Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Over the years there have been many occasions that I would have despaired had I not believed, that while I could not see God’s will in my circumstance, I knew that I could trust that He had my best interest in mind, no matter what the answer was or how long it would take Him to accomplish His end results. I am yet to see the fruit of every answered prayer that I have prayed. Yet I know, He has not forgotten them; but they are being processed through the power of my trusting Him and in His time. It is never easy trusting God. As a matter of fact, it can be the hardest thing we will ever do. Often times people will lose hope and walk away from God when they believe that He has failed to rescue them or provide for them. It is so hard sometimes to understand that God does not always provide us a rescue in the way that we are asking Him to; and instead of trusting His wisdom we can become angry and even give up on Him. However, it is in those times that God is not asking us to trust Him but, He is teaching us; to trust Him one step at a time. We will never understand why we are where we are, if we are trying to reason ourselves into an answer, from our limited understanding of God and how He works. Many times I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would eventually see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, by simply waiting for Him, to do what I cannot even fathom Him to be doing behind the scenes in  my situation. Oh precious friend, be strong and let your heart take courage…yes wait for Him and trust in Him even though your eyes and your patience’s tell you to give Him up.

God is on the other side of your situation already …working it out for you in His time and His good pleasure. Rest will come when you release your will to control over what you cannot change and rest in Him knowing that He is acutely aware of that situation and has a great plan to accomplish a great outcome for you and everyone involved. Sometimes, while you may not feel like you can see a ram in the thicket of your heart ache like Abraham was allowed to see right before he was about to take the life of his son;  does not mean that you never will. But your faith must be willing to trust God even when you are lifting up your precious Isaac to lay him or her, or it on the altar to God. When God seems the most absent, you can count on the fact that he is most present.

Every person that claims the name of Christ in their souls will be confronted with an Isaac experience a time or two, in their lives. There is no escape. Those testing come to knock out the whine in us and reveal to us our level of commitment to the One we love most. We then will ask ourselves , “Do we really believe that God is good and loving when our lives are irrevocably altered by hardships and heartache?  When we experience debilitating diseases, accidents, loss or heartbreaks by others, that were out of our control. We will be confronted and ask…am I still going to love, trust and obey? Will I still honor and yes even worship a God that will allow that kind of pain into the life of me His child? Even if he does not provide a ram in the thicket….a way of escape, provision? I say Yes Lord, I will trudge ahead, with my pain and even with any anger I may have, for my lack of understanding…I will weep when I feel like it, wipe my tears through the pages of Your Word and will continue to salvage what is left in me from the ashes of my pain and sometimes unthinkable circumstances to your Glory and the only way I know to go…..following in the footsteps that I trust You will provide….Your Words of encouragement when they come and even when they are silent….for where else would I go Lord!

I believe Isaiah 45:3 ….I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness…so you will know….the one who calls you by name! That is enough for me!

Loving you today,

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