them in their pain as they must walk through it. Sadly, there are family members who have never heard their dad's testimony, or their sister's or their brother's story of how God broke them, forgave them and how they have learned to enjoy the resurrected life they now have in Christ. Nothing moves me more than to hear what God has done for someone else.

The child of God should be testifying constantly in their homes, to their friends as they are visiting and fellowship and to the lady at the counter who needs to hear the story on a personal and intimate level as to what Christ has done for them and what He can do for others. Every Christian's home should be a testimony site. The neighbors should know that that family they live next door to loves the Lord. They should know when, where and how those neighbors were saved and they should see a light that shines continually in them and not hidden for only the Church family to know about and see. How can we parent our prodigal children, wayward neighbors, family and friends in the far country that need the Lord? Those that have left the fold and are wondering and need to be brought back and made right once again. We do it by simply loving people enough to tell them the truth and what God has done for us.

Luke 15:20 tells us this about the prodigal son and his father, "while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Romans 5:8 tells us that, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us," While God most defiantly expects us to change, He did not wait for us to stop sinning to die for us. That scripture is very clear in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. You see, if we would start looking at others that are not where we, nor God wish they would be, and put ourselves in their place, I mean really, really put ourselves in their place, it would change our lives. It’s easy to blurt out to others what we see them doing wrong. But it is so very hard to love them in spite of what they are doing. I remember in Bible college, a dear professor making this statement, “don’t be so quick to judge, for you may be surprised when you enter the gates of heaven who may approach you to welcome you into eternity”. That has resonated with me for years.

God did not call us to save people, He ask his Son to do that but He does ask us to tell people about the good news of salvation that Jesus offers to those who will turn from their sin and receive the gift of eternal life that He offers. Someone may need to hear your story today about what God has done for you. They might be in an arrogant stage of their life and may not be ready just now to accept what you have to say, but they'll never forget it and when the time is right and the Holy Spirit has worked in their heart, they will recall your witness to them and the things that you said will then make sense.  They'll never forget those people that love them and care for them, even at their worst. Sometimes we can get so caught up in reaching the lost that we neglect those that are saved yet are living in a faraway country, spiritually. I heard it said once that those who have left the fold and wondered away can be brought back and made right once again and when they are made right, will have the potential to reach more folks for Christ than any number of preachers from their pulpit.  Why? Because they will exhibit a life change that people can visibly see. Unfortunately, we want to judge them instead of loving them. We want to kick our feet at them and avoid them instead of lifting them up, drawing them to us and encouraging them to come back into the fold. If there has ever been a time where we need an epidemic of Good Samaritans loving on the unlovely and hurting folk, it's now!

Would you pray today sweet friend a prayer of restoration, a prayer of forgiveness, a prayer to desire holiness in your life and ask God to do a righteous cleansing in your heart? Would you be willing to go and love on someone who needs a kind work of hope and not condemnation for where they are. Applaud the little things in their life and encourage them in those areas where they may be faltering. But never, never give up on them!

Loving on you today sweet friends,

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