Thursday, July 5, 2012


I read a story once about a young woman who was trying to set a non-stop aviation record. During the course of her trip she ran into a thick cloud of fog that kept her from seeing anything. She tried relentlessly to get someone on her radio, finally a voice came back and began to talk to her. The voice told her that while she might not be able to see clearly through the fog, he could see her on his radar and could talk her through it, if she would listen to him and trust, that while she might not be able to see him, he could see her and would see her to safe landing. Reluctantly, she had no choice, if she was going to make it she knew she would have to trust him. While her eyes did not want to trust, her heart had to. She gained a whole new perspective that night for trusting radar as well as the voice that she heard in her cockpit as she obeyed it. Had she argued with the man and doubted him, she might not have ever lived to tell anyone!

You see God can see us through the fog, the valley the ruts in life, but we must be willing to listen and allow Him to be our eyes and trust that even though we may not understand why those type things come upon us and we may not understand the things that our eyes may be seeing, He can be our pilot through them. What He is not however, is our co-pilot. I recall seeing a tag once that said God is my Co-pilot, and while that may sound sweet and helpful, it is not biblical. God must be the Captain, the Master, the Lord, the One in control, the Pilot of our everything. And no matter what the bumper stickers may say, He is not limited by them. While He may allow us to do the driving through our own life, He will also allow us to be responsible for our own actions and repercussions regarding the routes and roads that we take without His help and guidance.  

While most of us want to live and stay on life’s mountaintops, we will at some point be forced to be schooled in and recognize the beauty in the valleys and the growth that comes from living there. It will also be there in a valley that the fog will dip down to test our faith. You will seldom ever see farmers growing their crops on the sides of the mountains. That’s because it’s only in the valley that the crops can really grow to their fullest potential. While it is possible for them to grow their crops on the sides, they are harder to tend and work. But in the valley on the flat ground, that is where the best of the nutrients in the dirt lay; washed down the mountains with the wind and rain to find rest in the thick rich dirt of the valley.

Sometimes we must endure hardships and foggy times in order to appreciate those mountain top experiences. So often in those foggy times we do not trust because we walk by what we can see and when we do, we become engulfed and captive in our own fears and doubts, that will always lead us to make the wrong choices. If those foggy places makes me more like Jesus, then that’s where I want to be, because I am no stranger to the valley and many times they seem like home to me. May I encourage you today friend to embrace each valley, each pit, each foggy path as part of God’s lesson plan for you that day. Then and only then will you be able to appreciate them and see the beauty that the Lord see as He is brushing off the old man in us to make us more like Him, and as we let go and let God, the valleys become fewer and far between. Remember, don’t argue, nor debate with Him as He gets you through the fog to victory, because He has your best interest in mind and He plans on you being the winner!

Loving on you today,

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

exactly what I needed...been in the valley for awhile now. I know its growing and stretching me to be more like Jesus!

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